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Jisoo convinced Lisa that she should come when she's meeting Jackson, Lisa didn't agree though but there's nothing she can do about it when her wife finally made her decision to join her. They left their house right after Nayeon picked up their doggies.

They drove the location the old Minatozaki Building, just as Jackson said.l he will be. The place is huge and abandoned. When they are close enough to the van lisa said

"Warning, Jackson can be a bit prickly but he is a top notch security man, he happens to like the way his mind thinks, okay?"

"Okay" Jisoo response

"Is that him in a bathrobe hanging a laundry??" Jisoo ask as the figure of the man gets clearer

"I don't know, maybe he's in a yard sale" Lisa park just right beside the van

"Manoban!! Right on time, and ooh you bought the lattes, I know I could count on you" Jackson said as he turns around greeting the couple

"This is my wife Jackson. I mean this is my wife, Jackson"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jisoo" Jisoo extends her hand for a shake the the man took it

"Nice to meet you too"

"So welcome to my home, away from home, if we are trying to be more accurate my home but not for long" looking at his van that serves as his home.

Jisoo hands the latte

"Thank you, please seat down here" Jackson points and guide them to a camping chair that has been prepared. "Let me just clear this stuff away" he added while clearing the table, setting aside his basket of folded laundry.

Jisoo already sat down, while Lisa took her time to see what's inside the van. Nothing but just pure chaos

"Its the maids day off" Jackson said adding some humor to explain the dirty and unruly van of his.

" oh, not at all, its just that when you told us to meet you at the van , i didn't realized that you should be living with that." says Lisa cautiously

"Well the truth is uhmm I've been living in the old west trailer here, ever since my wife left me and took everything i have, took everything i am."

" Sorry Jackson" says Jisoo sympathetically

"That's terrible" Lisa added

" and now thanks to you for bring me on this deal Maboban, i think things are finally starting to finally break my way again." Says Jackson hopeful

"What do you have for us" says Jisoo, leaning closer resting her elbows to her knees

"Ooh, boy, what do I got" he took the folder showing it into the couple " Now here's something that Lisa never thought she would hear. " he pause and looks directly at Lisa "are you ready for level four security clearance? "

"Okay, " said Lisa

"Okay, here we go" Jackson was about to read whats on the folder

"Jackson?" Said Jisoo getting the attention of the man


" You got that, uhhh red dot on your forehead" says Jisoo, pointing at the center of her forehead

"That's called adult acne, thank you very m"


Jackson stumble backwards, dead, he was shot right at his forehead where the red dot marked




Lisa and Jisoo stood up shocked and screaming "oh my God!"

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