Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 "Of course it is responsible for him!"...

    He Yunbai carried a USB flash drive with training video records, and carrying a fruit basket, led by the guards, knocked on the gate of the Chief Executive's Mansion.

    She was a little absent-minded, still thinking about the blond boy.

    He Yunbai's emotions towards this accident went from shock at the beginning to anxiety now. Today, Li Lan gave her a day off to report on her duties at the Chief's Mansion, and the Chief's Mansion only received guests in the afternoon, so she went to chat with Wang Qingqing in the morning, and poured out all her troubles.

    "I checked on the Internet. After being marked, Omega will be extremely eager to mark his alpha. I can't find that boy. What if he feels uncomfortable?" He Yunbai felt extremely guilty.

    Hearing this, Wang Qingqing first sighed that He Yunbai finally had the day when the iron tree blossomed, then opened the easel, and quickly painted a portrait of the "suspect" according to He Yunbai's description.

    She patted her plump chest and promised: "With my contacts, I will find out who this is for you within three days."

    He Yunbai thought, after all, what happened to them happened in the school hotel. He is also a student of Imperial University. Seeing Wang Qingqing's confident appearance again, she immediately felt relieved.

    "Then..." Wang Qingqing approached her gossipingly, "What are you going to do when you find someone?"

    "Of course you are responsible for him!" The honest man He Yunbai said without any hesitation, "If he is marked by me for a long time, I I will always be by his side..."

    "..." Wang Qingqing felt that He Yunbai looked like a dead man, so she asked casually: "Then if someone takes a fancy to you, you will not only be responsible, but also marry you What should I do?"

    He Yunbai took out his mobile phone without saying a word.

    "What's the matter, are you afraid?" Wang Qingqing teased her.

    "Look at the balance on my card," He Yunbai replied, his hands kept moving, "See how far it is from paying the down payment for the ring."

    Wang Qingqing was completely speechless. She stared at He Yunbai, as if she wanted to see a hole.

    For the first time, Wang Qingqing discovered that under the cold and ruthless face of her best friend, there was such a pure heart hidden.

    "You just wait to be taken advantage of." She complained about He Yunbai.

    The gate of the chief's mansion opened slowly, He Yunbai withdrew his thoughts, and greeted him politely. She was originally worried about the blond boy, but she was not very prepared for this visit. It was her classmate who told her to bring some gifts to show politeness, so she stole a fruit basket from Li Lan's office and brought it here...

    Anyway, the chief's house Powerful and wealthy, she probably wouldn't care what gifts she brought XD

    In fact, many people in the army are very envious of He Yunbai being awarded a military rank by the chief himself, which represents supreme glory. But He Yunbai didn't really take it seriously. She felt that she deserved it. After all, the war five years ago was extremely tragic. Among her comrades in the same company, only she and Li Lan survived. Both Li Lan and she were seriously injured. She was slightly better and could still carry out training, but now Li Lan could only retreat behind the scenes as the commander.

    She only has respect for the chief, but not much respect. She is not from the imperial capital, and she does not feel that she is subordinate to the chief. She thinks that they are in an equal and mutually beneficial relationship. He gives her honorary titles and pays her wages, and she fights for his army, it's as simple as that.

    The chief, Chu Linshan, respected her very much, and personally came to greet her at the door, and chatted with her cordially.

    Chu Linshan is obviously a person who is very good at releasing his personality charm on key occasions. He asked about He Yunbai's life and studies, and even talked about the recent sweltering summer in the imperial capital, just like an ordinary friend of He Yunbai.

    After being awarded the rank of second lieutenant, He Yunbai also became familiar with such occasions, so he played Tai Chi with Chu Linshan, neither appearing overly restrained nor flattered.

    The Chief Steward of the Governor's Mansion led the way and took them to the audio-visual room to watch the training video.

    He Yunbai wanted to leave after finishing her business report. She wanted to see the progress of Wang Qingqing's search.

    However, Chu Linshan still seemed to want to chat with her, and even sent an invitation to take her to visit the Governor's Mansion.

    "Xiaohe, when you and I gave you the job three years ago, I didn't have time to talk much. This time, let me take you for a stroll around the house. How about staying for dinner?"

    "I'm afraid this is inappropriate, sir No offense." He Yunbai was a little socially afraid, he didn't want to have dinner with the chief's family members, and he scratched the ground with his toes when he thought of that scene. She had made an appointment with Wang Qingqing to eat hot pot, but now she just wanted to finish the task quickly and go back to enjoy her hard-won one-day vacation.

    "What's there to offend? You are the second lieutenant I taught myself!" Chu Linshan laughed loudly, and said without hesitation: "The second lieutenant worked hard today. I have ordered the chef to carefully prepare the dishes, and I will take it as a thank you gift." . "

    When it came to this point, He Yunbai couldn't refuse at all, so she had to secretly send a message to Wang Qingqing, saying that she was going to googoo tonight.

    "How about we go to the back garden first? The gardener has planted a lot of beautiful flowers recently, I think the second lieutenant will like it." Chu Linshan made a "please" gesture.

    What else can He Yunbai say? Xiaoji nodded like a peck at rice, already thinking about going back to Li Lan to ask for overtime pay.


    In a corner of the garden, Chu Yan squatted among the rose bushes behind a rockery, holding his mobile phone and thinking.

    What Lin Xiuqi said yesterday really touched his heart.

    When Chu Yan thought that a permanent inhibitor against omega could be developed one day, he couldn't stop his passion.

    All along, omega's high-frequency fever period has been a major factor preventing them from entering the army. What a perfect thing it would be if he could not be controlled by the fever period in the future!

    However, before that, he had to find out the alpha who marked him, and let her accompany him through the long-term marking period before the permanent inhibitor was developed.

    He can pay, can give her the resources she wants. All in all, he is ready to exchange benefits with this alpha.

    That's why Chu Yan returned home after class in the morning under the protection of the hidden guards. After arriving home, they removed the surveillance staff and only added more when he went out.

    Chu Yan didn't want to look for that alpha through Chu Linshan, he remembered the note left behind, so he clutched the note, picked up his cell phone, found a hidden place, and prepared to call this alpha.

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