Four .1

292 9 1

Roseanne Park - Blonde
Jennie Kim - Brunette
Jisoo takes mental note, upon hearing them from the living room

"You have a nice home in here" Jennie says as she enters the kitchen premises

"Fuckity fuck!!" Jisoo jumped hands in her chest

Jennie giggles

"Im sorry didnt mean to scare you." Jennie smiles shyly

Fuck!! How can someone really be this beautiful? Even being shy she's stunning! God heavens above!! This is so unfair. Jisoo thinks. Jennie wears casual clothes today, White float sun dress with flowery patterns in it and that low cut just right above her perfect round breast, just right amount of cleavage and length that falls just right above her knee. Jisoo wonders if her visitor uses push up bra.

"Oh, it's okay, im just jumpy today." Says Jisoo, hoping she sounds normal.

"You really have a nice home, so clean. So organized. Ours back there? Ugh! Disaster." Jennie says rolling her eyes

"Thank you, well its maybe not that bad, you guys are just moving in. If you need help tho, you can count us in."

" aww thank you, but that's okay. I have rosie. so we good. Are you making fresh orange juice?? Can i help?"

"Yes, we have a tree back there. And yes, wait, let me get you another juicer" Jisoo hands another juicer to Jennie

"So what do you do Jennie?"

"Hmmm I'm a model and Photographer too. While Rosie is a vlogger and a sculpter. How about you?"

"I'm a blogger too. well with a B. And uhmm interior designer. Lisa, dance instructor. She does have a dance studio downtown, if you want to you know learn dancing you can visit there. She gives incredible discounts" Jisoo winked and regrets it after

"What do you model?" Jisoo ask to bury the embarrassment of the wink

"Uhmm nothing fancy just some clothes and jewelries. Its photography what i like. Its my passion. And through that i met the love of my life"

"Really?? How do you guys met?" Jisoo plops her elbow until the table lean forward and cups her face like a kid that's ready to listen to a fairytale

"Cute" Jennie snorts

Wait did she say im cute?? Jisoo question her hearing

"I was in Marrakech for a modeling gig. I had a day break, and i decided to go and explore alone. Just me and my camera. As i was walking taking pictures here and there, through my lens a saw her. Just standing there. In a pool of people, I just saw her. I took her picture. Just her standing there in the center of chaos. And I knew then as I look at the picture that i took, she's the one. So, i didn't hesitate, I go straight directly at her, not breaking eye contact to her figure, afraid that I might lose her, then poof I stumble to a fruit basket that was on display for sale. In a split second that i looked down to see the damage I've done, to the split second that i looked up, and realized i lost her. And all i have is the photo that i took of her. Then I go back to my hotel."

"And then?" Jisoo said in an instant. Eager to know what happens next

Jennie continues the story while squeezing freshly picked oranges from Jisoos backyard.

"As I go back to my room, i cant help but think about the her. I kept of staring at the picture. Wondering if i will ever see her again. I put my camera down, and decided to hit the hotel bar. I got to clear my head off of her. I was there for like an hour when a figure sat beside me. I try to not pay attention because i thought it was just some the random guy that's been hitting on me for the past couple of minutes. Then this person just place its elbow on the bar counter, lean its head on its hand and is facing me and just said "Hiya, stranger" I was stunned for the voice is soft and it was feminine, so i looked and my eyes was greeted with the most beautiful pair of brown eyes that I've ever seen. And it was her. From then on i never took my eyes of her, swear that im never gonna lose sight of her again. Then next thing i know, there's dancing. Drinking, more dancing, more drinking, then there's fireworks, there's chaos. Then there's us, in my room colliding. Still there's fireworks, still there's chaos, but I'm in peace with my inner fireworks with chaos of my heart. Moment i knew i fell asleep, i tried to fight it for still i was afraid i might lose her again, but i cant help it. Im so tired. Beautifully tired. Moments passed don't know how long i was knocked out, i open my eyes in an instant, in hopes that i wasn't dreaming, in hopes that she was really there, in hopes that i didn't lose her again. But she wasn't there, i was alone in my bed, cold, naked under the thin white sheet. I can still smell the alcohol, and smell of fireworks, smell of something burning.. And smell of coffee. I look up, towards the chair near the door, there she was, sitting in just white shirt and underwear, sipping coffee in a broken cup. "Hiya, stranger" she says I smiled as she stands up and walk towards me, she sits besides me and caress my cheeks and offered me coffee from the broken cup "Hiya! Back" i said, smiling. Taking a sip of the best coffee I've ever had. From then on i never lose sight of her. Even when i close my eyes, even when i look down or away, no matter how long, she was always there, she stayed  she never left. My stranger."

"Omg!!! My heart!!! I cant take it anymore. You guys are you destined to be together!!! Awww fate" Jisoo squeal like a teenage girl smiling from ear to ear

"Hahahaha you're funny. How about you and Lisa? How do you guys met?

"Ow, you might want to sit down if you want to hear it. Well it started when we were in college........"

"Jisoo?? Baby?? Where's the juice??!" Lisa called from the living room. Interrupting her story telling time

"Ooops i guess its a story for another day" Jisoo says apologetically

"Coming!" Jisoo yelled back to Lisa

"Ill clean this up, you get the fresh juice out there. I can just throw it into your trash bins right?" Jennie ask, as she stands and starts cleaning and putting orange peels into the trash bins

"Yes! Just throw it all out. Ill just head out to the living room and deliver this fresh juices of yours." Jisoo stopped midway

" i mean fresh orange juice that you squeeze. Still doesn't sound right.. Ahhm just come to the living room after your done there" Jisoo quickly turn and hurry to the living room to hide from embarrassment.. She keeps on embarrassing herself in front of the brunette and she hates its. She cant we to function right when the brunette is staring looking at her. She feels hot and somehow naked. Brrrrr she shakes her body, to shrug off unnecessary tinglings.

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