Chapter Twenty-Six ; Samoans And Their Chickens

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Chapter Twenty-Six
Samoans And Their Chickens

DATE: November 2023

"Do we have to go? What if he's there?" Safiya asked with a pout in the front seat as Galina drove her and the kids to one of Joe's cousins' house for a family gathering.

"You know we already told them that we're coming and so what if he's there? He can't say anything to us," Galina answered as she placed a hand on Safiya's lap.

Safiya played with her hands.

"I just don't want to have to get active in his people's backyard," Safiya said.

Galina shakes her head.

"We'll walk away if he starts anything, okay," Galina tells her.

"Okay," Safiya said.

It's been a week since Galina and Safiya separated from Joe. Their relationship has blossomed. Joe was blowing them up and always trying to use the kids as an excuse to interact with them but they stood firm in their decision not to communicate with him.

Joe was so depressed that his cousins were keeping an eye on him while on the road with him. They couldn't believe Joe had fumbled Galina and Safiya for Tahiry out of all people. They got on his ass about it and made it clear they support Galina and Safiya and their decisions.

Joe felt like he had no one in his corner but he knew the fucked up badly and he had a lot of begging and making up to do to get his women back. So when his cousin told him that they were having a family gathering and invited Galina and Safiya with the kids.

Joe knew he had to be there. He had to show them that he wanted them and that he would never make the same mistake again and jeopardize their relationship. He would put them first instead of himself. He was going to be everything they wanted and needed. He was going to be their Joe.

"Uce, they are walking up," Josh said as he nudged Joe out of his thoughts.

Joe looked up and saw Safiya carrying Saoirse while Galina led the other kids into the backyard. Joelle spotted her dad and noticed the determined look on his face and knew today wasn't going to be a fun or easy day for them.

Joelle walked over to her father and greeted him before greeting everyone else.

"Don't do too much, they're already on edge," Joelle warned her father.

Joe nods.

"Thanks for the heads up," Joe tells his daughter.

The other kids run over to greet their dad while Safiya holds Saoirse in her arms who is squirming for her to put her down so she can go to her father.

"Don't be petty, Safiya," Galina tells her.

Safiya sighs as she follows Galina over to the patio where Joe and everyone else are.

"Hello, everyone," Galina said, greeting everyone.

"Daddy!" Saoirse exclaimed as she nearly jumped out of Safiya's arms.

"Hey, baby girl," Joe said with a smile as he reached up and grabbed her from Safiya.

"Hi, everyone," Safiya said before walking away.

Galina sighed.

"Damn, she can't even stand to be around you, uce, you messed up badly," Jon said.

"Jon," Trinity said.

"What? Oh, right, my bad," Jon said.

Joe shakes his head.

"She needs time, we need time, that's all," Galina said, looking at Joe.

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