Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 I'm going to find the ring.

    Before leaving the imperial capital, Chu Yan went to see Chu Linshan.

    His injuries are still not healed, but he has to go to the prison with a limp, and he wants to see the culprit get the punishment he deserves.

    Chu Linshan was imprisoned in prison, his limbs were tied, and his body was covered with traces of torture. Chu Feng did not show mercy to his father who committed a serious crime.

    He was already suffering on the verge of life and death at this moment, but Chu Feng would not let him die so easily before he fully confessed to the people under his command.

    Chu Linshan also wore the light-point shackles he had imposed on He Yunbai. The electric current tortured him every moment, forcing him to stay awake, not even fainting.

    Seeing his current appearance, Chu Yan felt a little more pleased.

    This man regards everything as a prop for him to play with. He cultivates his eldest son as his sharp edge in the army, and designs his youngest son as a bargaining chip that can be given away at will. And Chu Linshan finally fell under the chess pieces he had firmly controlled.

    Chu Yan didn't want to look at him again, he would always think of how he was tricked by this person and did those unforgivable things.


    Chu Linshan was still awake under the great pain, and he stopped him.

    Chu Yan turned her head in disgust, "Don't call me by my name!"

    Chu Linshan laughed, his vicious words echoed in the prison: "You think that letting your brother trap me here and torture me day and night can please you Is that love affair with you?"

    "Shut up..." Chu Yan hated every word he said, and couldn't stand him calling He Yunbai like that.

    "I have already cut off her back, and the electric current punishment of the shackles... makes it impossible for her to activate the armor alone in this life..." Chu Linshan's laughter was like a ghost, which made Chu Yan's mind constantly stabbing.

    He was shocked and angry, and his whole body fell into a state of despair and mania.

    "I'll kill you!" Chu Yan pulled out the prison guard's gun and pointed it at Chu Linshan.

    His hands trembled, and the shot hit him in the knee.

    Panting heavily, Chu Yan threw the gun on the ground and walked out of the prison.

    He couldn't kill Chu Linshan, he knew that he angered himself just to ask for death. Chu Yan thought that he would torture Chu Linshan to the last moment, and he must not let him die so easily.

    ... Then, what about himself.

    Chu Yan walked out of the Imperial Prison in a daze, and returned to the Chief's Mansion.

    His luggage was almost packed, and Chu Feng had already submitted an application for him to go to the border in the army, asking him to leave after his birthday in a few days. He had heard of the harsh conditions there before, and the sergeants who were sent there were either being punished or paid extremely well.

    Chu Yan didn't want anything, he thought, he was going to be punished. He deserved to bear this, even so, it was not worth one ten-thousandth of what he owed He Yunbai.

    He picked up the small knife he was wearing in the suitcase, and unconsciously pointed the sharp edge at the palm of his hand. As the blood slowly flowed out, Chu Yan inexplicably felt a little bit of relief.

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