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Hey Y/N! are you and Karina on your way?

Bestie!! 😍 where are you guys? Everyone is waiting for you...

Can u hurry up? Donghyuck is flirting with the waitress.

You laugh at your friend's messages as you shoot all three of them a text, letting them know you and Karina have just arrived at the restaurant you guys had decided to meet at due to you guys successfully finishing another year of college. You guys have two years left now.

You feel a light squeeze on your hand, your head turning over to your girlfriend who stands next to you, a gentle smile plastered on her face as you return it before leaning forward and pressing a light kiss on her lips. Before pulling her in the direction of your friend's table, the table your friends were at was loud, but you didn't mind. It was something you were used to. You take a seat on the pillow before offering your hand out to Karina. She takes a hold of it before taking a seat next to you.

Donghyuck was, in fact, flirting with the poor waitress, who looked as if she just wanted to get back to her job.

Renjun and Jaemin tried to stop our teddy bear friend so that the poor waitress could get back to her job.

Minjeong was talking about a bestfriend, who she hadn't spoken to since high school, being in one of her classes next year and about how she wanted to talk to him about why she had ghosted him in hopes he would understand and would become friends with her again.

Ningning, Giselle, and Yeji told her she should've given him the closure a while ago and the fact maybe he didn't want to hear her out. Karina had also jumped into the conversation as you watched everyone with a look of fondness. You felt at ease and happy. You hadn't realized how much you missed everyone due to how busy you were with studying for your exams along with the internship your professor managed to get you at SM entertainment, where you were able to spend time with your sister, who you hadn't spoken to since the Hawaii trip you weren't able to make it too due to unforeseen circumstances.

"Y/N/N, are you okay?" Karina asked as she realized how silent you were, but the fondness and happiness on your face did not go unnoticed by her.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just missed everyone." You responded. The twinkle in your eyes was enough to tell her how genuine you were about it. She hadn't seen you this happy since the last time you guys had time for a date. She was glad you were able to have your smile back because she knew how stressed out you were from everything happening in your life right now.

She couldn't help but think about how cute you looked right now.

"You're so cute." She blurted out, watching as red blush found its way onto your cheeks. She watched as you played off your flustered state with a smug look that she couldn't help but grow to love.

You were truly happy. You had great friends and an amazing girlfriend. You still didn't think you deserved all that much, but you were thankful that she had given you a chance despite how bad of a start you guys had. Of course, your relationship wasn't perfect. You had misunderstandings, and you argued, but those bad times were overshadowed by all the good times you both had with each other.

If someone had told you that you were going to be in a relationship with Karina at the beginning of this year, you would've laughed in their face because you were very sure that you weren't even going to talk to her because she just seemed way too perfect. But now you understood why everyone liked her. That's why you fell for her in the first place.

You had wished things started out differently for the both of you, but if things didn't happen the way things did before. maybe you guys wouldn't have gotten together, so maybe you were okay with how things started because now you found the person you wanted to spend your life with.

So with that, you wanted to thank the coffee she spilled on you that morning.


A horrible ending, I know, but I've been working on this ending for a week (yes, I had those last two chapters written for that long), and I had restarted this ending a lot, but this is honestly what I was able to come up with. So I apologize if this was kind've disappointing, hopefully, the rest of the book can make up for this horrible last chapter 😬

also, please don't forget to take a look at the final author's note.

Song: 88keys - the island

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