Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 He Yunbai is his meaning. ...

    He Yunbai has been a little restless these days.

    She is very good at mediating emotions. Every time she finds that something is wrong with her, she will try her best to find out the cause of the emotion and then solve it.

    But this time seems to be different.

    The main reason is that many things are mixed together, and there are too many problems for her to worry about. Such as transplant surgery, such as the solution to the fourth-level nuclear beast, and... Chu Yan.

    After screening, He Yunbai finally attributed his recent ups and downs to the fourth-level nuclear beast that had not been able to research the corresponding combat mode. After all, neither the transplant operation nor the matter of Chu Yan was so urgent.     The cooperation between her and Zhao Zichen last time was generally unsatisfactory, but the accuracy of his firing still made her a little worried. This should be a problem of lack of tacit cooperation, and it is also because the fourth-level nuclear beast is more tenacious than the previous ones, and even learned to pretend to be dead. Even He Yunbai couldn't see it in those two times.     He Yunbai and Zhao Zichen went to the edge of the dense forest a few more times, trying to find a few more fourth-level nuclear beasts to train their coordination. But it seems that their last two kills put them in a state of vigilance. These attempts all ended in failure. They didn't even meet a fourth-level nuclear beast.     Quite a few people of other levels were killed, but He Yunbai was still in a state of irritability.     After returning to the camp, she began to carefully study Li Lan's thesis on the habits of nuclear beasts.     Zhao Zichen saw He Yunbai's meticulous workaholic appearance, and wanted to persuade her: "You will have surgery in a few days, you should rest for a while."     "If the fourth-level nuclear beast is really because of our previous The killing has become more vigilant, it is better for us not to startle the snake."     "I understand." While talking to him, He Yunbai did not let go of the text scrolling on the light screen in front of him, "But I listen The doctor said that after the transplant operation, it will take about a week to recover, what should we do if the nuclear beast suddenly invades during this time?"

    She was worried: "It's better to research a set of feasible fighting methods in advance, so that even if I can't fight, you won't be at a loss."

    He Yunbai is so serious, what else can Zhao Zichen say? He could only read these lengthy articles written by Li Lan with He Yunbai, searching for the flaws of the fourth-level nuclear beast like a needle in a haystack.

    He has a very strange feeling, that is, apart from the urgency of the nuclear beast crisis, He Yunbai seems to be filling himself with these tasks, so as to alleviate some of his worries.

    What could it be? Zhao Zichen thought of Chu Yan, but quickly forgot him.

    That guy was about to leave with the second batch of support teams, and he didn't show up at all during this time, so He Yunbai should not be affected by him anymore.

    Zhao Zichen didn't think about it any more. He was still her co-pilot, so he didn't dare to slack off, so he quickly focused on reading the article.

    "Hey." He was attracted by the page that He Yunbai was staring at for a long time.

    "He Yunbai, look here." Zhao Zichen pointed to a line of words in the lower right corner of the light screen.

    Seeing He Yunbai's expression lost in thought, he realized that of course she had noticed this too.

    Li Lan concluded in his thesis that the fourth-level nuclear beasts all have a characteristic, that is, they can all sense the mental power of the mech pilot. Moreover, it is the mental force exerted by all drivers collectively. They will become sensitive to this collection of mental power and store it in the memory system. Over time, they will be able to recognize familiar mechas in the mecha group, and carry out targeted attacks or avoid them.

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