五 ; a new leaf

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"How should we brainstorm the idea to start the project?" You asked Karina as you watched her focus on the paper in front of her

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"How should we brainstorm the idea to start the project?" You asked Karina as you watched her focus on the paper in front of her. She seemed to be in her own world, and she didn't seem to be focused on anything you had to say to her. It was like she was physically here, but her mind was somewhere far.

"Jimin-nim." You lifted your hand hesitantly before lightly touching her shoulder, causing her to jump in her seat; you quickly pulled your hand back, letting your hand fall back onto its desk as you turned your attention back to your laptop, which had the presentation slides on the screen.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" Karina said, her gaze still on the paper in front of her. Just as you were about to repeat what you said, Mrs. Jang was already back on her feet, announcing to everyone that the class was over. Before you could even get up and tell Karina what time the both of you should meet up to work on the project, she was getting ready to make her way down the stairs, but something made her stop in her tracks. She turned around before opening her mouth;

"Let's just work on the project when we meet in class," Karina whispered before continuing her journey out the door and to whatever she had planned after class. You stayed and sat in your seat, confused, but an uncomfortable feeling was bubbling in your stomach. You slowly began to pack your things up, so you could go home and hopefully make sense of everything.

- - -

When you got home, you were met with Renjun and Donghyuck sitting on the couch, and if you remember right, Jaemin was working on a project with his friend Jeno who he had a dance class with. You bite down on your bottom lip as you contemplate asking Renjun and Haechan about your dilemma. After standing by the entrance for a while, you finally decided to get their opinions on the matter, even though you knew how they felt.

"Renjunie hyung and Donghyuckie hyung." You spoke from where you stood as you walked toward them with a deep frown on your face. They looked over at you with their eyebrows furrowed as you took a seat in the middle of them.

"How's our maknae doing?" Donghyuck asked as they paused the movie they were watching. Their focus now was on you, who looked as if you were stressed beyond belief.

"Would you guys say I'm a nice person?"

"Well, yeah. But I could only say that because of how nice you are to us. I can't speak for other people though." Renjun said as Donghyuck nodded in agreement as you slowly nodded your head.

"Who would you say I'm the meanest to?" You asked as you leaned your back against the couch cushion, your eyes now focused on the ceiling.

"Jimin noona." Donghyuck and Renjun said in unison as you bit down on your bottom lip, as a sudden memory flashed into your mind.


You had been waiting at the Starbucks for what seemed like ages for your friend Donghyuck's drink, which he had asked you to buy him because his class was running a little late. He wouldn't have time to go himself because he had a study date with this girl he was interested in right after class, and he didn't want to keep her waiting. You had reluctantly agreed since he had been trying to win a chance with her for months, and now that he's finally gotten his chance, you had thought you could do this one nice thing for him.

The Starbucks on campus wasn't all that busy today like it usually is, so you had figured you would be in and out, but you were unfortunately wrong. You hadn't been focused on anything but the phone in your hand that was playing a new Korean drama that you had been interested in, your AirPods were in, but your phone was on a low enough volume that you could still hear your name being called.

"A Toasted White Chocolate Mocha for Donghyuck." The barista said loudly from the counter. When you were getting up from your seat, you noticed a familiar purple-haired girl grabbing ahold of your drink and making her way out of the Starbucks. You furrowed your eyebrows before quickly getting up from your seat and following after her.

"Excuse me!" You shouted from behind her; in your eyes, it seemed as if she was ignoring you, but from her point of view, she honestly couldn't hear you because she had her headphones in and her music on. You start to wave your arms to catch her attention which doesn't seem to work as you watch her subconsciously poke the straw into the drink.

"Excuse me!" You said one last time, finally catching the attention of the girl who had your friend's drink held in her grip. You walked closer to her with your eyebrows furrowed as you stood in front of her, her attention now on you as her eyes seemed kind, but you were too annoyed to notice.

"That's my drink." You gestured to the drink that was in her hand, "Well, technically, it isn't my drink, but my friend told me to pick it up for him."

You watched as she looked down at the name on the cup, her eyes widening as she read the name. Her cheeks turned a bright red as she replied, "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought it was mine." She holds it out to you, "Do you want it? I haven't taken a sip from it yet."

"Of course I want it. I've been waiting for it for ages." You mutter, a noticeable attitude laced in your voice, promptly grabbed the drink from her hand. Without another word, you walked away, muttering a string of words that wasn't appropriate enough to be repeated.

"What? No 'thank you'?!" You hear the girl yell. You didn't turn back, not because you had your music playing, but simply because you didn't want to.


"Maybe, your right. I haven't been entirely nice to her." You hummed in agreement with your friends, who seemed to be even more confused. You weren't the type to admit when you were wrong. You were very stubborn, but they rarely had to experience the stubborn side. They were more aware of the clumsy and kind Y/N, who they had to constantly have bandaids on hand for, the friend who always came back home with a new bruise or cut on their skin.

"Why are you asking?" Renjun asked, hoping that you were asking these questions because you had decided you were going to be nice to Jimin from this point forward.

"She just seems so uncomfortable around me, and just the other day, she had bought not only a drink for me but also shared her food with me. I've just been feeling guilty, and today I was going to schedule a day when we could meet up and work on our project. She just told me she would prefer to only work on it together during class." You told them, as they honestly didn't seem surprised about it.

They had been telling you that the way you treated her was very unwarranted and that she's always been so nice to you despite the fact that you didn't deserve it. You were now finally noticing that she wasn't acting kind just to be liked. That was just her character.

"Glad you are realizing that you are an asshole," Donghyuck spoke as you rolled your eyes at what your friend said, but you couldn't deny it.

Maybe it was time to admit your wrongs and make things right for once.


Y/N is finally going to take responsibility for being an asshole and finally apologize. I showed you a little about some of their older interactions of him being mean to her. Even though he wasn't necessarily mean in the flashback, he was still an asshole.

Song: xiumin (시우민) - you

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