Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 He wants to kiss her uncontrollably...

    It had been a long time since He Yunbai had slept until the sun was shining brightly.

    She woke up in her cramped dormitory, and her first reaction was to get up and put on her training clothes.

    Fortunately, the noon sun outside the window was dazzling, passing through her thin old curtains and falling on the wooden floor, He Yunbai remembered that she had passed the combat power test yesterday, and was brought back to the academy by Li Lan to treat her wounds briefly. Then go back to the dormitory and fall asleep.

    She is on vacation!

    He Yunbai was in a good mood when he thought of this, and was about to get up and boil some milk to drink.

    But as soon as she turned over...

    well, her whole body was sore.

    When she was taken to the infirmary by Li Lan yesterday, the nurses in the infirmary were shocked. It was only later that they realized that she had gone through a combat test.

    Fortunately, He Yunbai didn't suffer any internal injuries, and the bruises on his body would disappear soon, but the skin on his knuckles was broken and he needed to heal for a few more days.

    Even though his body hurts everywhere, He Yunbai still felt very excited.

    She has fought many times. Everyone said that she was expressionless and calm when fighting, but in fact she also felt excited when she won.

    Especially when she severely humiliated Zhao Zichen yesterday.

    When Zhao Zichen was against He Yunbai before, she didn't take him seriously. It wasn't until Li Lan told her that this man was caught by the patrol team in the middle of the night and was promoted to second lieutenant. A few glances.

    Now it seems, but that's all.

    She was merciful in several matches yesterday and did not break the opponent's mecha, but she really couldn't bear it when she faced Zhao Zichen.

    In the end, when he was pushed to the ground by her hair, He Yunbai felt that he was about to cry.

    So cool! He Yunbai felt happy just thinking about it, and couldn't help rolling around in the quilt with the corners of his mouth raised.

    At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the dormitory.

    He Yunbai reckoned that Li Lan should have brought her supplements, which was what they agreed on yesterday. So he slowly got up from the bed, and went to open the door without washing his face or combing his hair.

    "Didn't I tell you to come in the afternoon..." She yawned and opened the door with disgust.

    Standing at the door was Chu Yan.

    The young man obviously dressed up carefully. Although he was not as formally dressed as he was on the date before, he was still neat and tidy, which made He Yunbai's unkempt appearance a bit embarrassing at the moment.

    Hearing He Yunbai's words, Chu Yan thought she had come early and disturbed her rest, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry... I was a little worried about you, so I brought the private doctor at home to take a look at your injury."     He Yun Bai is obviously a double-standard party, and the carelessness he thought he was about to see Li Lan was put away, and he immediately changed his expression. She was wearing a pajamas, a little cramped, but she waved her hands again and again: "It's okay, it's okay!"     Chu Yan was very polite about visiting such things, which was his education since he was a child. He was standing at the door carrying a bunch of large and small boxes of supplements and medicines, still very worried: "Did I bother you?     " That is, my place is too small to entertain you."     Her small dormitory is only 20 square meters, and although she usually tidies it up very cleanly, it is still too small and dilapidated. Imperial University has different grades of dormitories for students to rent out. In order to save money, He Yunbai rented the smallest one for three years.     She felt that a pampered young master like Chu Yan might not be used to staying in such a place with her.     Also, home is not the same as the training ground. A small lounge in a training ground may feel novel, but a dilapidated home is not so romantic.     Chu Yan didn't care about this, he thought He Yunbai was too tired and didn't want to see him today, so he said anxiously: "I'll let the doctor take a look at it for you, in case you get internal injuries, I'll leave right away!"     He Yun When Bai heard that he was leaving, he was a little unhappy again.

    Today's Chu Yan is very good-looking. He didn't put on hairspray like before. His blond hair is fluffy around his forehead and ears. He is wearing a hooded sweater and sweatpants, making him look extraordinarily youthful.

    His eyes were wet, and he watched He Yunbai's wounds and bruises on the outside of his pajamas with concern. He Yunbai's skin was fair, and those scars were particularly shocking. Chu Yan felt uncomfortable when he saw it.

    At this moment, the tall and straight boy retracted his sharp claws and stood in front of her like a big obedient dog. He Yunbai had no way to refuse him.

    "Okay." She stopped insisting and opened the door.

    Chu Yan stacked the things in his hands neatly in He Yunbai's small kitchen. The kitchen and the dining room are integrated, but He Yunbai doesn't cook much by himself, so there is no smell of oily smoke.

    Chu Yan specially invited a female alpha doctor from the private physician team to diagnose and treat He Yunbai, and she politely followed He Yunbai into the room to check her wounds. After getting He Yunbai's permission, Chu Yan sat down on the sofa in the living room and waited.     Fortunately, the school's infirmary is quite reliable. The previous examination results are basically consistent with what the female doctor said, but the female doctor specially emphasized the importance of the wound on her hand and took a lot of expensive wound medicine.     "Second Young Master, then I'll leave first." The female doctor said hello to Chu Yan and then left. She still has other patients who need to visit.     Only Chu Yan and He Yunbai were left in the twenty-square-meter house.     Chu Yan knew that it was time for him to leave, as he had just said, but he was still staring at the toe of his shoe, and still didn't want to leave.     So he offered to ask: "I'll change your medicine."     He Yunbai was stunned for a moment, thinking that she should let Chu Yan go home too, and shouldn't waste his time. Besides, the longer he stayed in this small crappy house, the more embarrassed she felt.     However, she suddenly felt that her vacation alone was so lonely. Chu Yan is here, he is so beautiful that it is pleasing to the eye, which only adds luster to this humble room, and also makes this lonely place more lively.

    "Okay..." She finally agreed.

    He Yunbai felt that he had become more and more unprincipled recently.

    The young man who got the permission instantly jumped up, carefully sat beside He Yunbai, and took off the bandage wrapped around her hand.

    The deeper the blood was, the deeper Chu Yan's frown became.

    He held He Yunbai's hand as if holding a fragile treasure, and the movements of applying the medicine were meticulous and extremely gentle.

    He Yunbai recalled the day when he and Chu Yan first met, the boy fell in panic and fell among the rose bushes, and his arm was cut by a sharp thorn. At that time, she also prescribed medicine for him carefully.

    He looked perverse at the time, but now he seems to have changed a lot.

    There was silence, Chu Yan's eyelashes trembled, and he wrapped up both hands with new bandages for He Yunbai.

    "...don't frown." He Yunbai made a sound under the atmosphere so quiet that he could hear the needle drop, and lightly touched the center of Chu Yan's brow with his freshly bandaged hand.

    The boy sitting next to her took a deep breath, and looked down into her eyes, his eyes were dim, as if some key in him had been activated by her touch.

    Chu Yan was too close to her, the two of them were almost touching their arms, his face was only five centimeters away from her, and He Yunbai clearly saw himself in his pupils.

    The sound of his shallow breathing lingered on her.

    He Yunbai had just washed up briefly, his fair face was unpainted, and his black hair was still a little disheveled. In order to facilitate the doctor's examination just now, she did not change out of her pajamas. The collar was loose, exposing the skin below her collarbone. The bear print on the pajamas was incompatible with her cold temperament, showing a bit of childishness that hadn't entered the world yet.

    Facing He Yunbai like this, Chu Yan's ears turned red. He didn't know what was going on now, the two of them were very close and didn't speak. He Yunbai's light green pupils were like the enchanting potion of the ancient witch in the legend, bewitching him.

    He couldn't help but want to kiss her eyes.

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