Chapter Fourteen ; Safiya's Way

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Chapter Fourteen
Safiya's Way

"So, my manager just called me and told me some interesting news," Safiya told Joe as she took a seat on the couch next to him.

"What?" Joe asked Safiya.

"Saoirse has been asked to be in a fashion campaign for Fendi, which means it would be her first major fashion campaign. How exciting is that?" Safiya told Joe.

Joe shook his head.

"Why?" Joe asked.

Safiya raised an eyebrow at Joe.

"What do you mean why? They saw her in Harper's Bazaar and think she's perfect for Fendi's latest campaign. She's getting paid for it," Safiya explained to him.

Joe rolled his eyes.

"I don't think she needs to be doing that type of thing. She's too young," Joe said.

Safiya scoffed.

"So I'm supposed to call my manager and tell her we said no to a Fendi Campaign?" Safiya asked him.

Joe nods.

"Yup," Joe answered.

"You're just jealous Fendi ain't ask you," Safiya said as she texted that she needed more time to make a decision on Saoirse modeling for Fendi.

"You better have said no," Joe said.

"Nope, Saoirse is a natural in front of the camera, and this could open doors for her," Safiya said.

"I want her to have a normal childhood," Joe said.

"You should have thought of that before you knocked me up. Do you think more brands won't reach out to work with her knowing who her parents are?" Safiya asked him.

Joe sighed.

"Your mouth is going to get you in trouble so watch it, Safiya," Joe replied.

Safiya rolled her eyes and got up from the couch.

"You're trying to stop my baby's bag and I don't like that," Safiya said.

Joe pulls his eyebrows together in a scowl.

"She already has a trust fund that is worth nearly ten figures, I'm sure not taking a little check from Fendi won't hurt her bag," Joe said, sarcastically.

Safiya curled her upper lip.

"See! I shouldn't have told you about that damn trust fund," Safiya said.

He cocked his head. "Come here," He said.

"No, you're being unreasonable," She said as she shook her head.

He lifted his brow, giving her a come-here-or-else look. Safiya rolled her eyes and walked away from him. She wasn't scared of him and it was not like he was going to do something to her.

"Safiya," He said, sternly.

"Leati," She said.

"She ain't doing the damn campaign and that's that," He said.

"But she will," She taunted him, getting him even angrier than he surely was already.

Joe got up from the couch and Safiya ran outside, Je chased after her.

"Why are you running?" Joe asked her.

Safiya laughed.

"You're gonna pinch me," Safiya answered.

"Nah, I wanna give you a big hug," Joe told her.

"Liar!" Safiya yelled.


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"Joe," Galina says as she laid a hand on his arm as she noticed the distant look in his eyes.

Joe waved her off, running a hand through his head of hair. "Nothing. Come on, let's go pick Sea up," He said.

His feet started into a speedy walk in the direction of Safiya's house before Galina could say anything else.

Galina started to follow him.

"What's up with you? Did something happen with Safiya?" Galina asked Joe.

Joe huffed.

"Safiya accepted a modeling job for Saoirse even when I told her not to do it," Joe answered.

Galina shook her head to hide her laugh.

"Joe, you know Safiya is always going to do whatever she wants, and what's wrong with Saoirse modeling?" Galina asked him.

"I want her to have a normal childhood," Joe replied.

"I don't see how her doing a photo shoot stops her from having a normal childhood, Joe," Galina said.

Joe looked at her and mean mugged her.

"You know ever since you and Safiya started dating it's like her word is law — like she can't do no wrong in your eyes, Galina," Joe said.

Galina rolled her eyes.

"You're overreacting, Joe, she can do whatever she wants with her daughter, but if you feel like she's overdoing it then I'll talk to her about it, and see if we can come to a compromise about how we should raise Saoirse," Galina said.

"Whatever, team Safiya," Joe said as they walked up Safiya's drive way.

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