十一 ; confessions

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It was just another day in class

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It was just another day in class. You and Karina were working on your second project. And after this, you and Karina wouldn't have much left for the project.

You're excited to see the finished product of the project you guys worked so hard on these last few days due to the constant piling of other classwork-no unfinished slides on the presentation paper. You can already taste the satisfaction, especially because both you and Karina had worked your asses off finishing it.

But there was an elephant in the room.

It wasn't a massive elephant, but it was there, sitting right in between you and Karina, and she didn't know how to address it without you misinterpreting everything.

The elephant: What would become of the two of you after all of this has ended? I mean, of course, you guys will still be in class together, but would you guys act as if each other no longer existed?

She looks over at you with that lingering thought.

It was rather baffling because her relationship with you appeared to be nothing more than two classmates working on a project together-maybe a little bit more than that. No. That's wrong. You guys were friends-at least, that's what she considered you. She could easily tell you consider her as one of yours, also, but she wasn't sure that she was at that point where the both of you would speak to each other after all this is over.

She'd hate to see her relationship with you falter after everything.

She's hoping you were feeling the same way, simply because you haven't said anything all class. Just a mere 'hi' was all that slipped out of your mouth towards her, and a soft 'thank you' when Mr. Jang came to congratulate you both for the project you guys had submitted a few months before the due date. Otherwise, you haven't done more than breathe and type.

"You're quiet," She says playfully. She's not sure if she was overstepping boundaries, but she wouldn't have said anything if she wasn't comfortable with you.

The noise in your head nearly blocks Karina's voice out completely, but she's lucky to have caught your attention. "Hm?"

She finishes the details of your current part of the project and moves on to the next. It was one step closer to finishing, "I said you're quiet. Is something up?" It's a good sign that you weren't shooting any remark her way, but she can tell you were avoiding eye contact. She hasn't seen you so out of it before or, in other words, at all.

"No," you reply, "No, I... I'm just thinking." It was your turn to finish your slide. You a hesitant look her way, eyes lingering on her a bit longer than they should before you turn back to your laptop.

Type. Type. She uses a few more details to finish her section before leaning back in her chair. She was almost done. It looked a lot better than it did yesterday. "Can I ask what about?"

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