六 ; Y/N? nice?

694 39 4

Karina walked through the quiet halls that led to the library

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Karina walked through the quiet halls that led to the library. Her headphones were in her ears, blasting 'Run Devil Run' by SNSD as her eyes were only focused on where she was going and the music playing in her ears. It wasn't long before she was in the library and in front of the table her friends were at. She took a seat, taking one of her headphones out of her ears so she could hear what her friends were talking about.

"Hi Jimin, how was your English class?" Yeji asked as she watched her older friend take out some homework she needed to work on for the english class she was taking.

"It was boring. Mr. Kwon didn't even teach us any new english sayings; he just gave us a lecture on grammar even though we've all learned the right grammar when speaking English in high school." She grumbled as she stared at the sheet in front of her that was all in English. She felt her head pounding at the thought of having to read all of this when she wasn't entirely confident in reading english sentences.

"I can text Lily and ask if she could teach you some English if you'd like?" Minjeong said she had Mr. Kwon last year, and he never really taught them how to speak English despite that's why a lot of people were taking the class. So she ended up just asking one of her English-speaking friends to teach her instead.

"No, it's fine. I'll ask Aeri to help me." She responded as Minjeong nodded her head before her eyes widened, remembering what she and Ningning had been talking about a few moments prior.

"Oh, Jimin, listen to what Ningning found out about Y/N," Minjeong said with bright eyes that only caused Karina to be more interested in what her friends had to say instead of the English work she needed to focus on.

"What's up?" She asked as her attention was now focused on the youngest in the group, who also seemed to have a lot on her mind. But that mischievous look on her face was enough for her to know she was fine but also to be worried cause she seemed to have something planned.

Ningning lets out a cheeky smile, then begins, "So you know how I'm close friends with Chenle, who also knows Jaemin because they have some of the same classes, and Jaemin was also there that day in the Dining hall. So, we all basically know each other, but I'm not that well acquainted with Y/N sunbae due to him always being M.I.A. with other things."

"Okay, what else?"

"I was telling Chenle how you were also partners with Y/N for the rest of the year in Mrs. Jang's class-don't worry, I didn't tell Chenle about your admiration for sunbae or the fact that he's an asshole-Chenle was telling me how Y/N always spent his free time doing other things, and that he always wasn't the kind of guy he portrayed to you. He was actually extremely nice, very clumsy, and a bit of Tsundere." Ningning stops talking as if she has explained every last detail in the story that wasn't all that long.

"What other stuff?" Karina gestured for her friend to keep going, now invested in what she was telling her but still feeling as if she was missing a good chunk of the story, "You can't just stop right there."

Ningning lets out a cute laugh, "Okay, I'm sorry. But in all honestly, I was curious, too, so I said the same thing and asked Chenle to explain a bit more." The brown of Ningning's eyes was visibly more focused on the information she was telling both her friends that were present and also remembered the information that her friend had told her, "He told me that Y/N is always M.I.A. because he's been volunteering at different places. He used to volunteer at a homeless shelter downtown, then quit to volunteer at the retirement home, and now he's been volunteering at the animal shelter near here. He also took on a gig to perform for a fundraiser that helped homeless women with kids."

Karina stared blankly at her friend, not believing a thing she said from the way he acted towards her, "Ningning, it's not nice to lie."

"What?!? I'm not lying?"

"Thank you for the story, Yi," She says, "But that's such a bad story. There's no way Y/N has done any of those things. If it's true, we are definitely not talking about the same Y/N." The Y/N, Karina, knew doing all that stuff? Please... It sounded as if it was straight out of a very badly written fairytale.

"His name is Park Y/N, right?" Ningning's head tilts to the side. Karina nods in response. "Then, it's him."

Jimin gawks at her friend, "I'm sorry, it's just... very hard to believe that Y/N-the same guy who acts like such a douche to someone who has been nothing but nice to him-has done all of those nice things." It was hard for Karina to picture it at all, but it also explained why Y/N always seemed like you were in a hurry whenever she encountered you on campus. It was all beginning to add up now, but she was not letting the realization settle that easily.

"It was also hard for me to believe also, but, especially with what we've seen with how he treats you." Ningning uses her hand to hold her head up, "But, I trust Chenle. There's no reason for him to go out of his way to make up that many lies just for one person." Ningning made a good point. But Karina still couldn't wrap her head around it. She also had no clue who this 'Chenle' was, but there was nothing he would get from making these kinds of things up.

"You're not making this up, are you?" Jimin asks Ningning, who sits across from her. It's still hard to believe all the information she was just told was, in fact, true. It's as if Y/N, who she had always seen act negatively toward her, was now picked up and dropped in a new light. One in which she couldn't even decide if it was a good or bad one. Curiosity was starting to take over, and she didn't like it at all.

She shakes her head, "Why would I? Ask Y/N if you truly don't believe me."

"No, thank you..." Jimin shakes her head at the thought, "There's no way I'm going to ask him about any of the things you just told me."

"Suit yourself," Ningning pulls her laptop back to its previous position, "Anyways, I need to get back to writing this paper."

With Minjeong turning back to her own work, Karina was now left alone with her own thoughts and the newfound idea of Y/N actually being... a nice person. It coincided with her earlier idea of Y/N repping a smile instead of a seemingly permanent glare on his face. No, she wasn't switching up with how she felt towards you despite the fact that there is this huge probability that you spent your free time doing good deeds. It also didn't automatically dismiss the fact of the way you've been treating her. At least now she knew the mini-hell you were putting her through would also finally be put to a stop.


New information about the reader omg, he's actually a nice person who would've thought. I also made a new cover and banner for this story; I had forgotten to mention it in the previous chapter. Do you guys like it, or do you guys prefer the older banner and cover?

Song: ateez (에이티즈) - 안개 mist

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