Chapter 18 Bestow Marriage

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Although Kou Shijun has not been in Beijing for a long time, he has guarded the border with hundreds of thousands of heavy troops for many years. And unlike An Guogong, who has always been gentle and elegant, and was caught by him, Kou Shike is not a good-tempered person, and he can't tolerate a little sand in his eyes, and dares to do it if he disagrees with him.

Therefore, the Marquis of Yongchang dared to fight with Duke An, but if he was given another ten guts, he would not dare to mess with Kou Shijun at all. After all, he knew all too well whether his son had been hurt by An Guogong. If he dared to say that Kou Shijun was bought by An Guogong to give false testimony, the hot-tempered Kou Shijun would punch him to death on the spot.

Marquis Yongchang knew that he had no ability, but he was very good at judging the situation, so now that he realized that the original plan could no longer be done, in order to avoid offending the General's House, he immediately accepted Kou Shijun's words, and even more so against An Guogong He repeatedly apologized and asked An Guogong to forgive him for his recklessness. Afterwards, without waiting for An Guogong to say anything, he took the initiative to clarify to the outside world. Whether it was rumors or Zhao Xian's injury, it had nothing to do with An Guogong's mansion.

As a result, An Guogong was unable to say what he had prepared. Obviously things went smoothly, but when he left Yongchanghou's mansion, he didn't feel much joy in his heart.

But anyway, things finally resolved smoothly. Grateful for Kou Shijun's great help, it was almost noon, An Guogong invited Kou Shijun to the best restaurant in the capital for dinner, Kou Shijun was not polite to him, and immediately agreed.

But in Yongchanghou's mansion at this time, since the two left, Yongchanghou just sat on the chair, with a look of frustration and disappointment on his face. Unexpectedly, after tossing and tossing for a long time, in the end it was nothing to fetch water from the bamboo basket.

Mrs. Yang also looked anxious, and said: "Master, let's leave this matter alone? Then what Kou Shijun said may not be true."

Although she didn't like the second child of the Yan family to be her daughter-in-law, she also hoped that her The son can get a strong Yue family, which can help the son's future. As long as his son is promising, why worry about not being able to marry a pleasing daughter-in-law.

Because the plan failed, Marquis Yongchang felt very unhappy, and he became even more impatient with Yang, and said in a very bad tone: "Otherwise, what else can we do? That is Kou Shijun who kills without batting an eyelid, not to mention me, even if his in-laws are in Kou Shijun You have to be polite in front of me. I have no solid evidence, if you refute Kou Shijun like this, he can directly fight with me, do you expect me to be beaten by him?" It's

not like this kind of thing has never happened before, And if it weren't for Kou Shijun's temperament that he would only fight and never speak when he got angry, he would not have been demoted by the emperor to the border gate to guard it all year round.

"My lord, I never meant that personally." Yang hurriedly said, "It's just that my concubine is suspicious. If it's true what Kou Shijun said, his subordinates just happened to help the second son of the Yan family. Don't say anything, with a secretive look, until you said that you asked to marry the second child of the Yan family, you suddenly turned your face. So I thought, maybe the rumor may not be true, but the person in the rumor is not Xian'er, but Kou Shijun's subordinate is right."

As Yang said, she felt more and more that this was the case, and at the same time, a sense of resentment grew in her heart.

The second child of the Yan family has done scandalous things with other men. Her family is willing to ask for marriage, so she should be grateful. Not only did An Guogong not agree to his family's marriage proposal, but now he even risked scandal to be spread in order to refuse the marriage. Let Kou Shijun come to clarify with them, which shows that in An Guogong's heart, her son is not as good as Kou Shijun's subordinate who came out of nowhere.

This made Mrs. Yang very dissatisfied, and said to herself that I don't even despise your second child as an unclean, but your Yan family avoids my son instead, it really is unreasonable.

The more Yang thought about it, the angrier she became. She thought so, and said so to Marquis Yongchang.

Marquis Yongchang actually thought of this too, but so what? The current plan is no longer done, if he continues to entangle, he will only offend both the An Guo Gong's Mansion and the Great General's Mansion at the same time, which is definitely not what he wants to see.

"Forget it, let's stop this matter here. Don't get any benefits in the end, and then anger An Guogong and Kou Shijun, then the gain will not be worth the loss." After speaking, Yongchanghou stood up and walked out, saying as he walked: "This I have to talk to my in-laws about it, and I won't come back for lunch."

After Yongchang Hou left, Yang Shi was still furious that An Guogong despised her son so much, she couldn't swallow it no matter what.

After An Guogong thanked Kou Shijun at the banquet, he returned to the Duke's mansion and informed Mrs. Yan that everything had been resolved smoothly. After hearing this, Mrs. Yan showed a look of peace of mind, but felt in her heart that the matter would not end so simply .

Sure enough, after a few more days, although Marquis Yongchang had indeed clarified to the outside world that Duke An's mansion had nothing to do with Zhao Xian's injury as he had promised with Duke An, and the rumors were not true, the rumors did not disappear. Something has changed.

The person who secretly gave and received Yan Jingshu changed from Zhao Xian, the son of Marquis Yongchang, to Jiang Chenghan of the General's Mansion, and because of the involvement of the General's Mansion, the rumors intensified.

An Guogong immediately knew that this must have been done by Yongchang Houhou's mansion, and he was furious, but before he could go to Yongchanghou to settle the score, Yongchanghou came to Guogong's mansion first, and he still came to apologize.

Marquis Yongchang admitted all his mistakes without any excuse, saying that it was all his fault for his lax management of the family, and he also brought two servants who were beaten to a bloody mess, saying that they were the two who told what Kou Shijun said that day If it is passed on, it will be handed over to An Guogong and let him handle it.

The Marquis of Yongchang has always been able to bend and stretch, and he almost knelt down and kowtowed to Duke An, but Duke An knew that Marquis Yongchang was just showing himself, so his complexion was still extremely ugly, and his eyes were even more suppressed. anger.

Seeing that Duke An's expression did not soften at all, and his devouring eyes were fixed on him, Marquis Yongchang couldn't help crying secretly, cursing his wife Yang Shi for the thousandth time in his heart, if she hadn't been with him Why did he come to be treated coldly by An Guogong if he made such a thing on his own initiative just by saying it.

But no matter what he thinks in his heart, in order to prevent An Guogong from retaliating because of this, Yongchanghou still has to solve this matter, calm down An Guogong's anger, and hurriedly said: "Master Yan, although the matter has come to this, we Knowing that the lives of these two criminal slaves can't offset the grievances you have suffered, but don't worry, I have found a way to make up for it. Not only can you protect your house and your son from rumors, but it can also turn bad things into happy ones. Completely solved Lord Yan's embarrassment."

Of course, Duke An would not let Yongchang Hou flirtatiously accompany him, but at this moment when he heard Yongchang Hou said so, his eyes moved slightly, and he asked, "What is the solution?"

Marquis Yongchang chuckled, with a hint of asking for credit, and said: "Master Yan, you don't know how much effort I have spent on this matter, and finally I asked my in-laws to help me, and asked the concubine Li in the palace to ask the emperor for help. A marriage decree has come, and it will not be long before the servants who announce the decree will come, I will congratulate Lord Yan first."

"What marriage decree?" An Guogong was dumbfounded when he heard it, but soon, he Thinking of what Mrs. Yan had said to him before, her eyes turned red instantly, and she grabbed Yongchanghou's lapel, "Who will you marry whom?

" Yan Jingshu and Zhao Xianci got married? !

Marquis Yongchang saw that An Guogong didn't show any joy at all, but his expression became more and more ferocious, and he even started fighting with him. He was startled, and hurriedly said: "Of course, of course, it's the subordinates of the second son Yan and Kou Shijun. That, that's called Jiang Chenghan's." Hearing that

it wasn't Zhao Xian and Yan Jingshu, Duke An instinctively breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment, he raised his fist and hit Yongchanghou in the face.

Marquis Yongchang might as well, let out a scream, covered his face and fell to the ground. An Guogong still couldn't help himself, he stepped forward and kicked hard again. The servants who came next to Marquis Yongchang naturally wanted to think of the Savior, but they were stopped by Yan Zhong and the servants of the Duke's mansion and could not go forward.

He vented his punches and kicks so hard that An Guogong stopped until he felt pain in his hands and feet. Panting heavily, looking at Yongchanghou who was rolling on the ground with his stomach in his arms and howling, if not for a sliver of reason, An Guogong would have the heart to kill Yongchanghou at this moment.

He couldn't figure it out, how could things have developed to this point?

Originally, Yan Jingshu never lost her virginity at all, and nothing happened with Jiang Chenghan. In the future, Yan Jingshu can still marry a wife and have children. Even if it's not easy to have an heir because of Shuang'er, but at worst, you can have a few more concubines, and you can still leave a descendant.

But if you are married, you have to take more concubines for your husband. If God is not sorry for not being able to have a child of your own, you have to raise the son born to a concubine who is not related to you. The embarrassing situation in the future One can imagine. This is also the reason why ordinary people, who love their children, will not let Shuang'er get married.

As for those rumors, it may make it difficult for Yan Jingshu to ask for a marriage in the future, but if she lowers the family status requirements and pays more dowry, she can still marry a daughter-in-law. And rumors are just rumors after all, if Yan Jingshu can't stand it, whether it's going back to her hometown, going out to study, just avoid it for a while, sooner or later it will pass.

But now, after giving the marriage decree, there is no room for change, and all plans have come to naught. Marquis Yongchang also congratulated himself, congratulations for what, congratulations to his good 'son' who has become a 'daughter' just like that?

Thinking of this, the anger in An Guogong's heart surged up again uncontrollably...

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