十四 ; arguments & injures

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When Karina walked into your apartment, it was dark other than the light that was on in the corner of your living room

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When Karina walked into your apartment, it was dark other than the light that was on in the corner of your living room. She was met with your black suitcase left against the bookcase. When she turned towards the kitchen, she was greeted by you, who had a white bandage on your forehead and the black hoodie she got you as a gift.

"Karina... Karina, why are you...?" You asked, looking everywhere but at her as Karina looked at you with a look of betrayal, causing your heart to break.

"Is this Hawaii? You said you were going away on a family trip. You said you couldn't video chat because the internet wasn't working well. You said you didn't have any photos to send because you had kept forgetting to bring your phone out to the sights your family was seeing. You were in Seoul this whole time?" Her voice cracked as she watched you look down at the counter, her eyes turning red, "Why? Why did you lie? How could you shamelessly lie like that all week long? But I still trusted you and forgave you." Her voice was rising, but it wasn't loud enough for anyone to hear other than you, but it was enough to show you her disappointment.

You grab something before you start to make your way over to Karina. She couldn't ignore the fact that you were limping and a lot slower than you usually were. She also didn't miss the fact that you were definitely dragging your feet, which you never did. But when you turned the corner, and she was as able to take in your entire appearance, she noticed the green cast on your foot. Her eyes widened, along with her jaw dropped, her hand instinctively flying to her mouth.

You walked with the single crutch in your hand toward your girlfriend before stopping in front of her. Yeah, you should've told her the truth instead of keeping it from her. But you didn't want her to worry because that should be the last thing on her mind when she was spending time with the family she hadn't been able to see for a while.

"I'm sorry, I lied. I thought you'd worry. The truth is I got into an accident on the way to the airport that day."

You were sitting in the car, a small smile on your face as you typed away on your phone.

Jimin-ah, I'm on my way to the airport. I should be getting there soon; I'm already waiting for the two weeks to be up so I can see you again~~~ But I'll call as soon as I arrive. I'll be back quickly!

Just as you sent the message, you put your phone in your pocket as you looked up.

"What are they doing?" You heard the taxi driver mumble before he started to swerve as you instinctively moved your arms to the seat to keep yourself from slamming against the door, and just as you barely missed the car coming towards you guys. The taxi car spun out. You took a deep breath looking around before your eyes landed on a tiny truck driving towards you guys. It was loudly honking at you guys to move out of the way before it slammed into your car.

You woke up the next morning in a hospital bed with your leg wrapped up in a cast along with a bandage on your forehead. You brought your arm over your eyes before letting out a deep sigh.

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