Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 Why is Chu Yan Here?

    Chu Yan guarded He Yunbai, waiting for the detachment to find them.

    Before that, you can't slack off. If you encounter the nuclear beast again, if there is a slight difference, both of them will die.

    Chu Yan and He Yunbai cuddled together and turned up the temperature in the cockpit, worrying that she would be cold. He secretly thought in his heart, does this count as He Yunbai's second-in-command to pilot the mech? The last time the two of them shared a mecha was more than two years ago.

    He held on to his sleepiness and exhaustion, and held He Yunbai in his arms. They can't leave now, the best way is to wait for the detachment to come to rescue. If Chu Yan was alone, of course he would have nothing to fear, but now that He Yunbai is unconscious, he dare not risk her.

    Besides, if he encounters a nuclear beast, Chu Yan will not be able to drive the mech while He Yunbai is in a coma.

    He thought about it carefully, and finally took off his mecha suit, put on a light mecha exoskeleton suit instead, and took a gun by his side for self-defense.

    During the waiting process after that, Chu Yan held the gun and patrolled around the heavy mecha, constantly dealing with the invading low-level nuclear beasts.

    The vigilance of the fourth-level nuclear beasts is very high. After He Yunbai solved the two of their kind, even if she is unconscious and unable to exert mental power, they will not be easily dispatched or attacked for the time being out of precaution. Attack them rashly.

    But such a large heavy-duty mech standing here is equivalent to a target, allowing some stupid low-level nuclear beasts and other monsters with weak attack power to constantly bump into it.     After Chu Yan decided to transplant the sensory nerves to He Yunbai, he basically gave up the driving training of heavy mechs and changed to light mechas. Because the light mech doesn't need mental control, it has its own simulation system, which is equivalent to a smart armor.     So now Chu Yan is quite handy in the battle. It's just that the temperature in the middle of the dense forest is extremely low. Even though Chu Yan hadn't stopped fighting, there was still a thin layer of frost on his exoskeleton. The constant temperature function of the light mecha was greatly weakened in this environment, and the slightest bit of chill still penetrated into Chu Yan's skin.

    Gritting his teeth, he continued to kill two second-level nuclear beasts without any pause. He Yunbai was able to fight to the death with two fourth-level nuclear beasts when his mental power was out of control. He is guarding her now, and of course he will not back down in the slightest.

    After a long wait, Zhao Zichen finally found them.

    Chu Yan let out a long breath of relief, and the highly tense nerves were finally relieved. He immediately entered the cockpit of the heavy mech to check He Yunbai's situation.

    Fortunately, she was still peacefully asleep and was not disturbed.

    Zhao Zichen also came. When he saw He Yunbai's injury, he was shocked at first, but then realized that she was just asleep and the wound had been treated, so he was relieved.

    "Thanks to you this time." Zhao Zichen thanked Chu Yan, seemingly sincerely.

    "I didn't help much, it's because He Yunbai is very strong." Chu Yan saw him and recalled the scene when he and He Yunbai came home together that night, and said lightly with lowered eyes.

    The two of them regarded each other as enemies when they were in the imperial capital, but now they both acted politely for He Yunbai's sake.

    "Okay, you accompany He Yunbai, go out with us." After Zhao Zichen checked her situation, he immediately issued an order to prepare to leave.

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