四 ; too good to be true

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Karina knew your kindness from earlier was too good to be true

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Karina knew your kindness from earlier was too good to be true. The minute the two of you were alone together in the study room. You were back to your usual self but harsher. Each time you threw an insult her way, her heart would break each time. She wondered if you would care if she just up and left, leaving you to your own devices, but she knew you wouldn't care at all.

"Are you listening?" You asked, frustration laced in your voice as she looked down at the two options you guys were struggling to agree on. She honestly needed a break. Her head was starting to ache from getting constantly insulted by someone who hadn't put in an effort in getting to know her and had allowed their own opinion on her to act out their judgment.

"Yeah, I am, but can we please take a break? My head is pounding, and I don't think I can handle being belittled any longer without food in my system." Karina mumbled, and after she had requested a break, she could've sworn she noticed a hint of guilt in your eyes, but that was gone and replaced with an expression that was hard for her to read.

"Yeah, go ahead." Your voice was calm. It seemed as if your frustration had disappeared as you turned your focus from Karina and back to your laptop screen in front of you, doing god knows what but all Karina knew was she needed a breather and possibly some food.

Karina left the study room with her phone and wallet in hand as she made her way to the food court, which was luckily on the first floor. She had to thank you for picking a good spot for the two of you to study. She walked down the stairs as her eyes scanned over the selection of food before ultimately deciding on buying some Korean food. She made her way over to the stall and waited in line as her mind wandered back to you. She wondered if the emotion in your eye was actually guilt or was her mind simply just playing tricks on her. She shook the thought of you out of her head, not realizing she was already at the front of the line; the cashier stood there impatiently as Karina blushed a bright red, quickly apologizing before she quickly made her order. She went over to the side and waited for her order to be called once it was. She grabbed the food and started making her way back to the study room but stopped when she noticed the bubble tea shop.

She contemplated for a moment before deciding to wait in line and order drinks for the both of you, so you guys had something to down with the food you guys would be sharing. She waited in line once again, but this time it was a lot quicker than when she was ordering food. She gave them her drinks order before trying to rack her brain on what you would want before remembering the drink you had in hand the day you guys got assigned to be partners.

You were holding an Oolong Milk tea. She would always see you with that same drink in hand. If it wasn't a bubble tea, it was a Matcha Latte from Starbucks. She quickly gave the cashier her order for the second drink before standing to the side, waiting for her name to be called. When her name was called, she grabbed the drinks before making her way back to the study room.

- - -

You left the bathroom, your hands wet from washing your hands and the lack of paper towels, so you couldn't wipe your hands dry. You made your way back to the study room, your mind trained on how you guys would finally agree on a topic so you guys could finally leave after such a long day of arguing (that was mostly started because of you, but you would never admit that to anyone but yourself). The walk to the study room was quiet but short; it gave you enough time to think of a decision. When you arrived, Karina was already eating, but that wasn't the only thing you noticed. You also noticed the things that were left next to your laptop. A drink (that you didn't remember ordering), a pair of chopsticks, and some food that seemed to be left in bowls.

You make your way over to your seat, confused as you take a seat. Your eyes trained on the name that was on the cup, 'Karina.' You looked at all the food that was in the bowls before realizing it was some of your favorites. You frowned before quickly wiping it off your face before the girl who was kind enough to buy you a drink and share her food noticed.

Why was she being so nice to me? I've been such a dick to her, and she still went out of her way to not only buy me a drink but share her food with me?

You looked over at her, and your eyes were filled with guilt as you watched her stuff her face with rice. You shook your head as you hesitantly grabbed the drink before taking a sip of it, your eyes widening as the taste of your favorite drink filled your mouth.

How did she know my favorite drink? You wanted to ask, but your voice and pride wouldn't allow you to, so you kept your mouth shut and enjoyed the drink and food that was in front of you. You felt guilty; the thump in your throat that was so small before was only getting bigger. What would your sister say if she knew you were being mean to someone who was so kind to you? She'd probably kick your ass and force you to apologize, or she'd probably get her members to help jump you so you could truly learn your lesson.

After you both finished your food, you guys sat in silence for a moment before you finally opened your mouth.

"We can try converting the topic you want to do and the topic I want to do into one. We have to ask professor Jang if it's possible." You spoke as you watched Karina's eyes widen from across from you. Her not expecting you to take the topic she wanted to do into consideration since you seemed so dead set on yours. She wanted to ask what the change of heart was, but she chose not to ask because she was exhausted. She nodded her head as she watched you circle the two topics that you both wanted to do.

"I'll be in that building tomorrow, so I'll ask her," Karina said as you both gathered your things, you looked up at her before nodding your head. There was no use in fighting, especially when you didn't have any classes that were anywhere close to that building. Everything went silent afterward. The only thing that was heard was both your backpacks being zipped up. You made your way over to the door opening it up as you stepped to the side to allow Karina to leave first before following shortly after. You make your way towards the exit, not forgetting to drop the trash into a trashcan when you guys are both outside. You guys separated and went the way you both needed to go without saying a word to each other.


So I know I said it was going to be very angsty for the next couple of chapters, but I don't know If I can do it any longer... But I'll try to hold it for two more chapters at least. Next chapter reader will definitely be more of a jerk as a coping mechanism to keep himself from feeling more guilty than he already feels.

With that being said, I'll see you guys next chapter.

Song: day6 (데이식스) - colors

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