Chapter Two ; Co-Parent From A Distance

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Chapter Two
Co-Parent From A Distance

"So, y'all want to be a throuple?" Roddy asked as Joe took a seat on the couch between Galina and me.

We just finished having dinner and Roddy couldn't stop himself from trying to make Joe and Galina uncomfortable with his burning questions about polygamy.

"You ask us this every time you see us," Joe said.

"Because I need to know how serious y'all are about this," Roddy said in a duh tone.

"The answer ain't changing, Roddy, we've wanted to be committed to Safiya for a long time now, she's playing," Galina said.

I placed a hand on my chest.

"Me? Playing? I told y'all I don't want this," I said.

"Yet, here you are, your actions and words are two different answers," Joe said.

"He got a point, Safiya," Roddy said.

I stuck a middle finger at Roddy before looking at Joe and Galina.

"I know y'all shared girls but have y'all ever been in a relationship with one?" I asked them.

"No, you're actually the first person," Joe answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because the attraction was undeniable," Galina says.

"What did I do to make y'all feel like this?" I asked them.

"You exposed Galina and me to qualities that we both wanted but can't offer each other. You round out our bond," Joe explained.

I take in some deep breaths to process what I just heard.

"I need some space. I feel like you guys are pressuring me into this, when y'all know I feel uncomfortable about it," I told them.

Nobody says anything after that.

"Come on, let's go for a walk," Roddy told me.

I nod, deciding it's best to take a walk to have some fresh air and relax. We left the house and before I know it, we were down the block from the house.

"Safiya, you need to put your foot down if you are truly uncomfortable with their lifestyle," Roddy said.

"I feel I've been doing that but maybe my actions don't match my words," I told him.

Roddy pulls me into a side hug. I wrap my arm around his waist.

"I think you should keep your distance from them," Roddy said.

"How? I have to co-parent with Joe," I said.

"I'll be your middle man, whatever you need to communicate to him about, I'll do it for you," He said.

"Really?" I asked him.

"I am Saoirse's Godfather, so he can't say anything about me being involved," He answered.

I smiled.

"Thank you so much," I said.

I needed this break away from Joe and Galina. Maybe with Roddy as our middle man, they'll leave me alone since they won't have access to me anymore. I hope this works.

"You're welcome," He said.



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Liked by yungmiami305, raquelaxx, thenikkibella and 4,792,801 others
safiya Almost at my weight goal 🫶🏽
View all 22,555 comments

It's been a few days since that awkward dinner but Roddy kept his promise and has been the best Godfather ever. He has been acting as a middleman between Joe and me which Joe is pissed off about but he knows not to try it with Roddy.

I've been in the gym getting ready to go back to work. Although I have time left on my maternity leave, I just want to be prepared just in case they need me back sooner than later.

"Girl, I don't know why you want to get back in the ring so soon," Raquela said.

"I've been out of action for a whole year, I've never been out of action that long before I'm kind of paranoid that my job ain't secure anymore," I told Raquela.

Raquela rolled her eyes.

"You're one of their top women, they ain't stupid to let you go," Raquela said.

"But that's the thing, they are that stupid, they've done it before with others," I said.

"Well, it's not like you need the money, Safiya, you have multiple ways of making money," Raquela said.

I sighed.

"Yeah, but wrestling is my passion, I've been wrestling since I was sixteen, Raquela, it's something I just can't walk from," I explained.

Raquela nods.

"I get it but you have other options, just remember that," Raquela told me.

"I know," I said.

Roman Reigns hints at having more children.

"That's crazy," Haleem said after reading the article out loud to me.

"What you mean his ass on here hinting that he has more children is crazy? It's more than crazy, I swear he's trying to get me to react to get his way," I said, shaking my head.

"So, don't let him win. There's no way he can get what he wants by revealing that y'all had a baby together," Haleem said, before pausing. "He wouldn't do that, right?" She asked me.

I shrugged.

"It wouldn't surprise me, he's pulled some stunts in the past that I never imagined he would do just to get his way, Haleem," I answered.

"What the fuck did you get yourself into?" Haleem asked.

"I ask myself the same question every day, meme," I replied.

"Would he or Galina leak it to the media?" Haleem asked me.

"I don't know, Haleem," I answered.

The media may not be aware of Joe's identity as Saoirse's father but I know it will be made public at some point, and I have to be ready for it.

"Should I reveal it before Joe and Galina use it against me to get their way?" I asked Haleem.

Haleem shrugged.

"Get ahead of it or be blindsided by it," She replied.

"That's not a yes," I said.

"It's not a no, either," She said.

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