Chapter Thirteen ; What It Is

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Chapter Thirteen
What It Is

Safiya sighed, looking at the clock on the wall.

Joe had taken the kids out for some daddy and me-time and left Safiya here with Galina to go out for a spa day. Galina wanted to do a home spa day with Safiya instead of going to an actual spa.

Galina was currently setting up everything they needed for their at-home spa day essentials. Safiya sat in the living room with wine flowing through her system. Galina had stocked the house with Safiya's favorite wine. Galina had earned brownie points for that from Safiya.

Safiya glanced at the clock again.

"Okay, Galina, I'm about to look up some spa locations because you're taking too damn long in there!" Safiya shouted as she finished her glass of wine and pulled out her phone to Google search spas near them.

Galina quickly came out of the den room and grabbed Safiya's phone.

"I'm done," Galina told her with a smile.

Safiya sighed.

"What have you got set up for us?" Safiya asked Galina.

Galina grinned and extended her hand out to Safiya.

"Come and see," Galina said gently.

Safiya did as told, she got up from the couch and walked over, and took her hand. Galina led her to the den where she had candles lit up and a massage bed and table with all the essentials next to it.

"You first," Galina said.

"Okay," Safiya said.

Galina and Safiya stripped down to their intimates and Galina helped Safiya to lay face first down on the table while placing a sheet over her back.

"I want a deep tissue massage," Safiya told Galina.

"I don't know if I have the strength for that but I'll try," Galina said as her hands begin to massage Safiya's back.

They started talking about Joe as Galina massaged Safiya.

"I swear he gets jealous over any man that comes near me when we're traveling, Galina, I don't know how you put up with it," Safiya said.

Galina chuckled.

"I love that about him, I feel like he knows we are a prize that he could lose at any moment so he has to protect us," Galina said.

"Girl, he acts like a caveman," Safiya said.

Safiya closed her eyes as she let out a moan when Galina massaged a spot on her lower back that has been killing her since Saturday night.

Galina guides her fingers back up Safiya's body before sliding them over the swells of her breasts that were pushed into the table.

"Joe was right you needed this spa day," Galina said.

"I normally get a massage after wrestling but I didn't have time this week with all these appearances I had to do," Safiya said.

After about twenty minutes Galina made Safiya turn over as she began massaging her head and face. She moved to her neck and upper chest and then a little lower. Safiya gasped as Galina began to massage between her breasts down to her stomach.

"Shit," Safiya whispered as she was getting horny from Galina massaging her breasts.

Safiya looked at Galina and saw her smiling.

"He told you," Safiya said.

"Huh?" Galina replied.

"He told you about how massaging my breasts makes me horny, didn't he?" Safiya asked Galina.

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