Chapter 20 Marriage

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"General, what the hell is going on here? Why is it so good, the emperor suddenly gave me a marriage, or give it to me and..." Jiang Chenghan never imagined that he just went to a birthday banquet with his general that day, and finally developed into a this point.

"Although I don't know the exact reason for this, I do have a guess." Kou Shijun thought for a while and said, "Do you still remember the Marquis of Yongchang that An Guogong mentioned when he came to the door? You don't know. After clarification with Marquis Yongchang, the rumors about Second Young Master Yan in the capital changed from him and Zhao Xian to you..."

When Kou Shijun said this, Jiang Chenghan frowned slightly, and immediately said, "Did it come from Marquis Yongchang?"

Kou Shijun nodded, and said, "It's probably him."

Jiang Chenghan thought for a while, and said, "If that's the case, could it be Duke An? Seeing that the news spread and ruined the reputation of the Duke's mansion, he simply asked the emperor for a gift." Marriage to settle the matter?"

Kou Shijun shook his head and said, "Nothing happened between you and Mr. Yan, and the eldest son of Mr. An passed away, and his daughter will get married sooner or later. Mr. Yan is the only one. The family supports the lintel, so they will not marry off easily. And since it is a marriage, it is a good relationship between the two families. Even if Mr. An has this plan, he must first tell us."

Jiang Chenghan didn't know much about the Duke's mansion . At this time, Kou Shijun said so, and he also felt that it made sense, and from this point of view, it is not a good thing for Anguo Gongfu to marry someone else's family, which is a great honor. But in this way, who exactly wrote the marriage proposal?

Kou Shijun didn't have a clue for a while, so he waved his hand and said: "Forget it, I will see Duke An about this matter in the future, and I think he should know about it, so I will ask about it at that time. Now, let's talk about you with the same face. Second Young Master's marriage."

The source of this matter is still in An Guo Gong's Mansion, as long as the marriage is here, there will be more opportunities to deal with each other in the future, so there is no rush.

When Kou Shijun mentioned the marriage, Jiang Chenghan didn't know what to say.

Judging from this era, he is now in his twenties, which should be the age at which children can play soy sauce, but he has not married yet, but because of two points, one is that he has no great interest in marrying a wife and having children to carry on the family line, Living alone feels more relaxed and free; secondly, it is also because he has a temperament that would rather be lacking than abuse. If he can't find someone he likes, he would rather be single than make do with life, so as not to delay others.

Therefore, although in the past, no matter whether it was his own general or his colleagues and friends, there were matchmaking for him, but he either didn't like it himself, or he didn't want to marry blindly, and he never accepted one. But he didn't want to think that he still didn't escape after all, and was given an arranged marriage by the only person in the world that he couldn't refuse.

Seeing that Jiang Chenghan's face was not happy, Kou Shijun sighed slightly in his heart, but he still said, "What kind of expression is this on your boy? Don't tell me you still despise the second son Yan?"

"Why?" Jiang Chenghan hurriedly said, "This subordinate is just It felt too sudden, and I didn't prepare for it at all..."

Not to mention getting married suddenly, I still want to marry a man, well, it's not a man, it's just a twin who looks like a man and can have children, but to Jiang Chenghan, there is no difference .

"It's fine if you don't." Kou Shijun also knew that the incident happened suddenly. Jiang Chenghan might not be able to accept it for a while, but now the marriage has been decided and the sacred will cannot be violated. , are of no benefit.

Thinking this way, Kou Shijun said to Jiang Chenghan again: "The matter has come to this point, don't think too much, after all, you will marry a wife sooner or later. Fortunately, you have seen the second son of Yan. She is extremely outstanding, and she was born in the government of the state. Although she is a twin, if it is difficult for her to have children in the future, the Yan family will not say anything if she wants to take a concubine, and this is a marriage bestowed by the emperor. Worried about the slander of those rumors."

Jiang Chenghan is not a person who doesn't know good and bad, Kou Shijun is so lenient and persuasive to him, he naturally appreciates it, and said seriously: "What the general said is true, the subordinates understand." It's

just that he understands that the government of An Guo may not understand, after all, as Kou Shijun said He said that An Guogong had no intention of marrying Yan Jingshu at all, and Yan Jingshu could have married a wife and had children like a man. The rest of the body is fixed, and I don't know how unwilling it will be.

"That's good." Kou Shijun nodded, and Jiang Chenghan still understood. Now that he said that, he must have thought so in his heart, and then said: "Now that your parents are gone, getting married is cumbersome, and you don't even think about it. I understand, but don't worry, I will order someone to help you with the arrangements. As for the matchmaker..."

Although there is a marriage decree, which saves the time of proclaiming marriage, there is still a matchmaker. The ceremony, to set a date to welcome the relatives, is to ask the matchmaker to contact and discuss with An Guogong's mansion. It's just that Kou Shijun is a big man after all, and it has something to do with the Yan and Kou families, so he can't be easily neglected, so he doesn't know where to find a suitable person.

"If the master thinks that being a concubine is fine, how about using the concubine as a matchmaker?" The general's wife Jiang, who had been sitting silently beside him, asked with a smile when she saw Kou Shijun's embarrassed expression.

As the wife of a great general, Mrs. Jiang also has an imperial order, and she is no worse than Mrs. An Guogong's wife, Mrs. Xie. If she can come forward to be Jiang Chenghan's matchmaker, Mrs. An would not dare to despise Jiang Chenghan even if he thought about it. Not too passive. Kou Shijun is also a protectionist, and he is naturally happy to be able to benefit Jiang Chenghan.

"Madam is not too troublesome, it would be the best." Kou Shiwei's embarrassment faded away, and he said with a smile.

"You are welcome, general. Don't bother me. The left and right concubines are also idle. It is rare to have such a happy event, so let's join in the fun." Jiang said with a smile, as a wife, to solve her husband's problems It should be, not to mention that she had a good impression of Jiang Chenghan.

Jiang Chenghan stood up, and solemnly saluted Mrs. Jiang: "Cheng Han thanked Madam, for your hard work.

" I have married three daughters, but this is the first time I have ever married a daughter-in-law for someone else. Maybe there will be some omissions. Mother Zhang knows this best, so let her talk about it. Cheng Han, listen to it too. Listen, I have a plan in my heart."

"Yes." Jiang Chenghan said, even if Mrs. Jiang didn't say anything, he himself would find someone to ask, even though Kou Shijun said that he would find someone to help him with the marriage, Mrs. Jiang would do it for him To be a matchmaker, but he himself can't just let it go and throw everything to others.

"General, ma'am." According to Jiang's instructions, Zhang's mother stepped forward to salute and then began to explain the marriage rules in detail.

Although Jiang Chenghan has never been married, he has seen other people marry wives, so he has some rough ideas about marriage. He knows that he needs to ask a matchmaker to go to the other party's house to propose marriage, and he also needs to give a dowry, and finally marry and pray to the heaven and earth, etc., but now After listening to Zhang's mother in detail, I realized that there are many cumbersome rituals such as Na Cai, asking names, small orders, and asking for dates.

Fortunately, Kou Shijun will send someone to help him, and Mrs. Jiang is also willing to be a matchmaker for him, otherwise, if he is the only one to sort out these things, his head will be big.

"Okay, you go down first." After talking for almost a stick of incense, it was almost over. Jiang asked Zhang's mother to step back, then looked at Jiang Chenghan, and said: "Although these things sound cumbersome, they are all the same. According to the rules, there is no trouble, but there are two matters that you have to decide for yourself."

"Madam, please tell me." Jiang Chenghan said.

"The first thing is the dowry. Although the dowry represents the man's sincerity in asking for marriage and the importance he attaches to the other party, the richer and grander the better, the other party will feel that he has face. However, Duke Anguo's government also knows about your situation. Yes, I don't want to be too harsh on this. How much preparation is appropriate is up to you, and if you have any difficulties, you can talk to me and the general." When Jiang said this, he looked at Jiang Chenghan's expression, Seeing that he didn't show any humiliation, he felt a little relieved.

After all, Jiang Chenghan's family background does not match the Duke An's Mansion, but she has to say this, and she must explain it clearly to Jiang Chenghan, so that Jiang Chenghan has a bottom line in his heart. Don't worry about hearing something. Fortunately, Jiang Chenghan was really like what Kou Shijun said, he had a broad-minded and informal temperament, and he didn't take it to heart.

Jiang Chenghan asked himself that he still had some self-knowledge. He couldn't be more clear about the gap between himself and An Guogong's mansion, and he never paid attention to these things. Naturally, he didn't take Jiang's words to heart. He just nodded and listened carefully. As he said this, he secretly thought about his family background in his heart.

Jiang continued: "The second thing is the location of the big wedding ceremony in the future. You don't have a house in Beijing now. If you hold the ceremony in the general's mansion, the general and I will be fine, but the Kou clan may not be able to." I agree to hold the ceremony in the main courtyard of the mansion, but only in the side courtyard, so it seems a bit negligent. I have a dowry two-entry courtyard, which is not far from the General's Mansion, only two streets away, although I haven't seen it for a long time. It is a place for people to live, but everything is still intact, if you don't mind it, it is also feasible to clean and decorate it and use it as a place for ceremonies."

Jiang Chenghan was very grateful for Jiang's careful arrangement for him, and he got up again to pay respects and thanked "Ms. Lao is bothering you."

"Where, it's rare that it's a great happy event in your life. It's always better to be perfect." Jiang smiled, and said: "If you can't make up your mind for a while, go back and think about it carefully." Thinking, it's okay to give me an answer tomorrow, but it's not too late, it's not good if you keep An Guogong's mansion waiting for a long time."

They are the ones who are getting married, so they always have to take the initiative, and they can't wait for An Guogong's mansion to come to the door first.

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