What Makes Them Dangerous: Yandere Jonathan Joestar

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You wouldn't think so, but Jonathan may very well be one of the more dangerous yanderes of all the JoJos. Why? Well, because he's probably one of the only ones that exemplifies the idea of a yandere, meaning he is both sweet and kind but also very, very twisted. You won't ever see that side of him though. No one will ever see that dark side of him. Dio may have ruined his reputation to some degree, but no one would ever suspect him of being lovesick to the point of madness. Not even Dio could convince them of that.

Jonathan can trap you with him in a way that you won't even be aware of. He has a way of appealing to your guilt and sense of sympathy and empathy that can get you to do whatever he wants. If you refuse him, well, he supposes that he's crossed a line and disappears from your life for a while. Why should he stick around where he's not wanted after all? Little do you know that he's already got you. When he pulls himself out of your life, the vacant spot he leaves behind keeps getting bigger and bigger until you can't handle it anymore. You need to get him back, apologize, and make him realize just how important he is to you. You hurt his feelings, but he'll never hold it against you. Especially not now that you're being so sweet to him!

You know about all the horrible things Dio has done to Jonathan. He's lost so much and you wanted to shove him out of your life all because he confessed his feelings to you? Why don't you just cut his heart out while you're at it, Reader? You'll feel like the worst person in the world for making him sad... and that's exactly how he planned it. He's already got you in his clutches and you'll never even realize it. He's not going to lose the only good thing he has left. 

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