Chapter Six ; Be Fucking Forreal

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Chapter Six
Be Fucking Forreal

Safiya and Galina kiss on the cheek, "Hey babe! You look amazing, per usual," Galina said, before sitting down at the table while Joe makes his way towards the restaurant and goes inside.

"Thank you, Galina, you look good too," Safiya said as she reads the drink menu.

Safiya was going to be on her best behavior because they were in a public place and didn't need fans recording them and causing trouble.

Safiya orders a strong drink before looking at Galina, "When is Joe getting here?" Safiya asked Galina.

Galina looks behind Safiya and smiled, "He's here," She answered as Joe walks to Galina and hugs her.

Joe then goes to hug Safiya. Safiya remains sitting so Joe leans over and places a kiss on her forehead before Joe sits down.

"We need to talk about how you two are overstepping my boundaries," Safiya told him.

"Let me look through the menu first," Joe said as he removes his sunglasses and begins reading the drink menu.

Safiya rolls her eyes while Galina lets out a nervous laugh. "How are you, Safiya?" Galina asked her.

"I would be better if you two didn't walk around here like I'm a willing participant in this polygamous relationship. I told y'all I don't want this relationship," Safiya answered before pausing as the waiter returned with her drink. "Thank you," She told the waiter as Joe and Galina ordered their drinks. She waited until the waiter left to continue with the conversation.

Safiya looks at Joe for a moment in silence.

"Then you go on Fallon tonight and confirm a nonexistent relationship between us like are you crazy? You two don't understand how manipulative you two are being toward me. You guys make me uncomfortable by not giving me space," Safiya said before pausing as the waiter returned with their drinks and to take their food orders.

After they give their orders, Safiya starts talking again. "Like honestly, you guys are very weird and it makes me want to take my daughter away and have nothing to do with y'all but I won't do that because she needs her father and her siblings in her life," Safiya said.

Safiya continued to rant not letting Galina or Joe give response to what she was saying. She was tired of them. She continued about the disrespect and overexposure of the situation due to the access that Joe's fan page has to Galina and Joe. She let out all of her frustration with them and all the things, she had bottled up.

She sighed and took a sip of her drink before finishing her rant.

"Just stop overstepping and let me figure out if I want to deal with your weird asses or not. Stop forcing it on me, okay," She said.

"I'm sorry, we just thought you were playing hard to get," Galina said.

Safiya rolled her eyes.

"If I confused y'all about this then I apologize but I don't see how me constantly saying I don't want no part in this is considered playing hard to get," Safiya said.

"Because you did the same thing when I started pursuing you, remember?" Joe told her.

Safiya kissed her teeth.

"That was different. Yeah, I was playing hard to get but that's because I thought I was going to be a rebound for you, Joe. But this is something I don't think I can be a part of... y'all have to understand, you guys are married; there's a disadvantage in all of this for me," Safiya told them.

"What's the disadvantage for you?" Joe asked her.

"From my perspective, it's problematic, you guys are married and I would be a plus one in your relationship. I would just be a girlfriend, not a wife. That's something I've always wanted to be, someone's wife. I can't and will not accept just being a girlfriend, that's one of the disadvantages. I also don't want to be mistreated, neglected, be stuck in something that may become unhappy later on. You guys will be fine if the relationship ends but me... I'll be broken," Safiya answered.

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