Chapter 44 Drunk

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After the wedding banquet, the days returned to the peace and tranquility of the past. When

October entered winter, the weather became colder and colder. After a few days of gloom, a heavy snow fell in the middle of the night.

When Jiang Chenghan and Yan Jingshu woke up the next day, the outside of the house was already covered with a thick layer of snow, and there was a bit of cold and clean breath in the air, which made people feel refreshed after just a few breaths.

It was Jiang Chenghan's day off, so he didn't go out. Just two days ago, Zhang Zhao and others went hunting in the mountains near Ningcheng and brought back a lot of prey. Although Jiang Chenghan didn't go with them, he still gave him a large piece of fresh venison. Jiang Chenghan So I planned to bake it with the snow scene today.

After breakfast, he got busy, first cut the venison into small pieces equal to the size of finger belly, and prepared the marinade for marinating. While waiting for the venison to be marinated, he went to process some other ingredients, such as sliced ​​steamed buns, potato chips, chicken wings, dried tofu, etc. The main meat and vegetarian dishes were all prepared.

He was busy in the kitchen, and Yan Jingshu was not idle either. He wanted to help, but Jiang Chenghan saw that he had only held the knife for a while, and his hands were already red with cold, so he took the knife away, and only asked him to warm up by the stove and talk to himself.

It's not too early for the two of them to eat breakfast, and the barbecue needs to be baked for a while, so they can't eat it right away, so when everything is ready, even though it's not time for dinner, the two of them still put everything together Moved to the corridor in front of the house, lit the charcoal pot, and started roasting like that.

It was naturally cold outside, but the two of them had charcoal basins in front of and behind them, and they were wearing thick cotton and woolen clothes. Jiang Chenghan also wrapped felt blankets on both sides to keep out the wind, so they didn't feel very cold.

In his previous life, Jiang Chenghan forged his identity as a foreigner working in a food stall in a night market in order to sneak into a criminal organization and become an undercover agent. In order to make his identity more authentic and win the trust of others, he actually worked in a food stall. In half a year, I also secretly learned a lot of skills from the master chef of the food stall, and this barbecue is one of them.

Meaty meat such as venison and chicken wings have been marinated in advance with a special marinade, skewered on bamboo sticks and neatly stacked on the plate. When the fire of the charcoal basin was almost ready, Jiang Chenghan put a special iron frame on the charcoal basin, and then took venison and chicken wings and put them on it first.

It takes a long time to roast meat, so it has to be roasted first, and when the surface appears oily and browned, it is estimated that it is almost half-cooked. Dry and a few vegetables were also put on the grill and started to roast.

Yan Jingshu was not hungry at first, but after a while, the unique burnt aroma of barbecue came, and he couldn't help sniffing his nose and swallowing in his throat.

"Okay, let's eat." Without making Yan Jingshu wait too long, Jiang Chenghan cooked the first batch of kebabs. There were meat and vegetables and staple food. There was a big plate full, and he put it in front of Yan Jingshu. Then pick up new raw skewers and put them on the grill to continue roasting.

Yan Jingshu was not too polite, and immediately picked up a bunch of venison, but instead of eating it herself, she held it in front of Jiang Chenghan, letting Jiang Chenghan take a bite first.

After Jiang Chenghan bit off a piece, he ate it by himself. Jiang Chenghan made it easy for Yan Jingshu to eat. The pieces of meat were cut so small that even Yan Jingshu could eat one in one bite.

The venison is already extremely fresh and tender, and it has been marinated with Jiang Chenghan's secret seasoning, coupled with the unique aroma of roasting, and Jiang Chenghan's master-like craftsmanship, the meat does not need to be too hard, and the meat is in the mouth As if it has melted, it is smooth and tender and almost does not need to be chewed.

The taste buds were also baptized, the salty, delicious and extremely delicious taste filled the mouth, Yan Jingshu couldn't help squinting slightly, showing an expression of satisfaction and enjoyment.

When Jiang Chenghan saw that he liked it, he was naturally happy in his heart, and felt that his whole body was full of energy, flipping over, sprinkling cumin, and applying sauce, his hands almost never stopped.

Knowing that he has a big appetite, even though it was only the two of them, Jiang Chenghan still prepared all kinds of skewers including meat, vegetables and others that weighed about ten catties in total.

There are so many things that they can't finish roasting in a short while. Fortunately, Yan Jingshu doesn't just focus on eating by himself, he doesn't forget to feed Jiang Chenghan from time to time while eating.

Barbecue is delicious, but it is easy to get tired of eating alone, so it should be accompanied by some wine. Jiang Chenghan still drank the white wine brewed from Ningcheng's local pure grains. It had a high alcohol content and tasted like a knife, but he was used to it, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Yan Jingshu can't drink much, but today at home, he and Jiang Chenghan were the only ones, so they also drank some with Jiang Chenghan, but he couldn't drink the kind Jiang Chenghan drank, and the drink was specially brought from the capital. Fruit wine, sweet and soft in the mouth, not spicy and not easy to get drunk.

It's just that although it's not easy to get drunk, Yan Jingshu is in a good mood today, and she drank a small bottle without knowing it. When Jiang Chenghan found out, his cheeks were already flushed and his eyes were moist and blurred, obviously drunk.

But Yan Jingshu himself didn't realize that after he poured the wine bottle but couldn't get a drop of wine, he threw the wine bottle, then looked around on the table, and finally fixed his eyes on Jiang Chenghan's wine. He reached out to take it to drink, but Jiang Chenghan hurriedly stopped him.

"Okay, okay, no more, let's stop drinking." Jiang Chenghan didn't expect that Yan Jingshu was also a little alcoholic, and he wrapped Yan Jingshu in his arms with one hand to prevent him from filling the drink on the table, and put the wine jar and his own in the other hand. The wine glasses were placed under the table.

"Well, wine, I want to drink..." Yan Jingshu's body was so limp as if she had no bones, she leaned on Jiang Chenghan's chest and did not forget to reach for the wine glass.

Jiang Chenghan had no choice but to grab his hand back, called Wen Jin and Wen Xiu to come over, cleaned up the table and drinks, then he carried Yan Jingshu up and went into the bedroom.

Yan Jingshu was still struggling in Jiang Chenghan's arms, but he was drunk and weak, and had no effect on Jiang Chenghan, but his obsession with alcohol did not stop there. He wrinkled his nose and sniffed, smelling Jiang Chenghan face, and then bit Jiang Chenghan's lips with one mouth.

Jiang Chenghan couldn't let go even if he hugged the person. Fortunately, Yan Jingshu's bite didn't hurt, but he licked and sucked at the same time, which made Jiang Chenghan a little tortured. When he was put on the bed, Jiang Chenghan, who had already eaten a lot of venison and drank wine, was already panting heavily after being teased.

Although Yan Jingshu was put on the bed by Jiang Chenghan, she did not let go of the arm around Jiang Chenghan's shoulder, even after realizing Jiang Chenghan's avoidance, she hummed twice aggrievedly, and hugged Jiang Chenghan even tighter.

The drunken Yan Jingshu was obsessive and fiery, which made Jiang Chenghan almost overwhelmed. The brain began to become a little heavy, the blood in his body was also hot and boiling, and his breathing became more and more heavy. Jiang Chenghan closed his eyes, after all, he couldn't refuse Yan Jingshu.

Putting down the bed curtain, he carefully and gently pushed the person down on the bed, and soon there was a sound of cloth rubbing, and pieces of clothing were thrown out. Although the weather is still sunny at the moment, Jiang Chenghan can't care about it anymore...

I don't know how long it has passed, the sky outside has completely darkened, candles are lit in the room, and Yan Jingshu slowly opened the door with a little smile on her face. Confused eyes.

However, soon after the confusion dissipated and she woke up, she found that she was not wearing any hair but was covered with ambiguous traces. Yan Jingshu quickly remembered what happened not long ago, her face turned red immediately, and she couldn't help but lower her head and bury her face in the bed. Under the quilt, I just felt that I could never see anyone again.

It's not that he never drank alcohol before, and even got drunk, but like not long ago, he hugged Jiang Chenghan without letting go, kissed and bit him, but he had never done it before, including his previous life.

Yan Jingshu didn't know when he got this problem, but no matter what, he must never get drunk again...

Lying on the bed, Yan Jingshu secretly swore in his heart, Jiang Chenghan came in with a bowl of porridge, seeing Yan Jingshu's eyes open Dazed, he didn't know what he was thinking, and said, "Are you awake? Just right, fill your stomach with some porridge, you must be hungry if you haven't eaten dinner?"

Yan Jingshu had been calm for a long time now, but when he turned his head to look at Jiang Chenghan, Immediately, Jiang Chenghan's mouth, which was unusually red and swollen with teeth marks, attracted all eyes.

Knowing that Yan Jingshu had a thin skin, Jiang Chenghan pretended not to notice, and brought the porridge to Yan Jingshu's bedside with a smile.

"...Thank you." Yan Jingshu hurriedly sat up, said in a low voice, reached out to take the porridge, and then began to eat in small mouthfuls.

Jiang Chenghan watched him eat, and smiled again: "It's quite late now, it's not good to eat too much at night, and it's easy to accumulate food, so let's drink some porridge first, and I'll make something delicious for you tomorrow."

Yan Jingshu nodded He nodded, hummed, but didn't speak, just lowered his head and drank the porridge.

A bowl of porridge is not too much, and it will be finished soon. Jiang Chenghan took back the empty bowl and poured water for Yan Jingshu to rinse his mouth. When everything was almost cleaned up, I went to bed.

Although Yan Jingshu was exhausted after a lot of hard work, he slept all afternoon and only woke up now, so he didn't feel sleepy. But after lying down for a while, surrounded by Jiang Chenghan's breath, the feeling of drowsiness slowly returned, and he soon fell asleep.

The next day Jiang Chenghan went to the Yamen, and Yan Jingshu stayed at home alone. At noon Jiang Chenghan came back to have lunch with him, after the meal Jiang Chenghan left again, Yan Jingshu was going to take a nap. Unexpectedly, he was lying on the bed just now, and Wen Jin came to report that there was a man named Song Fan outside the door begging to see Yan Jingshu.

When Yan Jingshu heard the name, all sleepiness disappeared immediately, she sat up all of a sudden, and hurriedly said to Wen Jin: "Hurry up, call someone in."

Wen Jin saw Yan Jingshu's urgency, and bowed in response , and walked out quickly.

In his previous life, after Jiang Chenghan's death, Yan Jingshu thought at first that Jiang Chenghan died in battle, but later Jiang Chenghan's body was transported back, and when he was burying him, he discovered that Jiang Chenghan had an unobvious arrow wound on the back of his heart. Although the wound was partly destroyed by the knife wound that pierced the chest, Yan Jingshu can confirm after comparison that it was not Beidi's arrow that Jiang Chenghan fought with at that time that caused the arrow wound, but their big arrow. The arrows equipped in the Qi army.

From this, Yan Jingshu suspected that Jiang Chenghan might have been stabbed in the chest by an enemy and died after being shot in the back by someone first.

At that time, Jiang Chenghan was assigned a special task by Kou Shijun, and he specially selected fifty people from the army to travel with him. After Yan Jingshu found out that Jiang Chenghan's cause of death might be strange, he sent a letter to Kou Shijun, explaining the matter and expressing his desire to investigate the fifty people.

Although Kou Shijun was leading troops on the front line to fight against Beidi, Jiang Chenghan's death in battle also made him very heartbroken. After receiving Yan Jingshu's letter, he immediately agreed to the matter and gave him a warrant, allowing him to dispatch investigations in Ningcheng at will. Detective, and sent manpower to him.

But Yan Jingshu believed in Kou Shijun, but did not dare to trust anyone else, so he still only used the people left by his grandmother to investigate.

When Jiang Chenghan died in battle, the fifty men who followed him were also wiped out. Yan Jingshu started to investigate from them, especially the archers and those who are good at shooting bows and arrows.

Fortunately, the fifty people who were supposed to be buried with Jiang Chenghan were not buried because Jiang Chenghan's funeral was postponed, and Yan Jingshu finally found a corpse from Beidi among the fifty corpses.

In the end, according to the names of the fifty people, he went to their original team and asked the acquaintances of them, and finally confirmed that an archer named Zhao Dali was not among the fifty people.

Obviously, that Zhao Dali should have escaped by feigning death, but the monk could not escape the temple if he escaped, so Yan Jingshu took Kou Shijun's warrant and went to the governor's mansion to check Zhao Dali's hometown information, and learned that Zhao Dali had parents, wives and children Now, let people go to his hometown to find him.

It's just that not long after that, before the investigators sent back the news, Yan Jingshu was hunted down by unknown people. Although they were protected by the people left behind by Mrs. Yan many times, but the people who pursued them were vicious and vicious. After all, Yan Jingshu and the others were still unable to match, and they were finally chased to the edge of the cliff...

After rebirth, although Jiang Chenghan hadn't had any accidents yet, But to prevent problems before they happen, Yan Jingshu still asked a few people like the old lady, and went to investigate the person named Zhao Dali in advance. Song Fan was one of those few people, he was originally a scout under the old An Guogong, and he was best at scouting and searching.

It's just that Zhao Dali's hometown is in the south, far away from the capital and Ningcheng, so it has been more than two months before he finally came back to inform him of the results of the investigation.

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