Chapter Twenty-Three ; Love And War

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Chapter Twenty-Three
Love And War

"So when were you planning on telling us?" Galina asked from behind, surprising Safiya and Kyle who were too absorbed in their conversation to notice that she had walked up on them.

Kyle gave Safiya a look like you want me to handle this for you. Safiya shook her head before asking Kyle to let her talk to Galina alone.

"Call me if you need me," Kyle told Safiya.

"I know," Safiya said.

Galina watched Kyle walk away before she took a seat next to Safiya. Safiya saw the hurt displayed across Galina's face that made her heart sink.

"You're pregnant and you hid it from me?" Galina asked.

"I only just found out, Galina. The only reason Joe knows is because Saoirse answered his call during my appointment and he overheard everything," Safiya answered.

"Joe said that you're planning on getting an abortion?" Galina asked in disbelief.

"I'm thinking about it, I'm not sure," Safiya replied.

"But we talked about this, Safiya, and we agreed on more children. What's the problem?" Galina asked.

Safiya sighed.

"Talking about it and it becoming a reality are two different things. I realized that my career will probably never be the same if I have this baby, Galina, I only got back a few months ago and now I have to step away again especially when so many changes are happening with the company. I'm just scared," Safiya explained.

Galina frowned.

"Joe said you feel like you've lost yourself but you're saying it's about your career. Each is it, Safiya?" Galina asked her.

"Both. I'm lost and I'm worried about my career. Joe can walk away and everything will be fine but for me, it's not the same. Nothing is ever the same for me. I'm always going to be the one hurt at the end by everything," Safiya answered, stressed.

Galina placed a hand on Safiya's lap. Safiya started crying.

"What's the matter?" Galina asked as Joe walked up to them.

"What's going on?" Joe asked Galina.

"She is stressed out, Joe, we haven't been taking care of our girl like we're supposed to," Galina answered.

"So, she's going to abort our baby because she feels that we've been neglecting her. Man, I can't fuckin believe you," Joe said angrily, his blood boiling.

Safiya stood up.

"I didn't say I was getting an abortion! I was only thinking about it, you asshole, and my issues aren't just about our relationship. It's about everything," Safiya said as she eyed him with disgust, her body inflamed with rage.

Safiya was one hundred and if Joe said one more thing she was going to kill him.

"You should have talked to us, Safiya, we are a team. How could you be so selfish? How could you do this to us?" Joe asked her.

"Me? I'm selfish. Us? Joe fuck you okay!" Safiya replied as she slapped him.

Galina stood in between as Joe held a crazed stare at Safiya.

"You know what, maybe I will get this abortion, I already gotta deal with you for eighteen years and I do not want or need to add another eighteen to it," Safiya told him with a nasty evil smirk on her face.

Joe snapped.

"If you abort this baby, we are done, Safiya, and I'm taking you to court for sole custody of Saoirse!" Joe screamed in her face.

Safiya popped him in the mouth.

"Try it! I will drag your ass to hell and back, motherfucker, you know I got nothing but time and money," Safiya said making sure to drag out the word money.

"You two need to calm down. You aren't thinking clearly and letting your emotions run you," Galina said.

"Fuck calming down. He just threatened me and you want me to calm down. Fuck out here that bullshit. Come after me and I'm going to ruin you," Safiya told Joe with tears streaming down her face.

Safiya was so angry that she didn't even notice that Roddy, Kyle, and the rest of her friends had walked into the room. Joe took a step closer to her, squeezing Galina in between them.

"Please, Joe, stop," Galina begged him.

"Ay! Joe, I like you but if you get in her face, we're gonna have problems," Roddy said.

"We'll jump you in this bitch and we don't give a fuck this your home," Kyle said.

"Period," Reza added.

Joe stared at Safiya but didn't move.

"We love you and this is how you do us," Joe said.

"You're blind," Safiya said.

Galina's lip quivered.

"No, you're blind," Joe said.

Safiya looked at Galina and sighed.

"I'm only walking away because of her but trust me, Joe, if it was just me and you in this room, I would have done and said much worse to you," Safiya said.

"Oh, he fucked up!" Sierra exclaimed.

Joe and Galina watched Safiya storm out of the room with her friends following her.

"Get my baby and me the fuck up out of this place!" Safiya shouted.

Everyone watched as Safiya went on a rampage she was destroying anything that was in her line of vision. Roddy had to grab to stop her from spiraling out of control.

Kyle grabbed Saoirse and they got the fuck up out of the house and into the car.

"Let me go, Roddy!" Safiya yelled.

"If you break one more thing you're going to make this situation bigger than what it is, Safiya," Roddy warns her.

"He tried it!" Safiya exclaimed.

"I know," Roddy said.

"Fuck him. I hate him!" Safiya yelled.

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