You Give Love a Bad Name (Yandere Diego x Backstabber Reader)

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NOTE: I didn't write anything for the entire month of October and I feel awful about that. Imagine me, a lover of horrifying JoJo fanfics, not writing anything for the Halloween season! Unforgivable! So I'm gonna try to make up for it all this month starting with this story. Please accept this as part of my apology!

NOTE 2: I don't know why I keep pairing poor Diego up with criminal Readers. It's an aesthetic, I guess.

Warnings: YANDERE, possessiveness, very dark themes and implications, degradation, violence towards Reader, threats, and other forms of unpleasantness. Also Reader is kind of an asshole. I head canon that yandere Diego is a lot wilder than regular Diego. No smut!

Diego hated himself for letting you into his heart. He wanted to hate you, but he couldn't muster the proper level of emotion. He loved you. He loved you dearly, and that was the problem. You had somehow wormed your way into his heart. You were so sweet to him the day the two of you met. He'd been injured and you showed up out of nowhere wanting to help him. He shooed you away, his pride and distrust of other people preventing him from accepting help from anyone. You insisted and he bellowed at you, demanding that you leave him alone and mind your own business. You started bawling then, not because of him yelling at you, but because, in your own words,

"I can't bear to leave you like this! You're bleeding so badly! Please, please let me help you!"

He sneered at you telling you to just shut up and aid him then. Anything to stop your infernal squalling. How your demeanor changed. You were so happy that you'd been allowed to help him, smiling sweetly as you bandaged his arm. You looked so cute that he couldn't stand to look at your face. You didn't ask him questions about how he got injured or pry into his personal affairs. Instead you talked about how you'd been a long time fan of his and had followed as many of his achievements as you could. You told him that this was the first time you'd been able to actually watch a race that he was in and you were so excited about that.

Diego was used to having fans that adored and worshiped him, but you were something else. No other fan could point out maneuvers that he used to achieve his victories, but you did. You didn't just adore him for his achievements alone, you actually studied his methods. You told him that you became a fan because you wanted to watch him succeed. Never in his life had Diego felt so... supported. Others had been lured to him for his looks, charm, and achievements alone, but you seemed drawn by merely adoration of him as a jockey and your joy at watching him win.

It flustered him and he hated that. Diego Brando was the one that flustered, not the one who got flustered.

How dare you make him feel like this...

Thereafter you became an absolute pest. He saw you nearly everywhere he went and he didn't know how to feel about it. He jokingly accused you of stalking him and the shocked and ashamed look on your face had him laughing. Finally he had made you blush, and it was the loveliest sight he'd ever laid eyes on. You had him, fully and completely, and he found himself looking forward to seeing your excited face in the crowds. Seeing you like that, waving at him from among the rabble, it never failed to have him smiling. You were like a rare jewel shining through piles of trash. Your very presence made him feel uplifted. Even when he wasn't doing well in the race, you were there to offer your support.

"So what if you lost your place!" you said. "You're Diego Brando! You'll do what you have to to regain your spot in the race and gain five more places in the process! Nobody can keep you down!"

Then you'd hold your little fist in the air and cheer and another crack would form in the shield that Diego had put around his heart.

Some time after that, you confessed to Diego. You told him that you'd had a crush on him since you first saw his picture in the newspaper, but meeting him in real life and seeing his feats for yourself, actually getting to speak to him in person... it turned your crush into full blown love. Many women confessed their attraction to him before, but it was always limited to his looks or fame. Other than his mother, no one had ever said they loved him before. It shattered the shield around his heart completely and he went weak in the knees.

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