Chapter Twenty-Nine ; Thanksgiving

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

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safiya✔︎ 8m

"I wasn't expecting so many people," Galina said as she brought in another Turkey from one of Joe's aunts

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"I wasn't expecting so many people," Galina said as she brought in another Turkey from one of Joe's aunts.

Safiya shakes her head. There were more than sixty people in Safiya's house, everyone showed up for Thanksgiving dinner. Safiya focuses on the pies in front of her while loud obnoxious laughter and conversations from every corner fill the house.

"I guess we're the hotspot for the holiday season now because Patricia asked if we're hosting Christmas dinner too," Safiya informed Galina.

Galina groaned.

"Oh hell no," Galina said.

Safiya laughed.

"That's what I said," Safiya said.

"Y'all got room for another ham?" Joe asked, entering the kitchen with a tray of ham.

Safiya points over to the space on the counter. "You can put it there," Safiya answered.

Galina's eyes widen. "That's the third ham we've gotten," Galina says.

They had gotten so much food. The kitchen was filled and more was still being prepared and delivered.

"Jon and Trin pulled up with a trunk filled with different kinds of rice," Joe told them as he kissed Galina's cheek.

Safiya smiled. "Yay, Jon's rice," Safiya cheered.

Joe chuckled.

"She's been calling Jon to bring her some rice for days now, it's all she eats," Galina said.

"I think he may just be our baby's Godfather," Safiya said.

"Who's the Godfather?" Trinity asked as Jon and she walked into the kitchen.

"Safiya made Jon the baby's Godfather because of his rice," Joe answered.

Jon placed a hand on his chest and started fake crying. "Thank you for the honor. I'll keep making you some rice for the rest of your life," Jon said.

"You're welcome," Safiya said.

Safiya and Galina spent the next four hours mingling with their friends and relatives. Later that night, Safiya and Galina decided to reveal the genders of their babies before everyone left.

They took everyone outside to the backyard and let the kids kick soccer balls that erupted into a puff of colored smoke, everyone watched Joelle kick the first, confirming that one of the twins was a girl.

The boys got to kick a couple of soccer balls and everyone erupted into cheers along with the rest of them as they learned the second twin was a girl.

Saoirse kicked the last ball and pink smoke erupted.

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