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Jisoo spent the whole morning making her famous meatpie. She figured this will be the perfect welcome pie for thy neighbors.

As she waits for the pie to be done, she goes to her laptop and just randomly search Jennie Kim on google. With just 0.1 second, thousands and thousands of perfect pictures of the brunette appear on her screen.

"How can someone be this perfect, its ridiculous!" she said to herself while zooming in and out of every picture she can find.

"She's a global ambassador of Channel and Calvins?!! What?" She realized now that she is talking to herself. She finds articles over articles of the model volunteering in a remote country. Being an ambassador for Unicef, a picture of Jennie tree planting, saving animals, building shelter and looking effortlessly hot in every picture.

"How can someone be hot while hammering? If i would do that i would definitely looked like a caveman hammering stones to make fire" she said, again talking to herself.

"Is there anything that she cant do?" She seems so perfect. Like squeaky clean perfect. Perfect smile ugh! that gummy smile of hers, i swear to God, it almost blinding, perfect body, her body that is to die for and now she discovers that the brunette is also saint like, from all the good deeds she has been doing. Is she running for the next mother theresa or something?? Jisoo muttered to herself. Something's off tho she feels it like deep in her gut, something's definitely, entirely off. She's just so perfect, and nobody is that perfect.


Its her oven, indicating that her meat pies are done. She place it in a pink box, tied with black ribbons as she plans on giving it today, she saw Jennies car is still in the drive way, that means she's at home. She took a last look in the mirror, straightening her shirt and decided to tuck it in. She goes for a simple white blues clues dior shirt and faded blue jeans paired with pumps to add to her height. Hair tied in a half bun with a ribbon and pink lipgloss to add color and shine to her heart shaped lips.

"Yep, this will do" she says to herself smiling cutely at the mirror. Then off she goes across the street.

Before she could even ring the doorbell, the front door swung open and Jennies famous gummy smile greeted her.

"Hi!! Saw you already crossing the street" Jennie pulls her into a tight hug. There it is again. Her smell, she doesn't know if its a perfume or soap. The same smell that puts her in trance. "What brings you here?" The brunette pulls away

"I made you guys these, our welcome gift. Sorry its took almost a month late"

"Oooh?! What is this??"

"My famous meatpie . you eat meatpies right??"

"Are you kidding me?? Of course!! I love meatpies!! Lets get inside, and let me prepare these badboys. I cant wait to taste them" Jennie dancing with glee at the box in her hands.

"Come, feel at home. Sorry if its a bit disorganized , we just finished the last box arranging and still everything's all over the place. I'll just have to take these into the kitchen. I'll comeback in a sec" Then Jennie disappears into the kitchen

Jisoo doesn't understand when Jennie said that the place was still disorganized, its far from that, way way far from that. The place is clean, simple and pretty heavily organized. She wonders where are those things from the big truck, because if you look around, their home has a minimalist style, but sure thebgrand piano in the corner is really eye catching. The thought of the couple doing the deed in every surface resurface in Jisoo's mind. Holy hell!!. Books and magazine were properly stacked in a cute makeshift bookcase, pictures, polaroids were also pinned into a cork board, she looks at them one by one. They were different art pieces, minimal, two or three, there's also a sculpture of crooked vase that also looks like not a vase, she figured Roseanne made them, placed neatly onto the long narrow table near the front door lined with pictures of them in different places. Them laughing, them being adorably sweet to each other. Then there's this particular picture, a black and white one . big enough as a poster that hangs on the wall just above the narrow table.

"Is this the picture? The picture that you took of Roseanne?" Jisoo asks still looking at the framed photo

Jennie appears with two small plates of Jisoos meatpie in hand

"Yes, that's the one" she says shyly. "Sometimes i still stop and stare at it, and i cant imagine how and what happen that i , we ended up here, now. Call it fate, heavens sent even but im just glad that its her."

"Its beautiful" Jisoo in awe still staring at it. The picture shows intricate beauty of Roseanne, at the center of the sea of people, everything else is blurry except her. Even if its in black and white you can still feel the color of love it has, and Jisoo thinks that Jennie really captured it "So you are the romantic type huh?"

"Ugh no, definitely not" Jennie place the plate at the coffee table "Im so excited for these!!! Uhmmm do you like wine? Or cola? We don't have freshly squeezed OJ. So??" Jennie ask tilting her head to the side

Oh why does she have to be so cute, Jisoo hope Jennie cant see the tiny hearts popping in her eyes.

"Ill take wine" Jisoo reply

"Okay, give me a sec"

Jisoo sat down at the sofa, trying to feel comfortable, touching it, feeling it in her palms. Weird she thought.

Jennie arrived with two wine glass in one hand and the bottle of wine in the other. She elegantly pour each onto their glass. And handed one to Jisoo.

Jennie slowly swirls the glass, slowly bringing it close to her nose smelling it, before taking a sip, staring at Jisoo without breaking eye contact she licks her bottom lip. And when she saw Jisoo gulps, a visible smirk on her face appears.

"Now lets taste this bad boy"

Jisoos having trouble breathing, feeling hot at the same time. Sweat forming from every tiny crevices of her body. She shakes her head hoping it would go away. And takes a sip, no, she gulps the wine as if it was water.

"Whoa, slow down, are you that thirsty?" Jennie said with a mouthful of meatpie

"Sorry, this was just so good, can i have some more?"

"Yah sure, here help yourself" hands the bottle of wine. Odd the bottle doesn't have label on it, Jisoo thinks but she disregard it and pour another half full glass of wine

"Damn!! Whats in these?? These are good. So.. So.. Gooood" jennie almost like moaning

Jisoo just drinks straight without taking a breath. Yes, she might be, that thirsty

Jennie just looks at her amused

"So have you heard about the backyard party?" Jisoo asks. Dismissing every thoughts she thinks she has for the woman in front of her


"Every year, in our neighborhood, each of the houses will host a backyard party. This year, its the Kims. Kai and Sunmi, just two houses from us, the one with yellow door."

"Are all of the neighborhood will come?"

"Yeah, you guys should too. It would be a great way for you guys to know everyone in here. It would be fun too. I heard they are planning to have games, but i bet it would be just Kai, games that he will be good at, so that no one can beat him."

" Im not good with games tho, but okay, sure. Will tell rosie about it. When will it be again??"

"Hmmm this Sunday. This is going to be fun!!!"

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