Twenty Two

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Lisa and Jisoo peeked from the bedroom to see the aftermath, and it's safe to say that the room is absolutely trashed. Mr. Scorpion can say goodbye to his security deposit.

Roseanne kicked the last one that's in the living room. She then saw Lisa and Jisoo she then asked "Are you guys okay?"

The two just nod frantically

Jennie was supposed to check if there are more of Mr. Scorpion's henchmen outside when she was kicked at the stomach of the man that's just at the door. She was pissed as her clothes got some dirt from the man boots. She stood up, jumped and roll to the side as the man shoots at her, she grab a fork from the floor, threw it at the man, and fork hit the mans cheek causing him to scream in pain. She quickly stood up again, side stepped closer to the man, pulls out the fork, the man throw a mean right hook at her, she managed to duck, stab the man at his stomach with the fork, elbowed his chin another stab at the chest, as the man stumbled backwards Jennie turn around and back kicked the fork deep into the mans chest. Then she stood up straight, cracked her neck, still pissed at the boot mark that's left on her tanktop. She then goes to the living room where the three is.

"Grab the chips and follow us. Come on, let's go" Jennie orders as she picked up some gun on the floor

Roseanne goes check if there are anymore henchmen on the ally, she dock as she saw one in hiding. She threw a grape at his direction making the him peek, then headshot.

She did one last check sweep "clear!"

Jennie followed by Lisa and Jisoo came out

They almost made it to the center lobby where the elevator is, when another bunch of henchmen shoots them. They took cover at the corner alley. Rosie and Jennie positioned shooting back at them.

"Choppers ready!" Shouts Bruno

Some of the henchmen already gone up to the roof. They took the emergency stairwell.

"You, took some with you and get em, and don't forget the chips!" Bruce commands as he hides behind the door of the stairwell

Rosie tries to move forward but greeted with another batch henchmen, she manage to hit one, but they're just too many.

"Get back, get back get back" Rosie fires as they get back to cover

The henchmen followed them just at the other corner of the alley they were hiding, shots being fired at them. They shot back too but

"Fuck!!! I'm almost out!" Says Rosie

"Me too" said Jennie

Henchmen still shooting at them, Rosie answers emptying her gun on them, she manage to dropped another man

"What are we gonna do?!!" Jisoo shouts

"I had an idea, but i don't think you guys can handle it" Jennie said

"What?" Lisa and Jisoo in unison

"We'll have to jump for it"

"Jump? Jump from where?" Lisa asked shit scared

"Down there" said Rosie casually

Jisoo turned around and see the big glass window, she looked back at Jennie, she got a nod in response

"Its our only chance" Jennie adds and shoots at the men that's still shooting at them.

"Did you think any of this through?" Jisoo shouting over the shooting noises

Lisa looks at the window, feeling the adrenaline pumping in her breath is shallow, she can feel her heart in her throat

"Okay" she said. She fix her hair straight, ruffle her bangs a bit and took a run to the window

"NO! NO! NO! LISAAAA! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!!!" Roseanne shout but Lisa didn't hear her

Lisa then jumped, hands up covering her face and...... Plop....

She just bounced back, she fell flat on her back on the floor.

"Lisa?? Lisa??" Jisoo came running towards Lisa, who is wriggling on the floor, Rosie following her

"Lisa? Are you okay? Jisoo ask

"Oh my God, I think I just farted" Lisa said, touching her head

"Oh my God Lisa, you cant jump through the window like that" says Rosie who was quick on her feet and check if Lisa was okay "That's a triple pane glass! You gotta break it first. But appreciate the effort tho" Adds Roseanne

"Fuckers!!" Jennie shouts at the henchmen and shoots she got three so far. But she's in her last straw

"Guys!! Are we jumping or not?" Jennie said as she check if how many men are still left "These fuckers were literally like minions, they're just so many!!! And I'm almost out!!"

"Okaay, now, scoot back. everybody all right? Just scoot back." Rosie cleared the way of Jisoo and Lisa. Lisa manage to stand up, and she leans on the wall.

Jennie still shooting till the last bullets

Roseanne having no gun. she took the fire extinguisher that's placed on the wall, and hit the glass window with it. She gave all her might but the window didn't even get a scratch

"Stand back" said Jisoo who took a small gun that's hidden under her chest and point it to the window and Shoots. It only took one shot for the window to break.

"Where did you get that?" Ask Roseanne bewildered

"I picked it up over a dead guy, and thought may be I could use it for emergen......"

"Fuck Fuck Fuck run!! Jump, Jump, Juuuump!!" Jennie shouting running towards the window as the henchmen are coming towards them

Roseanne kicked the bag of chips aside

"Lets go lets go!! Now Now Jump!!" Rosie said, as she took Jennie's hand before jumping.

Jennie, Roseanne and Jisoo jumped and landed on the pool. People just think they were crazy guest and applaud them for jumping. and they continue to party, music blaring loudly as people cheered for the crazy jumpers.

The three emerged from the water and high fived each other. Jisoo counted the bodies present. One missing. Lisa

They all looked up and saw Lisa still standing at the window

"Lisaaa!!! You've gotta jump!!!"


Three of them shouting. Lisa seems to not hear them. Fear blocked her ears as she looks down and her vision narrows. People became super tiny, the pool looks so far away.


"Give me a second" she manage to say. Her voice is obviously shaking

"Lisaaa, jump!! please!!!"

"Just run and jump!!!"

Lisa didn't know who's shouting anymore. Her head feels light

"This is perfect" says the voice from behind

It's Bruce with four more of his henchmen

"You've been a pain in my ass all day, Lisa." Bruce said pointing a gun at her

"Okay... Bbbrrruu.... Mr. Scorpion," Lisa held up her hand, "we all make a choice in life and I .. Im not being judgmental, I promise you, but do you really think that violence is the solution? There's this dance..."



Lisa then jumped

"She's all yours gravity" says Bruce and he picked up the bag that contains the chips "And that's why you don't sting the...."


Everyone was in shocked at the explosion. Jisoo and Lisa looked at Jennie and Roseanne

"Always have plan B" Jennie held up a remote waving it.

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