二 ; partners

792 38 6

"Why do you look as if someone killed your puppy?" Renjun was the first to arrive at the library after his class had ended, taking a seat next to you as you scanned over the material that was laid out in front of you with the same scowl you had on...

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"Why do you look as if someone killed your puppy?" Renjun was the first to arrive at the library after his class had ended, taking a seat next to you as you scanned over the material that was laid out in front of you with the same scowl you had on your face since your encounter with Karina half an hour before. Your trash was crumbled up on the table, being too engrossed in your schoolwork to worry about throwing the trash away at the moment.

"Karina happened." You grumbled as you grabbed your pencil off the table as began to jot your answers down. Once you have figured out the correct answer to the question that was written on your homework sheet as you moved to the next one, quickly write down the answer to the next question remembering what your professor had talked about in class the week prior.

"What did she do this time?" Renjun questioned as he pulled his own work out of his book bag and began working on his own schoolwork. He never understood why you hated Karina; she was always extremely nice to you, a lot nicer to you than she was to other people. It was obvious to many people how she felt about you, so he was sure her heart ached every time you showed some distaste towards her.

"She spilled my coffee on me." You responded as you looked up at the door. When you heard the door open, Donghyuck and Jaemin walked through the doors with two Bubble Teas in both of their hands. The once hardened glare that was on your face was now replaced with a large smile that had your eyes in a crescent moon shape.

"Oh, that's why you smelled like Matcha Latte." Renjun hummed as he watched Donghyuck hand you your regular Jasmine Milk Tea that you ordered every time you bought yourself Bubble tea. It was your go-to drink after your Matcha Latte drink from the cafe down the street.

Renjun flashed Jaemin a smile as he handed him his regular Thai Tea. He was quick to take a sip from his drink, a smile also finding its way onto his face.

"What are you guys talking about?" Donghyuck was the first to take a seat as they took the two seats across from you and Renjun.

"Nothing important." You spoke as you got back to your work, feeling the slight guilt wash over you for how you acted towards Karina earlier but as quick as it appeared was as quick as it disappeared, you guys spent the rest of your time getting your work done and studying for upcoming exams. It wasn't long before you had to leave and go to your first and only class for the day. You got up from your spot and bid farewell to your friends.

The walk to your classroom was long, but it seemed as if time was going fast as your music blasting through your headphones. You arrived for class three minutes before your class had to start. You made your way over to the middle row before taking a seat as you pulled everything you needed out of your backpack. Shortly after you arrived, the class started to fill in, and once all the seats were filled, other than the one next to you. You were met by both Karina and the professor walking into the classroom. At the same time, everyone's eyes were trained on Karina as she scanned over the rows for an empty seat before her eyes landed on the one next to you.

She was hesitant to move at first, but she began to make her way over to you. Her eyes were trained on the floor. Once she was at your row, she mumbled a quick excuse me as you scooted your chair more into your desk so she could get to the chair next to you; your attention turned from her and back to the board as scooted your chair back, so you had more leg room.

The class went on as normal. Your professor explained different ways in which you could be an effective performer, not only on stage but off stage. Your professor also explained that the things he was explaining to you would be important for you guys to remember for your project.

"Alright, for your project, you and your partner will have to pick one of these topics on the board, and you guys will have to present it to the class on why this is more effective. This isn't a debate. This is just more of you guys expressing your opinion. The project will be due two months from now." Mrs. Jang said from the front of the class as you nodded your head as the pencil in your hand wrote the topics down into the notebook.

"The way we will be picking your partner is by looking to your left, and the person who is on your left will be your partner for this project and the upcoming projects from this point on. So you guys will need to get well acquainted with each other because you guys will be seeing each other a lot throughout the school year." Mrs. Jang said as you looked to your left, seeing that you were partnered with Karina. You quietly groaned as you felt yourself fill with disappointment; Karina's head turned towards you as a small frown found its way onto her lips.

It's not that Karina didn't want to be your partner. She was actually really happy about it. But seeing how disappointed you seemed about her being your partner had only made her feel dejected. Karina let out a quiet sigh as she went back to listening to what the professor was saying at the front of the classroom.

"Now that you guys know who your partner is. You will NOT be able to change partners unless your partner has not been productive when it comes to helping with your project; If you guys don't like each other for whatever petty reason, you guys will have to get over it and become bigger people because I will not be allowing you guys to change partners." Mrs. Jang said as that only caused the frown on your face to only grow larger.

"Well, that sucks." You thought to yourself as you glanced over at Karina once again. Maybe she isn't that bad, and some people have to deal with partners who don't do their portion of their work.

"With that being said, class is dismissed." Mrs. Jang finished as everyone began to pack their belongings up. It didn't take you that long to finish packing up your things before turning to Karina, who was already staring at you. It looked as if she had something to say.

"Let's exchange numbers, so we can make a date on when we should meet up to start on our project." You mumbled as she quietly nodded her head, pulling her phone out from her pocket as you did the same exact thing. You open up your KakaoTalk, pressing on the QR code so she can it. You pointed your phone toward her as she scanned the code. A notification pops up on your screen, signaling someone has added you. You press the notification before accepting it; you flash Karina a tight lip smile before finally moving from your seat.

You let out a quiet sigh before making your way out of the classroom. You didn't have the best luck ever. You would be paired with the one person you didn't want to be paired with for the rest of the year. Even if you tried to change your partner, you didn't even have a real reason for the change other than the fact that you couldn't stand her. You just needed to deal with it for your grade.


Didn't realize how hard it is to try and pick a song that fits the vibe of the chapter, so I hope this one fits the chapter well.

The next update for this story should probably be the week after next, so please look forward to it. This chapter was meant to come out on Friday, but I'm really excited about this story, so I'm updating it a few days early.

The next couple of chapters should start actually becoming angst-filled now that they will be working together, so I apologize ahead of time. With that being said, I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

Song: gemini (제미나이) - do me right

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