Chapter Twenty-Two ; The Reality Is...

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Chapter Twenty-Two
The Reality Is...

DATE: October 2023

Safiya's face twisted up at Dr. Jackie Walters who just told her turns out the cold she has is a baby growing in her uterus. She told her she was eight weeks pregnant.

Eight motherfucking weeks pregnant.

What the fuck?

Safiya rested her arm over her face as she tried not to cry. Her plans were ruined now. Her career is once again on hold. All because Joe doesn't know how to pull out.


What was she going to do now?

"Your due date is June 4, 2024, Safiya, I suggest you call your boss and let him know you will not be wrestling anytime soon," Doctor Jackie told Safiya.

Doctor Jackie has been Safiya's OBGYN for eleven years. She had delivered Saoirse and now she would be delivering Safiya's second baby.

Saoirse sat in the corner of the room, playing on Safiya's phone. Neither Jackie nor Safiya heard Saoirse accidentally answer a phone call from Joe.

Joe had been listening in on their conversation for a good minute now. He was smiling hard as hell on the other side of the phone. He was excited that Safiya was pregnant.

"What if I want an abortion?" Safiya asked Dr. Jackie.

Dr. Jackie raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you wanted more children. You've been saying that for a while now, Safiya, but you do have options even if they are limited," Dr. Jackie answered.

"That was before reality kicked in. I basically just started my wrestling career again, and now I have to step away from it again," Safiya told her.

Joe frowned at her words. Damn, he wished Saoirse knew how to put the phone on speaker because he was ready to check Safiya.

"What's going on, Safiya, talk to me?" Dr. Jackie asked her.

Safiya sighed.

"Everything. I'm so overwhelmed. I'm not happy at all, Dr. Jackie, I just wish I could crawl under a rock and hide for the rest of my life but I have Saorise, so I can't be selfish and shut down. I have to think about her. I feel like I have so much on my plate and I just don't feel like myself anymore," Safiya explained to her as she started crying.

Joe frowned. He didn't know she had been feeling like that. She always has a smile on her face around him and others. He knew everything lately had been too good to be true.

"Daddy!" Saoirse squealed as she held the phone to her ear causing both Jackie and Safiya to look at her.

"Did she call her dad?" Dr. Jackie asked.

Ssfiya got up and grabbed the phone from Saoirse and gasped once she saw how long the phone call had been going. She placed the phone near her ear.

"Joe?" She inquired into the phone.

"When you get home, we have a lot to talk about," Joe answered back.

She placed a hand on her forehead.

"Joe," Safiya said before pausing trying to gather her thoughts and words.

"Safiya, you should have told me you weren't happy but for you to want to abort my baby because you're unhappy... I'm not happy with that decision but it's your body, so do whatever you want," Joe said before ending the call.

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