十 ; apologies and new-found feelings

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"Is this okay?" You ask as you turn your computer over to Karina, so she can let you know if it is fine or not

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"Is this okay?" You ask as you turn your computer over to Karina, so she can let you know if it is fine or not.

Karina diverts her attention from her laptop to yours, "That looks like it, thank you." She turned her attention back to her own laptop and continued on her portion. The goal for the day was to finish the hardest section of the project, so your next couple of classes will be a lot easier. Judging by how much work was left, the two of you were probably going to end up meeting up over the weekend to work more on the project, since it was due next week on Thursday.

"You know, some of the residents were asking for you when I visited a few days ago?" You watch as she picks up her notebook. Her eyes scanned over the neatly organized notebook, you watched as she started to lean forward in her seat, causing it to lift off the ground as you subconsciously placed your hand on the back of the chair, so she didn't fall forward.

"Really?" her face lights up, "I enjoyed their company, too."

You reply, "Yeah, really. I guess you made a really good impression on them." Then you make a witty, lighthearted comment, "Unlike you did on me."

She laughs and looks down, "The feeling's mutual."

Out of interest, you let this burning question leave your lips, "Why didn't you ever retaliate?" Then you shake your head, "I mean, I understand why, but I wanna hear your side of the story."

She took a seat back in her chair, so the chair was now back on the ground, "It's just now how I was raised... Even though there were times I really wanted to give you a piece of my mind, but my parents always told me to kill them with kindness and that's just what I did, you were still mean to me even after the fact that I apologized, I never understood what I did wrong to make you treat me that way."

"In fairness, it was before eight AM, and that shit was hot," You defend, "But you're right. I could've handled it better." You don't even remember why you blew up that morning or why you never liked her. But you do remember a feeling of remorse the moment you arrived in class and were able to reflect on what you just did (despite you still continuing to mistreat her).

"And that one time when I took Donghyucks's drink," she facepalms because she doesn't know how she even managed to do that, "You didn't even say thank you when I gave you the drink when I could've taken it. Especially since it was you who had gone up to me."

Your face heats up. You were really an entire asshole to Karina. "I was in a hurry. But I could've handled that better, too." You pause and drop your head to look at your feet, "I think my apologies are long overdue. But I really am sorry for both of those times and the times following. I don't know... they were sorta both in the heat of the moment... but if I could go back, I'd treat you better. Maybe we could've became friends faster."

"You're forgiven," she replies seriously, swinging her legs, "Besides, it's not like we haven't made any progress." She looks at the progress of your project and remembers how her relationship with you had been when you both started it. It was almost the complete opposite. "I think I owe you an apology, too. Because I must've done something to make you dislike me so much."

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