十二 ; dating?!?

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The first couple of days since you and Karina had gotten together had been great, especially since no one knew other than the people who were in your class the day that you two shared your first kiss

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The first couple of days since you and Karina had gotten together had been great, especially since no one knew other than the people who were in your class the day that you two shared your first kiss.

To your luck, no one had felt the need to gossip about it.

But today was the day that you were going to tell your friends that you were now together, even though Donghyuck had an idea that you were dating someone with how late you'd been arriving at the dorm. Ever since you and Karina finished your project early, you guys have been spending a lot of time going on dates and getting to know each other more.

Currently, you were waiting outside of her class, since yours had finished earlier than it was supposed to due to a sudden family emergency that your professor couldn't push back. On your way to her class, you stopped at Starbucks and bought both of you drinks.

It was time for her class to get out when you noticed students leaving the building, the small smile on your that was hidden behind your cup only grew wider when your eyes landed on the girl you were lucky enough to call your girlfriend. You start to make your way over to her, her eyes meeting yours as her eyes widen at seeing you, but the smile on her face can't keep itself from forming. She starts to walk towards you, meeting you halfway as you lean down a bit, placing a gentle kiss on her lips before pulling away.

"Hi, love." You smile widely as Karina takes her drink from your hand before she wraps her free hand around your arm as you guys start to make your way to an open bench.

"Hi, Y/N/N. Aren't you supposed to be in your music production class?"

You stopped in your tracks as your eyes widened, remembering that you, in fact, have a music production class right now. "Um, maybe." You looked everywhere, but at Karina, she let out a laugh knowing that you had forgotten about your next class. A normal occurrence for you that she had discovered since you two had started dating, it was something your friends, and you had found annoying, but it was something she adored about you.

"Maybe, you should head to class." She said as you took a seat on the bench as she found herself standing in front of you with your hand on her leg, pulling her closer to you.

"No, it's fine. Mr. Lim is just going to tell us more about the project he's having us do, and he's giving us time throughout the break and a few weeks after the break to work on it since we are producing an actual song." You told her, as she nodded her head, feeling a tad bit skeptical about letting you skip class because there might be something important he has to tell you guys.

"So, are we really going to tell our friends that we are dating?" She finally asks after a comfortable silence, you guys had moved from the bench and were now making your way to the cafeteria, which seemed to be a lot closer than you both had remembered.

"I think we should unless you don't want to."

"Of course, I do. I just wanted to make sure, it was something you actually wanted to do." Her grip around your arm tightened, you placed your hand on top of hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

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