Six .3

216 7 1

Roseanne and Jennie got into their car and just zoom off.

"Honey? You're flustered, what happen?" Jennie speaks

"Nothing," rosie hesitates "It's Jisoo. She uhmmm she caught me walking down the stairs. But yeah, im sure its nothing" Rosie in deep thought

"But it's Jisoo, told ya, that girl can catch up quick, one more wrong move even the slightest she'll know. She's something you know" Jennie says, Roseanne didn't answer

"Honey, you're dragging this project"

"I'm not"

"Yes, you are. It's almost a month now, and we're nowhere close to this damn thing. And it's starting to annoy me."

"I know, we," deep breath "I need more time"

"You're staring to get attach, you spend way too much time with Lisa. You know It's not going to end well"

"Am I sensing some jealousy here?" Rosie grin, took a quick glance at Jennie, took her hand bring it to her lips and kissed it

"Pissh. No im not. You're way too crazy over me" confidence can be seen in her smirk but slowly fades away, reaching Rosie's face and caress her cheeks then said "I'm just... Im just worried. You're getting too attached to them, especially to Lisa. You know it's not good. Not with what we do, not with this kind of work we have. I just don't want you to get hurt again honey." Full concern on Jennie's face

Rosie took a couple of deep breaths "I know. Let's do it, tonight. We will finish this project before this month ends"


It was dark already, it was late at night when Jennie knocked through this double glass door of a certain building.

A tall thin guard approached her. Slightly open the door to speak "Im sorry ma'am but Minatozaki Building is closed now. You have to.."

Jennie cut him off "No, no.. Im not trying to, it's just that, my car broke down, I don't know what happen and there's no one there. Im just... Hmmmm can you help me?" She pouts trying tonact cute and bat her eyes ... pleading

The thin man gulped, smiled and agreed, no second thoughts. He opened just one door and slipped outside through the small gap he made. The other two saw him and hurried to follow him outside. "Yow, where you going?" The other fat guard ask but looking at the woman eyeing her head to toe

"Im just going to see what's wrong with her car, that's it. You two go back to your posts, this won't take long"

"And what? So that you can be the solely hero? Not like you know something about cars, dude you ride a bike. Im a mechanic I can help you" said the bald guard smiling widely at Jennie

"I need all the help I can get" Jennie flashed her award winning smile and turn her red bottom louboutin heels and strut her way to the location of her car.

Three men were like in trance. Like they are being hypnotized by the piped piper, its just that its not the tune they follow, its the sway of the hips, the BUTT... that's what they follow. Her tight leather pants highlights her perfect tone bottoms and the three guards cant keep their eyes off it. *DAMN*

"Whew!! THIS IS your car??" Ask the tall thin guard

"Uhmmm yea" Jennie just grin

The three men shifted there attention to the Audi r8 in front of them. Admiring it, mouth open, *wow* . Jennie pop the hood open to try to see whats wrong "Can I have a light in here please?" She said seductively

The fat guard took his flashlight and supposed to point it in the car's engine, but Jennie bent down and lean forward, now the light is focused on her, toned abs peeking from her cropped black leather jacket and a black fitted halter top under it. Her palms resting in the car's hood, the sight makes the fat guard drops his flashed light and broke it in the process. "Shit" he muttered. The other two guards hurried to the cars engine, nudging each other trying to take the lead to impress the lady. The bald guard tripped on his toes, that makes the thin guard got first and stand directly beside Jennie, and the other  two were at the back trying to peek at whats happening. It took them a couple of minutes just looking and just flashing lights to the engine not even touching it, trying to identify whats wrong with it.

"It just won't start" say Jennie, now taking a few steps back, and the three guard were now at the very front of the car, still looking at the engine.

Then ....... 3 bodies dropped down. The thin guard took another blow to his head the moment he tried to stand up.

"What took you so long?" Rosie ask, while leaning against the glass door. She's wearing a black long sleeves turtle neck, that hugs her perfectly fit body, tucked in a black fitted jeans and a knee high black boots

"Ugh!! Aren't you a hottie" Jennie says as she scans her fiance head to toe. clicks her tongue, shakes her head " One of the guards has a thick head" Hands Rosie the key cards

"Lets do this quick! Seeing you with my halter top is making me feel things. Im not so sure i can control it." Rosie said in a straight face, trying hard to concentrate on the mission, Jennie just smiles and skips just behind Rosie

They got in into the elevator

"What floor?" Jennie question

"Top floor" .....

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