Chapter 57 Discovery

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  In the school, Xie Huan was teaching the children. There were several children from the Shantang, including the little boy Kou Shijun handed over to him, and there were also a few children from common people's families.

Jiang Chenghan didn't bother them, he planned to ask Song Fan and the others if there was anything unusual about Shantang recently, he didn't want to walk around the yard without seeing anyone.

Just as Jiang Chenghan was about to wait, when Xie Huan asked Song Fan and the others where they were after class, Song Fan happened to come back.

"General, have you returned from Tianming Pass?" Song Fan was a little surprised to see Jiang Chenghan coming.

When Jiang Chenghan and Yan Jingshu first got married more than two years ago, he was just a sixth-rank captain of Zhaowu. Later, when he was stationed at Tianming Pass, he was promoted to the fifth rank because he caught the fake Zhao Dali and some of the credit he had accumulated before. General Ningyuan, who has a high quality, can be called a "general" because of this.

"I came back two days ago. I have free time today, so I came to take a look. How is everything in the school and Shantang going as usual?" Jiang Chenghan asked.

Song Fan heard the words but said: "General, let's go into the house and talk."

Jiang Chenghan paused, and realized that Song Fan should have something to tell him, so he didn't say much, and went into the room where Song Fan lived together with Song Fan .

After entering the room, without waiting for Jiang Chenghan to ask again, Song Fan said: "Since you left until a few days ago, there were no abnormalities in the shantang and the school, as usual, but just a few days ago, suddenly A woman came to the shantang and said that she wanted to adopt a child, preferably a boy of five or six years old. There were three children of this age in the shantang, including the boy sent by the second young master himself. Seeing this, the woman didn't say she wanted to see the children first, but asked when the three children were taken in.

Mr. Chen of Shantang got your order in advance, and perfunctory the woman, without telling the truth, and then came to tell me. I felt that there was something wrong with the woman, so Huzi and I followed the woman secretly after she left, only to find that the woman did not go home after leaving the shantang, but went into a teahouse on the side of the road.

Huzi and I also followed in, just as the woman opened the door and entered one of the elegant rooms of the teahouse, we found a man in his thirties sitting in the elegant room. The woman didn't stay in the elegant room for too long, she came out soon. Hu Zi and I split into two groups, he continued to follow the woman, and I stared at the man in the elegant room.

Not long after the woman left, the man in the elegant room also came out, but when he was checking out with the shopkeeper, I heard that he did not speak Ningcheng's local accent, but Mandarin with a capital accent. I continued to follow him out of the tea house, and finally saw him turn into a remote alley, because there was no hiding place in the alley, so he could be easily noticed, so I didn't continue to follow.

But I inquired around the alley, and the alley ended in a dead end, and there were only three or four families in it. I watched the alley all night, guessing that the man's foothold was a house in the alley, so I left.

But Huzi followed the woman to her home and inquired from the woman's neighbors, only to learn that the woman had three children, two men and one woman, not childless after many years of marriage as she said. And after that, the woman never came to the shantang again, nor saw any outsiders, and stayed at home all the time.

That woman was obviously the one who fabricated lies to deceive Shantang, in order to inquire about the news in Shantang. It's just that from what I've asked her neighbors, the woman is a native of Ningcheng, and she's lived in Ningcheng for many years, so most likely she was instructed by the man in the teahouse.

It's just that the man is a little elusive, his whereabouts are erratic, and his vigilance is extremely high. Hu Zi and I dare not follow too closely, for fear that we will startle the snake. At present, apart from knowing that he should be from the capital, there are more other things about this man. I no longer know. "

The Hu Zi that Song Fan spoke of was also one of the people Mrs. Yan wrote to Yan Jing. His real name was Zheng Hu. Jiang Chenghan also knew that he was arranged by him in the school together with Song Fan.

After Song Fan finished speaking, Jiang Chenghan frowned slightly, and after a moment of silence, he said: "I know all these things, you have worked hard these few days, He Zhenghu, but I have to trouble you to continue to monitor that man, if there is anything If you find out, just go home and tell me or write to me."

"I see." Song Fan nodded and wrote it down.

After that, Jiang Chenghan didn't say anything else, got up to say goodbye, and left the school. After he came out of the school, he didn't just go home, but went to the governor's mansion.

Although Kou Shijun handed over the child to him, he didn't just let it go. Now that someone came after the child, he naturally wanted to inform Kou Shijun.

Kou Shijun happened to be in the Dudu's mansion, and when he saw Jiang Chenghan coming, he smiled and said, "Didn't I ask you to spend time with your family? Why did you come back only a few days ago?"

There was no one else in the room, so Jiang Chenghan said directly: " There is something about the child you entrusted to me, I thought it would be better to tell you."

Kou Shijun immediately corrected his expression and said, "What is it?"

Jiang Chenghan will have a wife He came to the Shantang to inquire about the news, but the person he arranged to help Xie Huan in the school accidentally discovered that it was a deliberate act under the instigation of others, and told Kou Shijun in detail, including the whereabouts of the mysterious man.

Kou Shijun listened with a dignified expression on his face, but he said: "Finally found..."

Kou Shijun didn't speak for a while, Jiang Chenghan waited patiently, and after a while, he heard Kou Shijun say: "This I know what happened, and I will let someone handle it."

Jiang Chenghan nodded, and didn't say anything more. After all, Kou Shijun was more convenient and easier to handle this matter than him, and he didn't want to get involved too much, so as not to bring disaster to his family.

After Jiang Chenghan finished speaking, he was about to leave, but Kou Shijun suddenly remembered something, stopped him, and said: "By the way, I just want to ask you what you mean. The envoy and Danu's princess will go to Beijing soon. I need to send guards to escort me, so you want to take this job?"

Unlike the previous escort missions, this time it was in Daqi's territory, so it was much safer, and with Jiang Chenghan's current official rank, he naturally wanted to be this one. As the leader of the guard team this time, when he enters the capital, he can meet the emperor face to face. This is an honor that most people can't even ask for.

The reason why Kou Shijun gave Jiang Chenghan this errand was because Jiang Chenghan was a safe person and he was an old acquaintance with the envoy and Princess Danu, so it would be more convenient on the road, and secondly because Yan Jingshu was from the capital , now married to Ningcheng for more than two years, and I think it's been four years with my family and relatives, and it just so happens that the family can go back to Beijing to visit relatives together.

Kou Shijun didn't say it clearly, but Jiang Chenghan could guess it, and he was naturally very grateful to Kou Shijun, but he didn't immediately respond, only saying that he would go home and discuss it with his family.

Although Yan Jingshu is still the second young master of the Duke's Mansion, because of past incidents, he is not of the Duke's blood. For the people in the Duke's Mansion, the only thing he values ​​is Mrs. Yan, and Mrs. Yan is now In Ningcheng, Jiang Chenghan was not sure whether Yan Jingshu would want to go back to Ningcheng to meet the people in the Duke's Mansion.

Kou Shijun was supposed to be a reward for Jiang Chenghan, so he first asked him if he wanted to take this job instead of giving him an order directly. He was not angry when Jiang Chenghan didn't respond immediately, and just asked Jiang Chenghan to give him an answer as soon as possible.

After Jiang Chenghan thanked Kou Shijun, he left the Dudu Mansion.

When he got home, Xie Huan happened to be there, so Jiang Chenghan talked about it in front of everyone and asked everyone for their opinions.

"I have no objection, you can decide, but the schoolwork cannot be missed, so I can't go back to Beijing with you." Xie Huan was the first to speak, still calmly.

Yan Jingshu and Mrs. Yan felt a little strange that Xie Huan would rather bear the reputation of being unfilial than return to Beijing for many years. But people are far and near, Xie Huan is naturally more important than Xie Huan and his mother, so they never said anything more, and they were not surprised by Xie Huan's words.

Jiang Chenghan looked at Yan Jingshu and Mrs. Yan, waiting for their decision.

Yan Jingshu pursed her lips. In all fairness, he was somewhat unwilling to let Jiang Chenghan take over this job. If they went back to Beijing together this time, Mrs. Yan would also want to be together, but when they returned to Ningcheng, Mrs. Yan would not be able to be with them again, which made Yan Jingshu very reluctant.

But he couldn't selfishly keep Mrs. Yan by his side forever. After all, Mrs. Yan's family in An Guogong Mansion is Mrs. Yan's home. Her son, grand-daughter-in-law and great-grandson are all there, and it's already a blessing to be able to have the company of the past two years. He was very grateful, and if Mrs. Yan continued to stay in Ningcheng, Anguo Gong's mansion would also be criticized, which was not what Yan Jingshu wanted to see.

After being silent for a while, Yan Jingshu finally made a decision. A slight smile appeared on his face, covering the reluctance in his eyes, and said softly: "Brother Xin is seven years old now, and I don't know how old he is. It's time to go back and have a look. It's time for Jiajia to see her grandfather, aunt and cousin."

Mrs. Yan didn't speak, but she nodded, as if she agreed with Yan Jingshu's words. It's not that she doesn't know Yan Jingshu's reluctance, but after all, she can't stay in Jiang's house forever, especially since she feels that her body is getting worse year by year, if something happens in the future, it will also implicate Yan Jingshu and Jiang Chenghan.

Jiang Chenghan naturally depended on Yan Jingshu's opinion on this matter, and Yan Jingshu agreed, so he naturally had no objection. Afterwards, without further delay, he got up and turned back to the Dudu Mansion, telling Kou Shijun that he had decided to take over the job.

Kou Shijun didn't seem surprised, and then informed Jiang Chenghan of the team's departure time, as well as the entourage and other matters.

Different from the previous secret escorts, this time escorting the envoys and Princess Dannu to the capital was nothing more than on the way, but there were many rules in the capital. Jiang Chenghan was not very familiar with these, but fortunately, there were more than one at home. A distinguished member of an aristocratic family in the capital, who is very familiar with the rules and etiquette in the imperial city, immediately made up for Jiang Chenghan.

There were still a few days before the team started, Jiang Chenghan was given a lesson on etiquette by Mrs. Yan, and Yan Jingshu began to arrange the things to bring on the road, the accompanying servants, and gifts for An Guogong and others. Wait.

After several days of busy work, everything was packed and arranged until the day before departure, and I can set off with the escort team only tomorrow. Unexpectedly, on this very day, the An Guo Gongfu in Beijing suddenly sent a letter. The letter actually stated that the conspiracy of the deposed prince who put everyone in the capital at risk and piled up corpses in the execution ground, unexpectedly was rehabilitated.

An Guogong also sent this letter because of Mrs. Yan's previous order that if anything happened in the capital, he should write to her and tell her. It's just that this matter is too complicated, and I'm afraid of getting into trouble, so I didn't write all the ordinary details in the letter.

Received this letter suddenly, especially on the eve of their going to Beijing, Jiang Chenghan and others didn't know what to say for a while, and they had nothing to say. He still had to go to the capital, and this matter had nothing to do with them, so Jiang Chenghan quickly let go of this matter.

Jiang Chenghan thought so, but soon, when he was woken up in the middle of the night and called to Kou Shijun in the governor's mansion, after hearing what Kou Shijun said, he realized that he was wrong.

"Take that child to Beijing together?" Jiang Chenghan was so surprised that he couldn't help repeating Kou Shijun's words.

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