Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 left him with nothing. ...

    Just now in the room where Chu Yan was still present, He Yunbai could only make a hasty promise with Zhao Zichen and then hung up the phone. Now that she was outside the door, she had time to ask him what the matter was.

    "He Yunbai, do you still have the nerve to ask me?" Zhao Zichen was very helpless, "Didn't you ask me

    to go there before?" "I went to the army later, and the commander said that they wanted to hold a farewell party at night. Let you guide and guide their group of child soldiers."

    He Yunbai just finished that kind of thing, how could he be in the mood to attend a farewell party? She replied to Zhao Zichen: "I won't go, you can go for me. I won't scold you about your affairs. When I'm ready, we'll open our own mechas, and we won't delay anyone."

    "... "Zhao Zichen was speechless for a while, but he still had something to say to He Yunbai: "You should come here, Chu Yan seems to have invited several military doctors from the imperial capital army to look at your injuries."

    He Yunbai was silent for a moment Zhao Zichen knew that she was thinking about it, so he gave her a step down: "I'll do the entertainment, you can just talk to the doctor when the time comes."

    "Thank you." He Yunbai was not in a high mood at this time, but he knew I was a little mean to Zhao Zichen just now, so I sincerely thanked him.

    The support team was stationed in the training base of the Tianqi Army. When He Yunbai arrived, he discovered that Zhao Zichen had also brought the miracle doctor invited by the head of Star R, together with the two doctors from the imperial capital, to give her medical treatment. A consultation.

    In fact, He Yunbai was already almost Buddha. After all, the wrist injury was slowly recovering. Although the process was extremely slow, the doctor also said that he had to be prepared that he would not be able to recover to his best condition for the rest of his life, but after all, there was a little hope. She just waits slowly.

    But now, the words of several doctors have rekindled her hope.

    "Actually, there is a way to recover quickly." One of the military doctors said, "It's also very simple, that is through nerve transplantation."

    He Yunbai has actually heard of this kind of plan . As far as the members are concerned, the transplant recipients must also have top-level spiritual power.

    How can such a coincidence find a donor who is willing to transplant?

    Most of those people with top-level spiritual power will participate in the interstellar combat system to a greater or lesser extent, and those who have retreated are basically injured like He Yunbai, or have experienced super-mental power degradation.

    Therefore, healthy potential donors theoretically do not exist, and those who no longer need to fight or lose combat capabilities do not meet the criteria for donation.     Sure enough, the genius doctor who had been treating He Yunbai retorted: "How could I have never thought of this method? But how difficult is it to find a suitable donor?"     "You are right, based on previous cases It seems that there are very few patients who can successfully obtain donations, but..." Another military doctor hesitated, and finally said: "It's not that there is no chance at all.     " Message from voluntary donors..."     He Yunbai lowered his eyes indifferently at first, and it's not like she didn't know about this kind of treatment before, but many doctors have told her that the hope of transplant surgery is slim.     But when the two military doctors talked about the sudden appearance of the donor, He Yunbai couldn't help but slowly raised his eyes to look at them.     It's just that she didn't dare to expect too much, worrying that it would be nothing in the end.     "How could there be such a donor?" He Yunbai was a little puzzled.     "The donor didn't disclose the information, but just stated that he was willing to help Chief He with the transplant operation. We need to contact the other party again to finally confirm this person's intention."     Listening to the military doctor's explanation, He Yunbai felt that something was not quite right. , and asked: "So... this donor appointed me?"     There must be pilots in the imperial capital who have lost the mecha sensing ability like her. If it is an indiscriminate donation, it is probably not her turn.

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