Chapter 25 Enter v Second Change

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   Due to widowhood and poor health, Shen has been living in seclusion and rarely goes out. But after all, she is the eldest daughter-in-law of the mansion, and she can know what happened in the mansion. Thinking that from the day of Mrs. Yan's birthday to now, it was only about a month. First, the young master and young lady in the mansion, and now even the mother-in-law and the old lady had accidents, which made her feel panicked for a while.

Just as she was restless, Shen suddenly heard her own name. Like a frightened rabbit, she trembled for a moment, then raised her head in a daze, and looked at Duke An who called her, "Father, father?

" Seeing her timid and uneasy appearance, he sighed slightly in his heart, but he still wanted to say something, so he slowed down his tone and said: "I heard from the old lady that your illness has already recovered, and you don't need to take medicine every day, as long as you Pay attention on weekdays and don't get tired, but that

's it?" Shen nodded and said: "Father, my daughter-in-law's health is indeed much better, and now I don't need to take medicine anymore."

Although we don't see each other often, Old Man Yan In his heart, he was thinking about her granddaughter-in-law, and Shi Chang sent someone to visit him and give him something, so Mrs. An was not surprised when An Guogong said that Mrs. Yan knew about his illness.

"That's good." An Guogong showed a look of relief, and then said: "You know the situation in the mansion now, your mother... I won't talk about it, the old lady is ill, and there is no housekeeper at home. You are the head of the house. The daughter-in-law is duty-bound. But don't worry, the old lady and I will arrange for someone to help you, so that you won't be made too hard. Also, now that you have recovered from your illness, you can take Brother Xin back to your side to raise him, he is yours My child, I should be by your mother's side."

"Really!?" When An Guogong said that he wanted Shen's housekeeper, she felt no joy in her heart, only fear, fearing that she would betray An Guogong's trust. When An Guogong was about to raise Brother Xin himself, she couldn't hold back, and stood up excitedly, with tears welling in her eyes.

Seeing this, An Guogong felt more and more guilty. Shen's daughter-in-law, as a father-in-law, it's not easy for him to ask too much. In the past, when I heard Mrs. Xie say that Mrs. Chen was ill and it was inconvenient to take care of Brother Xin, so I left Mrs. Xin in her room, I didn't feel anything wrong. Even though Mrs. Shen had already recovered from her illness, until now, she just Let Shen's mother and son be reunited.

"It's my daughter-in-law who lost her composure, please forgive me." Seeing that An Guogong didn't speak, Shen Shi panicked, fearing that An Guogong would change his mind because of his actions just now, so he hurriedly said: "My daughter-in-law will definitely manage the family affairs well and live up to my father. Brother Xin will take good care of his son and daughter-in-law, please rest assured, father."

"...Okay, that's good." Mr. An believed in Shen, and he and Mrs. Yan arranged for assistance , I think it should be no problem.

Sudden repeated blows from the Xie family, An Guogong just held on at this time, and when everything that needs to be said and arranged has been arranged, there is nothing to say for a while, and he has already shown a little unbearable. The look of fatigue and depression.

Although Mrs. Yan looked weak, she didn't reach the point where she couldn't speak. She felt sorry for her son who was raised by herself, and said: "Okay, you can go back and rest, don't think too much, and don't get angry anymore. For those two things, it's not worth it."

"My son knows." Mrs. Yan's caring words made An Guogong's forty-year-old man red-eyed, and hurriedly bowed to Mrs. Yan to cover it up. , without letting Yan Jingshu and Shen see it.

After An Guogong left, Madam Yan asked Nanny An to help her up and lay on the head of the bed, and then said to Shen Shi: "Nurse An helped me take care of all the affairs in the house in the early years, and I have always been familiar with these things. Let her help you."

"Yes, grandma." Mrs. Shen hastily stepped forward to answer, and after saluting, she looked at Nanny An again and said with a smile, "Please trouble Nanny An, if I don't understand anything I hope you can give me more pointers."

Mother An waved her hands hurriedly and said, "Where, the young mistress has broken the old slave."

Mrs. Yan said to Yan Jingshu again: " Shu'er , you also learn to take care of common affairs with your sister-in-law. It will be useful in the future." This is necessary. Although he doesn't have much time now, but fortunately, Jiang Chenghan's family background is simple, and knowing a little bit is enough.

"I see, grandma." Yan Jingshu immediately agreed.

In his previous life, he couldn't even read the account books, let alone any business methods, and couldn't help Jiang Chenghan with anything. In this life, even if his grandmother didn't tell him, he still had to find someone to learn from him.

Mrs. Yan nodded, looked at Shen Shi again, and said: "Nowadays, there have been major changes in personnel affairs in the mansion, but everything else can be postponed. Only one thing, count out your mother-in-law Xie's dowry as soon as possible. Come to the door, so that he won't say that we have taken advantage of their daughter."

Although it is not appropriate for a daughter-in-law to intervene in the mother-in-law's dowry, but the old grandmother has spoken, and Chen naturally takes it seriously.

When Yan Jingshu heard the words, she thought of her ancestral home. Although he is a close relative by blood, because of Xie's dislike for him, he seldom took him back to his ancestral home when he was young. In addition, it was said later that he was incompatible with Xie's family. Go through the door of my grandfather's house.

For his grandfather's family, except for his uncle who left home to study abroad in the early years, he has no affection for the rest of the people, and the same is true for his grandfather's family. Now that my grandmother has handed over the matter of mother's dowry to her sister-in-law, she probably doesn't want to get involved with it, and Yan Jingshu will naturally not say much if her mother-in-law takes over the conversation.

When the mistress of the house suddenly changed, the mansion was in chaos and panic. Fortunately, Yan Jingshu and Shen had the support of An Guogong and Mrs. Yan, and with the assistance of Yan Steward and Nanny An, they quickly calmed down and stabilized. Come down, let the mansion restore the peace of the past.

In the previous life, because Yan Jingshu was unwilling to marry, Xie imprisoned him in the yard, and he was not allowed to go out or meet people. When the marriage was settled, he was directly sent to the carriage of the North Marriage forcefully, so that I failed to say goodbye to my teachers, classmates and friends.

In this life, Mrs. Xie has nothing to do with him, so naturally he will not let such a thing happen again. Therefore, on the ten-day rest day of Mushan Academy, he went out and went to his teacher's house first.

Yan Jingshu's mentor is named Wang Shijie, who was once a disciple of the emperor's two Jinshi scholars, and is a contemporary master with extensive knowledge and noble morals. The news that Yan Jingshu was bestowed a marriage had spread all over the capital, so he naturally knew about it, so when Yan Jingshu came to visit, before he even opened his mouth, he already guessed his intention of coming.

Although he felt very sorry for Yan Jingshu in his heart, but the holy will cannot be done, and he felt that Yan Jingshu himself must be the saddest, and Wang Shijie didn't want Yan Jingshu to be burdened and depressed, so he didn't say anything useless, only comforting and reassuring After saying a few words to Yan Jingshu, Yan Jingshu felt much better.

Leaving from her mentor's house, Yan Jingshu didn't just go home, but went to the famous restaurant in the capital, Louwailou. The day before, he had asked the boy to tell some friends that today he would meet in the building outside the building as a farewell.

Yan Jingshu was introverted by nature and didn't like to socialize, so his real close friends were only three people. However, when he got to the building outside the building, he found the reserved private room and walked in, but he saw many people in the room at a glance. The fourth person who came out couldn't help but frown, revealing a displeasure.

At this time, in a woodware store not far from the building outside the building, Jiang Chenghan was carefully selecting the furniture to buy.

After the engagement ceremony was held a few days ago and the wedding date was negotiated, he started to prepare for the big wedding, and the first thing to do was to rent a house.

Because it was for a wedding, Jiang Chenghan didn't look at the price when looking for a house, he only picked the good ones. In the end, he didn't spend too much effort, and quickly chose a courtyard with three entrances. It is not too far from the Grand General's Mansion and Anguo Gong's Mansion. Not only is the building very exquisite and magnificent, but the daily maintenance is also very good, and all the furniture and decorations are not lacking. It's not cheap, but well worth it.

But it's a newlywed after all, nothing else is fine, the furniture in the bedroom in the main courtyard is not easy to use other people's old ones, especially the bed, so he came to this woodware shop today.

When the selection is almost done, look at the sky and it's noon, and it's time to eat. Because the rented yard hadn't been tidied up yet, Jiang Chenghan didn't want to go back to the General's Mansion and trouble others, so he happened to see a restaurant in front of him that seemed to be in good business, so he walked towards it.

Entering the restaurant, he asked Xiaoer to find a table in a secluded corner. Jiang Chenghan ordered three small dishes and started eating. He was just eating, when he suddenly heard the sound of cups and saucers smashing, he subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, just in time to see the door of a private room on the left was opened from the inside, Can't help but be taken aback.

Although he had only seen it twice before, and one of them was still in a coma, Jiang Chenghan still recognized at a glance that the person who opened the door was none other than Yan Jingshu.

It's just that for some reason, Yan Jingshu's brows were furrowed at this time, with undisguised disgust and unhappiness on his face. Just when Jiang Chenghan was hesitating whether to go forward and say something, he saw a person suddenly appeared behind Yan Jingshu who had already stepped out of the private room.

The man's eyes were red and his face was slightly ferocious, he grabbed Yan Jingshu's wrist and dragged him into the private room, and then closed the door of the private room with a slam.

Jiang Chenghan stood up suddenly, his brows were slightly wrinkled, his lips were tightly pursed, and he arrived at the door of the private room in two steps in three steps. Without a moment's delay, he stretched out his hand and pushed the door of the private room open, and then appeared The scene in front of him made his face sink instantly, and his eyes were even more stern.

He closed the door behind his back, then strode to the table in the middle of the private room, grabbed the neck of the thin blue-clothed man who was pressing Yan Jingshu on the table regardless of Yan Jingshu's struggle, lifted him up completely, and then When the man reacted, he punched the man heavily in the face, and he was sent flying, hit the wall with a bang, and fell to the ground again, instantly disappearing.

The anger in his chest still couldn't be relieved, Jiang Chenghan stepped forward again, grabbed the man's skirt with one hand, raised his fist with the other hand, and aimed at the man's face to hit him again. But the fist was only halfway down before he was hugged and stopped firmly.

Although he could easily break free, Jiang Chenghan still stopped his movements and turned his head to look at Yan Jingshu. His eyes seemed to be suppressed, and he asked, "Do you want to protect him?"

Yan Jingshu shook his head vigorously. Jiang Chenghan misunderstood him, but he still hugged Jiang Chenghan's arm tightly, as if he was afraid that he would hit the man in blue again, and as if he was afraid that Jiang Chenghan would run away, panting and eagerly explained: "He is dying in front of me now." , I don't even blink an eye, but, but he can die, but he can't die by your hands—he is the son of the Duke of Zhen, his father is a first-rank official in the court, and his mother is the eldest princess. The nephew of the current emperor. If you kill him, even my father and General Kou will not be able to protect you—"

Jiang Chenghan knows how powerful he is. He can kill a tiger with his bare hands, let alone Mu Tingyuan. The young master who was already weak and drunk could kill Mu Tingyuan without two or three punches.

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