Chapter Twenty-Eight ; Baby One More Time

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Chapter Twenty-Eight
Baby One More Time

"Are you going to tell everyone today? What about Joe?" Safiya asked Galina.

Safiya and Galina sit on the couch in their bedroom, preparing to call her family members with news.

"Yes, I hit the fifteen-week mark so I'm gonna start showing soon. And he'll be the last to know," Galina answered.

Galina was pregnant with twins again. Their third set of twins so she was going to start showing soon so she needed to tell her family and friends before someone photographed her in public with a baby bump.

First up is her oldest sister! She's immediately excited. Second up is her other sister, who is casual and practical to the news, in her typical fashion.

Third up is her parents with her mother bursting into tears at the news of having three new grandchildren. Galina's parents count Safiya as another daughter to them so they included her children as their grandchildren.

Galina and Safiya inform everyone else they can think of before calling Joe to tell him the news.

"Baby number eight and nine are officially on the way!" Galina exclaimed into the phone.

"I knew it!" Joe yelled, excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah, you got three babies on the way, it's time to get you neutered, Joe," Safiya said, jokingly.

"I think we can get one more in before I get a vasectomy," Joe teased.

Galina looked at Safiya.

"Maybe, one more won't hurt," Galina said.

"Ten kids?" Safiya asked.

"You would carry the last one, Safiya," Galina replied.

Safiya rolls her eyes.

"Let's wait and see how I feel after pushing this one out before we plan any more kids," Safiya told them.

"Now, Galina is fifteen weeks and Safiya is fourteen weeks, but given that the twins are likely to come early, you two could go into labor at the same time," Joe said.

"Yeah, we know that already and we're making a birth plan to deliver in the same room or maybe at home birth so we can be there for each other," Safiya told Joe.

"I know we're not in a good place right now but I want to be here every step of the way with you guys," Joe said.

"We wouldn't shut you out but you do need to stop popping up everywhere we are, like let us reach out to you and let you know when we want you around, okay," Galina said.

"Okay," Joe said.

"And you need to work on how you react to things when it doesn't go your way," Safiya said.

"I understand," Joe said.

Galina and Safiya look at each other before Safiya sighs. "Go ahead," Galina said.

"Now, we need you to come set up these beds for the boys," Safiya said.

Joe chuckled.

"Okay, I'll be there soon," Joe said.



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