三 ; hatred

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Karina never understood why you hated her

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Karina never understood why you hated her. She had always been really nice to you (maybe a lot nicer to you than she was to others, but that was for another day); she always thought you acted the way you did because it was simply just a bad day. Til she realized it wasn't, the first time she realized you didn't like her was when she had accidentally bumped into you, causing you to drop all your supplies on the way to her class that she was already late for, of course, she stopped to help you pick up your belongings. But all she got was a scoff and brush of the shoulder. That same day, she saw you smiling brightly with your friends, and when you guys made eye contact, the bright smile that was on your face was only replaced with a frown.

Of course, that wasn't necessarily a way to express your hatred, but she was now more observant of how you treated her. You were ruder and more dismissive to her, while you were a lot gentler and kinder to other people. Did she do something that could possibly cause this animosity towards her? Did you realize her admiration for you that made you so uncomfortable you didn't possibly want anything to do with her? Of course, she tried to hate you for how you treated her, but she couldn't. She tried her hardest, but it was almost impossible; everything was impossible when it came to you.

She let out an exaggerated sigh as she threw her head forward, causing her to hit her head on the cafeteria table. Her friends, who were engrossed in a conversation that they were having, turned their attention to their older friend, who was currently rubbing her head from the pain of hitting her head on the table.

"Jimin, are you okay?" Ningning was the first to ask, as Karina looked at her friend with a small pout plastered on her face.

"No." She said as she pulled her hoodie onto her head, pulling it far enough, so it was covering her face.

"What's wrong?" Aeri finally spoke up as they both turned their bodies toward their friend, who seemed to be distraught.

"Y/N happened." She mumbled as her two friends sighed, feeling their hearts hurt on their friend's behalf.

"What did he do?" Yeji asked as she sat at the table with Minjeong taking the seat next to her.

So she told him everything that happened today, even if it wasn't that much. She needed to get it off her chest because she shouldn't feel so small around him. All her friends could do was feel bad for her. She's had this admiration for you since freshman year of university, and you guys were now seniors. She wasn't sure if maybe her admiration had become more over time, but maybe that's what made you dislike her.

"Why do you even like him?" Minjeong questioned as Karina furrowed her eyebrows at the question.

"I don't like him. I admire him." Karina corrected her as Minjeong stared at her as if she didn't believe what she was correcting her about.

"Yeah, sure," Minjeong said, her voice filled with doubt, but she decided not to press any further. But as Minjeong was going to open her mouth to question her friend, some more an unexpected presence began to make his way toward their table. Karina furrowed her eyebrows as she turned back, watching you walk over to where she sat with her friends, a deep frown placed upon your lips as your forehead crinkled in frustration. Something she was all too familiar with; whenever you were forced to talk to her, she felt herself frown as a pang of hurt washed over her features.

Her friends watched as their friend looked utterly defeated despite you not even saying a word to her yet, but it wasn't evident on your face that you didn't want to talk to her at all. They truly felt bad for their friend.

"Karina, are you free later today?" You asked; your voice was deep but quiet and calming. Karina loved listening to you talk. It didn't help that your voice was also nice; it wasn't too deep, but it was deep and soft.

"I should be." Her voice came out small as she felt small under your hardened glare. She didn't even notice the flash of guilt in your eyes.

"Well, if you aren't busy, let's start on the project. I want to decide on the topic and get the first slide finished." You said as she nodded her head, finally looking up at your face for the first time since you arrived at her table.

"Alright." She responded.

"I'll text you where we should meet up." You said before leaving, her eyes trained on the person behind you. Just realizing that Jaemin was with you, she flashed him a gentle smile as he returned; everyone got up from the table, bidding both of you a bow farewell which you both returned, of course.

"Wow, that was the nicest I've ever seen him act to you," Aeri said, as Karina nodded her head, agreeing with the words that came out of her friend's mouth.

"Maybe, it's cause one of his friends is with him." Karina sighed as she watched your tall figure walk out of the building to wherever you were headed with one of your closest friends.

"Probably, 'cause he still looked as if he didn't want to be here." Ningning pointed out as everyone agreed with her. Karina, on the other hand, frowned at the thought.

"Do I really bother him that much?" Karina thought to herself as she looked down at her fingers, finding them more interesting than her food and the conversation happening around her.

Her parents had always told her not to let others' feelings towards her affect her, which she prided herself in because she didn't care about things like this, but why was it so different with you? Why did every mean word you threw at her or the fact that you didn't like her affect her so much?

Before she could dwell too much in her thoughts, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled her phone out, seeing a KakaoTalk message from you.

Park Y/N
Let's meet here [address] 🙂

Yu Jimin
Ok 👍🏼

Maybe, he'll be nicer to her from this point on, or he just accepted the fact that he was stuck with her for the remainder of the year.


I know I said I wasn't going to update til the week after next, but I enjoy writing this story way too much, so here's another update. The next updates moving forward will become irregular, so don't get used to these frequent updates...

It's also really hard to make Y/N mean cause I can't be mean myself, so I'm trying my hardest. I apologize if it's not the best.

With that being said, I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

Song: onewe (원위) - a book in memory

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