Chapter Seven ; Road to WrestleMania

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Chapter Seven
Road to WrestleMania



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3,202,420 likessafiya My temple is me

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safiya My temple is me. It's sacred.
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bok center

Tonight, I was at the BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma for Monday night's Raw after winning the women's Royal Rumble match on Saturday.

I was set to celebrate my victory and make my first statements as I embark on the Road to WrestleMania. Tonight also starts the build toward February 18's Elimination Chamber, with four men battling for two spots in the massive match.

During the second hour of Raw, I was filmed walking backstage before the show went to break.

A video package highlighting my return and Royal Rumble victory was played. I walked out for my promo. I received a big reaction and loud "you deserve it" and "welcome back" chants.

I got in the ring and was handed a mic. I smiled at the fans before speaking into the mic. "It's been a while since I've been in a ring but on Saturday I went the distance and overcame... outlasted 29 other women and now I can choose my opponent to challenge at WrestleMania," I said.

I recapped my sixteen-year career with the WWE before speaking on my history with Charlotte but also how Charlotte was always in the title picture and was always at the top of her game.

I hated to give Charlotte credit but she got better every year. The normal flow of WWE was with Charlotte on top. But I was the disruptor. I hated the standard flow and when things get overplayed.

I hoped that Charlotte enjoyed her time on top with everyone bowing to the Queen because now everyone would be bowing to me. I would finally put Charlotte in her place at WrestleMania.

"Charlotte Flair. I choose you," I said.

I ended the segment with a big reaction from the crowd.


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