Chapter 45 Replacement

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 "I've met the second young master." Song Fan was brought to Yan Jingshu by Wen Jin, and came all the way from the south, with a weathered look on his face.

Yan Jingshu hurriedly asked him not to be too polite, and asked him to sit down and talk, and then asked: "How is it? Did that Zhao Dali find out anything?"

Song Fan also knew Yan Jingshu's eagerness, so he didn't say any more nonsense, and immediately He said: "According to the address given by the second young master, we did find a man named Zhao Dali, but that Zhao Dali was just a short, thick and ordinary middle-aged farmer, not what you said, young master, a man in his thirties. He is a tall, thin man."

When Yan Jingshu investigated in her previous life, she asked Zhao Dali's appearance from the people Zhao Dali knew, and she also told them when she sent Song Fan and the others to investigate, but now Song Fan But he said that the Zhao Dali they found was not what he knew, which surprised Yan Jingshu.

Song Fan and the others shouldn't be wrong in their search, so the only possibility is that this Zhao Dali is not the Zhao Dali from the previous life, perhaps he was replaced by the person from the previous life at some point.

After pondering for a long time, Yan Jingshu had some guesses in her heart, but she didn't tell Song Fan directly, she just said: "Thank you for your hard work, you have been on the road for a long time, stay here for a few days, and talk about other things later." After speaking, let Wen Jin Go and clean up a wing room for Song Fan to live in.

Song Fan was entrusted to Yan Jingshu by Mrs. Yan, naturally everything was based on Yan Jingshu's words, Yan Jingshu asked him to stay for a few days, he would not refuse, and soon got up and went out with Wen Jin.

After Song Fan left, Yan Jingshu got up and went back to the inner room. At this moment, he has no intention of taking a nap anymore, and just sits on the clinical bed, closing his eyes and concentrating on things.

When Jiang Chenghan came back from the yamen, he was a little surprised to see that Yan Jingshu didn't come out to meet him as usual, so he asked what happened to Wenjin's house, and after hearing the name Song Fan, he understood in his heart.

As early as when Yan Jingshu confessed to him about the rebirth, he also informed him that he had sent someone to investigate the matter of the person named Zhao Dali, and now it seems that the result has been achieved.

After entering the inner room, I saw Yan Jingshu was lost in thought. Jiang Chenghan went to the couch and sat beside Yan Jingshu, smiled and stretched out his hand in front of Yan Jingshu's eyes.

Yan Jingshu came back to his senses and said, "You're back."

Jiang Chenghan smiled and said, "Just arrived home, what are you thinking about, so engrossed?"

Yan Jingshu sat up slightly, and told Jiang Chenghan about Song Fan's arrival at home and the results of his investigation , and finally said: "...I think that Zhao Dali in the previous life is very likely to be a fake, but there is no clue to find him now, but according to Zhao Dali's military records, he will be recruited by the court in March next year He was conscripted as a soldier at the time. Now as long as we continue to monitor Zhao Dali, we should be able to find someone to replace him sooner or later."

Yan Jingshu's words are not unreasonable, and he doesn't know about others, but Kou Shijun's soldiers are in control It was extremely strict, and there was no possibility of an impostor. If that Zhao Dali was really replaced by someone, it could only happen before the conscription, or during the time when he went north to Ningcheng after the conscription.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chenghan also told Yan Jingshu his guess, and finally said: "...I can't leave Ningcheng right now, I'm afraid I will have to work hard for Song Fan and the others for a while."

After the couple discussed it, they went together After seeing Song Fan, Jiang Chenghan gave Song Fan another 1,000 taels of silver after some instructions and commissions, so that they could do things conveniently outside. Yan Jingshu had already given them a lot of money, but it was only Yan Jingshu's. After all, it was for his own business, and Jiang Chenghan had to express it.

Knowing that finding out the truth and the murderer is not something that can be resolved in a short while, Yan Jingshu has already made long-term preparations, and after Song Fan left, she put this matter in the bottom of her heart.

In the blink of an eye, another month passed, and it was November, and because Ningcheng was thousands of miles away from the capital, even though there were still nearly two months before the end of the new year, Yan Jingshu had already started preparing to send her to the capital. Years for grandma and family.

Although Ningcheng is located in northern Xinjiang, the climate is bitter and cold, but it is rich in precious Chinese medicinal materials such as ganoderma lucidum, wild ginseng and snow clam, as well as various specialties such as wild animal leather, and the price is much cheaper than that in Beijing.

Yan Jingshu went to the city and nearby villages and towns to make a lot of purchases, plus other miscellaneous gifts, filled the five carts, and finally attached a thick letter from home, writing I sent my greetings to my grandmother, father, sister-in-law and nephew, as well as my recent situation, to the An Guogong Mansion in the capital.

Although there are few people in the family, there are a lot of things to prepare and things to do. It took a few days to meet the heads of Zhuangzi who married Zhuangzi everywhere, sort out the accounts, and entered the twelfth lunar month without knowing it. It's time to start preparing for the new year.

It's just that according to the usual practice, Jiang Chenghan will go out of the city with Kou Shijun to patrol the border, and walk the entire border of Yunzhou in northern Xinjiang with Beidi and Dannu, and at the same time inspect and inquire about the city defense garrisons in various places. It will take 20 days at the earliest. You can only come back when you are in front of you.

In this way, Yan Jingshu can only be busy with the New Year's work alone, and I can't help but feel a little guilty.

Jiang Chenghan is a soldier, with military orders like mountains, Yan Jingshu knew this would happen a long time ago, so naturally he wouldn't blame him for anything. Just let him rest assured that he should also pay attention to safety, he will wait for him to come back at home.

Although he was very reluctant, Jiang Chenghan still left home when the scheduled day came, and left the city with Kou Shijun and the long queue.

After sending Jiang Chenghan away, Yan Jingshu didn't go home, but went to the shantang first. Jiang Chenghan has been away for more than twenty days this time, and he also wants to tell the children, lest they wait for someone but can't come.

On the way to Shantang, Yan Jingshu did not forget to buy some pastries and snacks to take with her.

Compared with the first time I came a few months ago, there is not much change in the shantang, but it was originally built to accommodate the homeless, orphans, widows, and elderly, so in the past two months, There were two more children and an old man in the hall.

As for Huang Sanniang, now she is no longer avoiding Yan Jingshu as she was in the past two months, and she speaks with much the same demeanor as usual. After learning that Huang Sanniang had rejected Jiang Chenghan's offer of a matchmaker, Zhao Auntie introduced her to her distant nephew.

This time, Huang Sanniang didn't refuse immediately, and Aunt Zhao took the lead to meet her distant nephew. According to what Aunt Zhao said, both of them have a good impression of each other, but now the end of the year is approaching, and after the new year, there will be a wedding.

Seeing that Huang Sanniang finally thought about it, and a good thing was coming, Yan Jingshu was naturally very happy for her. It's just that Jiang Chenghan has left Ningcheng now, so he can only tell him the good news when he comes back.

After talking and playing around with the elderly and children in Shantang for a day, and having lunch in Shantang at noon, Yan Jingshu returned home in a carriage in the evening.

Although he was prepared for Jiang Chenghan to leave home, the two had been eating and sleeping together for the past few months, and now Yan Jingshu was the only one left to eat and sleep alone, so he still felt a little lonely and lost his appetite even when eating.

Not only that, but after a few days, Yan Jingshu suddenly found that she had become a little impetuous, and she couldn't even read her favorite books on weekdays, and she couldn't help but cast aside her own uselessness.

Feeling that it was impossible for her to continue like this, Yan Jingshu forced herself to find something to do for herself. After being so busy for a few days, his energy really improved a lot, but he still didn't have any appetite, especially on the tenth day after Jiang Chenghan left, he accidentally vomited it out while eating at lunch.

Wen Jin Wenxiu and the others were all terrified, and Yan Jingshu also felt that something was really wrong with her. Right now in the twelfth lunar month, the weather is not very hot, and his diet has always been light. Why did he lose his appetite for no reason, and now he couldn't even eat, so he just threw up.

Yan Jingshu was inexperienced, at first she thought she missed Jiang Chenghan too much, but when the doctor Zheng Er asked for a pulse, after listening to the doctor's words, she was instantly stunned.

"...Doctor, are you right? You mean me, I'm pregnant?" Yan Jingshu widened her eyes in disbelief.

Didn't it mean that twins are not easy to conceive? He had made the best plans in his life, but they had only been married for a few months, and they already had one?

The doctor has practiced medicine for many years and is used to seeing all kinds of patients. He was not surprised by Yan Jingshu's reaction, and said with a smile: "I have been practicing medicine for more than 30 years, but it's just a slippery pulse, which can still be diagnosed. And you are almost pregnant. It's been three months, congratulations."

Three months? Yan Jingshu blinked, didn't that happen in early October?

Yan Jingshu lowered her head and stared at her stomach, and when she looked at it, she showed a smirk. He has a child, Jiang Chenghan's child, his and Jiang Chenghan's child... The

old doctor is still not surprised by this, and waited patiently for a while, and when Yan Jingshu's initial surprise passed, he raised his head again, and then gave him some instructions Things to watch out for during pregnancy.

Yan Jingshu listened carefully, and asked Wen Jin to take notes.

The old doctor is very kind-hearted. Seeing that Yan Jingshu has no parents-in-law or elders, he knew that he must have no experience in childbearing, so he spoke very carefully and thoughtfully, and it took half an hour to finish.

Yan Jingshu benefited a lot, thanked the doctor, and gave a large sum of money for the consultation, then asked Wen Jin to send him out, and specially asked Zheng Er to take the old doctor back to the hospital in a carriage .

After the maid and the doctor left, Yan Jingshu also got up and went to the study to write a letter to tell her grandmother about her pregnancy. Although he wanted to be the first to tell Jiang Chenghan the news, but Jiang Chenghan had military affairs on his side at the moment, so he could only wait for him to come back.

However, even if the letter travels from Ningcheng to the capital, it will take more than half a month. If Jiang Chenghan's side goes well, he should be able to know about it earlier than Mrs. Yan. I don't know when he knew that he was pregnant. What a surprise and joy.

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