Chapter Twenty-Five ; Another Woman Will

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Chapter Twenty-Five
Another Woman Will

"Get the fuck away from her before I beat your ass again," Safiya yelled as she walked up to Galina confronting Tahiry.

"You called her!" Joe exclaimed.

"Hell yeah, I did because you got us fucked up, Joe," Galina said.

Safiya was ready to beat ass. She didn't care if it was Joe or Tahiry's ass she had to beat.

"I'm here and this bitch better get her ass up out of here before I drag her up and down this neighborhood," Safiya said.

"I just came to clear my conscience," Tahiry said.

"Galina, baby, go inside and pack you and the kids' bags so y'all can stay with me," Safiya tells Galina.

Galina goes inside while Joe blocks Safiya from going after Tahiry.

"You're pregnant, Safiya," Joe reminds her.

"Get out of my way and let me fuck this bitch up," Safiya tells Joe.

"There is no reason to fight her," Joe said.

Safiya punches Joe in the face causing Tahiry to jump in her car and drive away. She did not want to get her ass beat right along with Joe. Safiya kept hitting Joe until Galina came out of the house.

"Enough, Safiya," Galina said.

"You see this," Safiya said, pointing between her and Galina. "You just lost two beautiful women because you can't keep it in your pants," She told Joe.

Galina puts the kids and their bags in Safiya's car.

"Please don't leave," Joe said.

"Nope, we need the space," Galina tells Joe.

"Space! So don't show up at my house unless we tell you to," Safiya added.

They got in the car and drove off leaving a confused and stressed-out Joe in the driveway.

"Did you guys just break up with Dad?" Joelle asked.

"We're on a break," Galina and Safiya answered at the same time.



A mistake is when you accept somebody for who they are, they have no reason to be better smh.

9:30 PM • 10/09/23 from Earth • 4.1M Views

Safiya's House

"Galina, why are your bags still out here?" Safiya asked her as she grabbed her duffle bag and swung it over her shoulder, causing some of its contents to fall out.

Safiya put the duffle bag down to pick up the things but froze when she saw ultrasound pictures scattered onto the ground.

"What the fuck," Safiya said to herself as she pick them up.

Galina walks into the room. Safiya looks up at her.

"You're pregnant?" Safiya asked Galina.

"I'm due four days before you," Galina answered.

"How long have you known? Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Safiya asked Galina.

"Between your drama with Joe and me finding out about Tahiry. I didn't have time. Honestly, I wasn't ready to tell you or Joe yet," Galina admitted.

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