Chapter 74 Long Wish

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  Xie Huan stopped all of a sudden, motioned for Mu Chongyan to keep silent, and then asked the people outside loudly.

Xie Huan's familiar voice came from outside the door, it was a little maid Yan Jingshu specially arranged to serve him. It turned out that the servant girl heard the movement in the room, knew that Xie Huan had woken up, and came to bring clean water and other things for washing.

Xie Huan asked Mu Chongyan to hide in the inner room, and then he opened the door and let the maids in. After Xie Huan finished washing, he sent the little maid out, and another woman brought a big food box to deliver breakfast.

Xie Huan didn't pay attention at first, and when the mother-in-law took out the breakfast from the food box and placed them on the table one by one, including two sets of bowls and chopsticks, she couldn't help being taken aback.

When he was dazed, the women had quietly retreated, and Mu Chongyan walked out from the inner room, raised his eyebrows when he saw the two sets of bowls and chopsticks on the table, and raised his lips to smile, but seeing Xie Huan's expression , held back.

At this point, Xie Huan didn't need to say anything to tell Mu Chongyan to leave quickly. Mu Chongyan was dragged to sit at the table with chopsticks stuffed in his hand, and had a breakfast like chewing wax.

After the meal, Mu Chongyan had no reason to stay anymore, and he didn't dare to stay any longer, so he left quickly. After Xie Huan sat on the chair for a long time, he finally got up and walked towards Yan Jingshu's yard.

For Xie Huan's arrival, Yan Jingshu was a little surprised, and thought of something, his expression was a little unnatural, and finally he withdrew all the servants who served him, as if he had something to say.

Seeing this, Xie Huan couldn't help becoming more nervous.

Yan Jingshu served tea to Xie Huan, and wanted to ask Xie Huan how he was sleeping, and if there was any discomfort after being drunk, but thinking of the maid's report last night, she felt that there seemed to be some other meaning, and it was not appropriate to ask, so she swallowed it back . It's just that I couldn't say the opening remarks that I had planned, and I didn't know how to speak for the next words.

Rarely, father and son sit opposite each other but are silent at the same time.



Not long after, the two of them spoke at the same time. Yan Jingshu was a junior, so she stopped, wanting Xie Huan to speak first, but Xie Huan said: "You speak first."

Facing Xie Huan's gentle eyes, Yan Jingshu pursed his lips, his hesitant and tangled heart suddenly settled down, and after a moment of silence, he raised his head to look at Xie Huan, and slowly said what was in his heart, "Daddy, I I hope you will be happy. If you have someone you like, no matter who that person is, whether it is King Chuxiang, another man, woman or Shuang'er, I have no objections. As long as you like it, I will I will be happy for you."

"Shu'er..." Xie Huan knew that Yan Jingshu really misunderstood what happened to Mu Chongyan last night, and wanted to explain, but looking at Yan Jingshu as if he had seen through everything, He opened his mouth, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something, making him unable to speak.

He wanted to say that he was now happier than he had ever been in his life, and he didn't intend to find anyone else. He just wanted to guard Yan Jingshu and their family's peaceful life for the rest of his life. But looking at the hopeful eyes in Yan Jingshu's smiling eyes, he couldn't say these words.

It seems that there is no need to explain what happened last night. After a long silence, Xie Huan slightly bent his lips, his eyes were slightly moist, and his voice was clear, and said to Yan Jingshu: "...Daddy knows."

After all, Yan Jingshu is The junior, if he wasn't afraid that Xie Huan might be scruples because of himself, he wouldn't have said those words hastily. Now that I have finally said it, I feel like I have let go of a heavy burden.

Xie Huan also had to go to Ruijun Palace to teach the young grandson, so he didn't sit for too long, and got up and left after a while.

She personally sent Xie Huan out, and after watching the carriage carrying Xie Huan go away, Yan Jingshu returned to the house with a long and faint sigh.

God knows how much he wanted to rush over to drive that disciple out of the house when he heard the little maid say that King Chu Xiang was actually in Xie Huan's room last night. But when Jiang Chenghan accompanied him to the gate of the small courtyard where Xie Huan lived, he stopped.

Along the way, the cool night wind in Zhongqiu slowly extinguished the anger in his heart and gradually calmed him down.

After returning to his senses, Yan Jingshu knew in his heart that this was ultimately a matter between Xie Huan and Mu Chongyan, and if he really just walked in like this, only Xie Huan would be the most difficult one.

Thinking of this, he couldn't move anymore, and finally didn't go in, turned around and walked back. But even so, he still asked Jiang Chenghan to send someone to watch Xie Huan's yard, and if Mu Chongyan left, he would tell him immediately.

As a result, yesterday he waited until late at night without waiting for the news of Mu Chongyan's departure. In the end, he couldn't bear to sleep. When he wanted to come the next day, Jiang Chenghan told him that Mu Chongyan stayed in Xie Huan's room all night last night. , has never left.

After being shocked, Yan Jingshu also understood at once that Xie Huan didn't care about Mu Chongyan as he said, at least he didn't reject him too much, otherwise he would definitely drive him out, but It's not about letting him stay in his room overnight.

Although he never got along with Xie Huan when he was young, the correspondence for many years still made them very close, especially later Xie Huan became his biological father again. He is just happy that his uncle is his biological father, and he is not rejected by his blood relatives, but also feels very distressed by Xie Huan's experience in the past few years.

Especially seeing Xie Huan alone, Yan Jingshu sincerely hoped that Xie Huan could have someone who was caring to accompany him, and that he could live comfortably and happily in the days to come, even if this person was Mu Chongyan.

However, although he had already been mentally prepared for this matter, he never expected that this day would come so soon. However, Mu Chongyan was different from Xie Huan. If he wanted to call Mu Chongyan his father, it would be difficult for him to speak for a while.

For a whole morning, Yan Jingshu thought about Xie Huan for a while, wanted to tell Xie Huan, let him know that she supported all his decisions, and then thought about Mu Chongyan, thinking about what kind of situation is suitable to recognize her father.

After thinking about it, Xie Huan came to mind.

Although Yan Jingshu has already made plans in his heart, he is a junior after all. If he wants to tell his father, as a son, I hope you find another one, it will be difficult to say for a while, so I want to wait for Xie Huan to speak first, and I don't want to thank you. For some reason, Huan also looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't say it.

Fortunately, in the end, he managed to speak out in one go. However, he did not mention the matter of recognizing Mu Chongyan as his father. After all, Xie Huan is not really with Mu Chongyan yet, so he is not in a hurry to recognize his father.

Xie Huan usually lives in Rui County Prince's Mansion, and Mu Chongyan mostly goes there to look for Xie Huan, but he hardly meets Yan Jingshu, so Yan Jingshu has no way of knowing how far Xie Huan and Mu Chongyan have developed. . But if there is any big progress, Xie Huan will always be the first to tell him, so he is not in a hurry.

The days passed in a dull way, and it entered winter in a blink of an eye.

With the passage of time, the ups and downs in the capital caused by Xiao Yanchu's appearance gradually subsided, and everything seemed to have returned to the calm of the past, but Jiang Chenghan knew that the calm surface would never stop Undercurrents are surging, and now, there are two more waves caused by him and King Chuxiang.

Xie Huan also informed Jiang Chenghan and Yan Jingshu about the fact that King Chuxiang wanted to take revenge on the Marquis of Yongchang and Concubine Li for Yan Jingshu. , There is no position to ask Chuxiang King. As for Jiang Chenghan, it doesn't matter, he doesn't have to stop the father from venting his anger on the child.

Acting vigorously and resolutely is the consistent style of King Chu Xiang, so Jiang Chenghan and Yan Jingshu knew about this incident within a few days, and he had already taken action.

First, the censor impeached Yongchanghou Zongzi for murder in court, and Yongchanghou and Dali Temple minister formed a party for personal gain and so on. The matter of private correspondence inside and outside the palace was also made public.

The emperor was most taboo about the connection between the harem and the former dynasty, and he was furious immediately. Marquis Yongchang was stripped of his title and ransacked his home, his son was exiled, Dali Temple Minister was also sent to prison, and Concubine Li was saved because of the birth of a prince. Life, but was demoted to the forbidden palace of talented people.

She who touched the emperor's taboo, so it is no different from being thrown into the cold palace. And until all the dust settled, they couldn't imagine that all this was just because of their greedy act many years ago.

When the sentences for Marquis Yongchang, Minister of Dali Temple, and Concubine Li came down, King Chu Xiang immediately took the news to curry favor with Xie Huan. Unexpectedly, when he was in Ruijun Prince's Mansion, he found that Yan Jingshu was there.

"I've seen the prince." Speaking of which, this was the third time Yan Jingshu met Mu Chongyan, but every time it was almost in a different state of mind.

"Get up quickly, there's no need to be so polite." If he didn't know that Yan Jingshu was still somewhat repulsive to him, Mu Chongyan would have stepped forward to help Yan Jingshu up himself.

The previous two times, one was because he didn't know that Yan Jingshu was his child, and the other was because he was at a banquet with many outsiders, so Mu Chongyan never took a good look at Yan Jingshu. Now in Ruijun Palace, surrounded by his own people, Mu Chongyan no longer has any scruples.

Although Yan Jingshu's appearance is 60-70% like that of Xie Huan, especially the eyes, which seem to be carved out of the same mold, but if you look closely, you can see that there are some shadows of Mu Chongyan on the face, such as straight A straight nose, and a well-defined jawline.

It's just that compared to Mu Chongyan's toughness, Yan Jingshu, who is a twin, is softer.

When he thought that the young man in front of him was his own and Xie Huan's child, the corners of Mu Chongyan's mouth couldn't stop curling upwards, his eyes filled with joy. Looking at Yan Jingshu, and then at Xie Huan, his eyes flicked back and forth as if he couldn't get enough of the father and son, and he felt that he had never been so satisfied in his life as he was at this moment.

In the end, Xie Huan couldn't stand Mu Chongyan's smirk, and asked, "What are you here for?"

Mu Chongyan came back to his senses, and hurriedly told Yan Jingshu and Xie about Yongchanghou and Concubine Li. Huan.

These people planned Yan Jingshu so much back then, and delayed Yan Jingshu's life, now that they all did not end well, Xie Huan felt a little relieved, and said: "If you do many injustices, you will kill yourself, and it is not wronged them. "

Although Mu Chongyan wanted to avenge Yan Jingshu, he would not frame them up with unwarranted charges. However, when Marquis Yongchang and Concubine Li dared to do such a thing, they knew it would be dirty in other places, so they could easily get rid of them." He was caught by Mu Chongyan, and finally he was given the blame.

Mu Chongyan worked so hard, it was all for Yan Jingshu, and Yan Jingshu himself knew it. It would be fine if he didn't see Mu Chongyan, now that he was in front of him, he couldn't remain indifferent.

Then he stood up, bowed to Mu Chongyan, and said solemnly, "Thank you, my lord, for your trouble."

Mu Chongyan really wanted Yan Jingshu not to call him so out of the blue, but seeing Yan Jingshu's expression, he didn't want to embarrass him, so he She just smiled and said, "It's okay, this is what I should do." After hearing this

, Yan Jingshu felt a little uncomfortable. He has not yet recognized Mu Chongyan, but Mu Chongyan has a fatherly heart towards him, which makes him really unbearable.

Fortunately, Xie Huan knew that Yan Jingshu was uncomfortable in front of Mu Chongyan, so he took Mu Chongyan away quickly.

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