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New Character
Jackson Wang - Head Supervisor security of Minatozaki Building


Its been like three days since Lisa and Jisoo confirmed that their neighbors might be spies. They bugged their house, for all they know they've might be even bugged the studio. And the thought makes Lisa lose sleep the black circles around her eyes are sure proof of it. She's been on autopilot for days, and Roseanne asking her to hang out doesn't help at all. She's been avoiding her since the she knew the truth, they've been avoiding them.

Jisoo on the other hand, is doing better than Lisa. She still keeps an eye on them trying to be vigilant, but more like she's pretending she's a spy too, spying on the spies.

Lisa was just lying on the floor at center of her studio, she canceled classes for today, because she really cant think straight. She just lie there staring at the ceiling. When BamBam came

"Yow, dude, going to use your computer, have to send some email to my girlfriend in Hawaii." When Lisa didn't answer he asked "are you okay?"

Lisa shakes her head No

"Whats wrong?"

Lisa took a deep breath, she looked from left to right, took her phone and sent a text to her friend in front of her

"I think our neighbor are spies"

Bambam received the message, puzzled look on his face, confuse as why Lisa is texting him instead of talking to him

"Why are you texting me?"

Lisa just glare at him. and motion to use his phone and just text her

"Why are you texting me?"

"Because im pretty sure my neighbors are spies"


"Jennie and Roseanne"

"How can you tell?"

"They bugged our house, i can believe they diaper me"

BamBam looked confused

" *duped me, damn autocorrect"

"Did you tell anyone?"

"I can't, i don't know who to tell"

"I think i might know someone"


"The head supervisor of the security here. Jackson. His in his office right now"

"Do you think i should tell him? Or the authorities?"

"Tell Jackson first. his an ex military, he knows what to do. Just bring him the device"

"Okay. I actually have it here with me"

"What? Did you just brought it here? Why?"

"I don't know!! I don't feel safe when its in our house. So i just brought it here"

" okay, okay. Do you want me to come with you? To Jackson?"

"No, Ill talk to him myself. Can you just inform him im coming so he wouldn't feel like his being ambushed or something"

"What makes you say that?"

"You told me his an ex military, i don't know, maybe he would feel like his being ambushed when having an unannounced visitor"

"Maaaan, you got it bad, you're being paranoid now. And you look like shit. I think you should go now, its almost 1pm he usually takes a nap around 1:30, Ill send him a text on your way to his office, Goodluck man"

"Thanks Bam"

Lisa took the device to the head supervisor Jackson Wang, she's been sitting there for quiet sometime now, and Jackson haven't said anything, he just observed the device at hand

"So? You'll help me? Lisa finally said breaking the deafening silence

"I don't know, im not sure"

"What do you mean you're now sure?"

"I don't see why i need to get involved with this."

"You're the head supervisor of the security in here, that? Thing involves and surrounds everything about this building. and as the head supervisor of the security of this institution i think that is part of your job. Look, It's just that, usually my wife isn't right about many things, but now, she's right, she's right, she's been telling me all along, but i didn't listen, i don't wanna do things when its already too late."

"Dang! That makes sense. Okay okay, Manoban, you got me. I'll take this to my friend to see if this device is legit, before we take it to the higher ups"

Lisa now breathes, feeling light but still not relieved

"Leave me your number. Go home and rest you look like shit. Ill contact you once i confirm things"

Lisa left the building, still on autopilot mode. She swears that everyone is staring at here, even the dog on the park is staring at her. She drives real slow, stopping every second making sure that she's not being followed home. Her phone rings and flinched at the sound of it, she answers

"Go for Lisa"

"I gotta say Manoban. you and you're wife are right, the device that you gave me?? Tsssk so i was talking to this friend of mine, also ex military and ugh hmmm well uhh this line is unsecured so i cant go into details but let me just say that this bug is a real shit!"

Lisa even more panics she starts blabbing " okay. Okay, so who are they working for are they russian? Mafia?"

"Dammit Manoban!!! What is in the word unsecured that you don't get? Okay, but this is worth digging, and you just meet me before work tomorrow,"

"Okay" Lisa said breathing frantically

"Yyyou know the old Minatozaki building? At 75? You know the big abandon lot?? Meet me there, just look for the van."

Lisa even more panicking "Why would i meet you there?"

"Well duh, so we can strategised, before we take it upstairs"

"My buddy said that the last time he saw a bug like that, was a dead man"

"Dead man? why would you say dead man?!!   AAAAAARGGGGHH!" Lisa slam the brakes hard as she saw Roseanne standing in front.

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