What Makes Them Dangerous: Yandere Johnny Joestar

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Johnny's dark determination coupled with his need to maintain his delusions are his most dangerous traits. These two factors cause Johnny to be a yandere no one wants to trifle with. His Stand, Tusk, is one of the strongest Stands there is and his ability to use Spin adds a double whammy of danger to the mix. Once Johnny has decided that you and him are a couple, that's it. You just ARE a couple. He doesn't care if you agree with him or not. Rejection? Don't be stupid. No really, Reader, don't be stupid. Rejecting him will stir up the seeds of resentment in him and believe me when I say you don't want that. Having Johnny obsess over you is one thing, but being on his bad side is a recipe for disaster.

Keep Johnny happy, Reader. That's your best bet for survival. Why did I say "survival"? Why do you think? Johnny doesn't have very many people left in his life and he'll cling to anyone that is still sticking around. He has some extreme abandonment issues and they only get worse if something happens to Gyro. If it ends up with just you and Johnny left to deal with Valentine, Johnny's fragile hold on reality will snap.

The time to escape him is long, long passed by this point. Now you're stuck with a Johnny who views you as the love of his life and believes you to feel the same. Even if you don't, you'd better keep that to yourself. Johnny doesn't want to hear it. Does Johnny actually love you? Well, he certainly thinks he does. Even if it isn't what a stable minded person would call love, Johnny still has an extreme attachment to you. Whatever the case, his main goal now is to keep you safe from his enemies and if that means locking you away somewhere that no one will find you, then so be it. You will live out the rest of your days with Johnny as he forces you to pretend to be his little lover. And you'd better play along, Reader. Stand up to him or ruin his fantasy in any way and he'll make you regret ever having been born. If by some EXTREMELY slim chance you manage to escape him, prepare to live the rest of your life on the run. You will go mad from the paranoia of never knowing just when he'll catch up to you (and he WILL catch up to you). Once he finds you again, he'll make sure that running away never crosses your mind ever again. I'd wish you luck, Reader, but if you managed to get Johnny as a yandere, then your luck has run out. 

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