Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 He Yunbai, you have won.

    Chu Yan felt that He Yunbai seemed to be in a cold war with him recently.

    The last time she took out the ring, when he shook his head, Chu Yan could clearly feel He Yunbai's uncontrollable disappointment.

    He is also sad.

    He even thought, if He Yunbai likes him so much and cares about him, why not just agree? Maybe He Yunbai doesn't really care about his little idea of ​​resisting marriage?

    But Chu Yan still didn't make a decision.

    During the period after he was marked, He Yunbai hardly took the initiative to find him.

    She often took a long time to reply to the messages she sent in the past.

    That night, He Yunbai seemed to accept Chu Yan's decision calmly, suppressed all his emotions, and returned to him as if nothing had happened.

    However, from the second day on, He Yunbai seemed to be very busy and rarely appeared in front of him again.

    A few times Chu Yan went to the dormitory and her office to look for her, but they were all in vain.

    She rarely even went to the training room, so Chu Yan had to train alone in the empty field.

    The fact that he couldn't see He Yunbai made Chu Yan upset. He thought, might He Yunbai secretly feel sad because of his rejection, and that's why he didn't want to see him?

    If that's the case, it's okay to ask him to do anything for her, even getting engaged.

    He didn't want to make He Yunbai sad.

    But in fact, He Yunbai has no time to be sad these days.

    She temporarily moved out of the dormitory and lived in Wang Qingqing's dormitory who had just returned from her interstellar journey.

    He Yunbai urgently needs to escape from all this and be with someone who is far away from all this, and Wang Qingqing, who is an outsider, is perfect.

    At the same time, she is planning to expose all these methods of Chu Linshan.

    He Yunbai now regrets not being able to record it at the beginning, but after thinking about it carefully, Chu Linshan's hands and eyes are as good as the sky, and he was able to reveal these words to her on purpose, so he must be ready to make her shut up.

    She has been busy contacting people inside the army for the past few days, trying to obtain a way to secretly approach Chu Linshan in certain meeting occasions.

    But all failed.

    He Yunbai actually knew that if they could get engaged directly, this matter could be resolved in the simplest way.

    As for the relationship between Chu Yan and her, as long as she puts on an attitude of coercion or inducement, Chu Yan actually has no way to refuse her marriage proposal.

    For example, using a breakup as a threat.

    But He Yunbai couldn't do such a thing after all, she couldn't bear to put her boy in such a situation.

    During this period of time, she was in a state of desperation, Chu Linshan was like an impenetrable copper wall, and she could not find any way to attack him. When facing Chu Yan, she couldn't help but feel a little evasive.


    Chu Yan still couldn't hold back his thoughts, and told Flora all the thoughts in his heart.

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