十三 ; spring break and lies??

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"When you get to Hawaii, make sure to call me," Karina told you as she had her arms wrapped around your neck with yours wrapped around her waist

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"When you get to Hawaii, make sure to call me," Karina told you as she had her arms wrapped around your neck with yours wrapped around her waist. You gave a soft smile before nodding, already knowing the routine whenever one of you guys would go away for a trip. It's been a week since you guys had both been home for break. You hadn't realized you guys live relatively close to each other, so you'd been spending the week together before you had to meet up with your family, who was already in Hawaii.

"Of course, I'll call you as soon as I get off the plane." You hummed, giving her a loving kiss on her lips; she nodded her head, the smile on her face never leaving. But if she had to be honest, she would say she was sad that she had to say bye to you even though it was only temporary. It was as if you could read her mind. She felt your hands grasp her cheeks as she looked up at you.

"I'll be back; try not to miss me too much. I'll make sure to call and text you every chance I get." You hummed as she nodded, pressing her lips against yours once more before stepping back as she watched you grab your luggage and place it into the back of the taxi. It was night, which meant your flight was arriving in Hawaii in the early mornings.

You give her a final wave before getting into the backseat of the taxi car.

It had been a week since you left for Hawaii, and Karina missed you a lot, but she also couldn't help but notice how dry and distant you'd been since you left. Each time she'd try to call you, you would say something along the lines of being busy or not having service where you were going.

She couldn't help the sneaking suspicion that you were hiding something from her. But maybe you weren't, and you were actually telling her the truth instead of the lies she thinks you've been telling her.

She even asked her friends to see if your behavior seemed a tad bit suspicious, and they quickly agreed because how you were acting didn't seem like you at all. She pulled her phone out of her pocket as she made her way down the sidewalk with a bag in her hand, as she clicked on your guys' kakao talk conversation.

She began to type out a message, but before she even could press send, she noticed someone who seemed rather familiar in the backseat of a taxi car heading the way that was towards your family's apartment. She furrowed her eyebrows before standing at the edge of the sidewalk, calling down a taxi that didn't take long to stop in front of her. She quickly got into the car;

"Where to Miss?" The taxi driver asked as he glanced back at the girl, who seemed to be extremely confused about why you were lying to her.

"Follow that taxi." She said as the taxi driver nodded before punching in a few things before following the taxi car you were in.

She had a million things running through her head. She didn't understand why you wouldn't just tell her the truth. Were you doing something behind her back that resulted in having to lie to her? Were you afraid of being caught?

When the taxi car stopped, she thanked the driver before paying him. The taxi car stopped in front of your apartment complex. She ran inside the building and to your apartment. Once she stopped in front of the door, she took a deep breath before punching in the code to your door.

She was going to find out the truth.


short chapter, the next one should be longer. two more chapters before this story come to an end.

Song: def. - you say

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