What Makes Them Dangerous: Yandere Joseph Joestar

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Another yandere you'll never suspect to be yandere in a million years, but even if you do, it won't matter. Joseph is extremely clever. Sure, he may act like a muscle-brained moron or an overgrown child sometimes, but his cunning and wit are sharper than Kars' arm blades. It's really easy to write him off as a hopeless goofball when he's whining about you ignoring him or getting into hamon-infused food fights with Caesar, but don't be fooled. He knows exactly what he's doing. He'll use his goofball nature to endure himself to you. I mean, how can you say no to that blinding smile? If you make him sad he'll pout like a toddler until you apologize and make it up to him. Joseph has a way of wearing you down by simply wearing you out. Dealing with this particular yandere will make you feel like an overworked single mother whose kid is going through the "terrible twos". He'll have you so exhausted and annoyed that you'll give in just to get him to stop his childish antics.

If that doesn't work, he'll revert to sabotage. Oh, you're going out on a date with someone else? Not if he has anything to say about it! If he can't convince you to change your mind about the date, he'll follow you in secret and make sure you have the worst possible time imaginable. He'll use Hamon, sleight of hand, his ties to the Speedwagon Foundation, bribery, intimidation, or whatever else he has at his disposal to ruin your date. All night long your date gets food dumped on him, wine and other drinks spilled all over his expensive suit, his car has four flat tires for no reason at all, and on top of it all a stray dog decides to use his leg as a toilet. By the end of the night, your date is so stressed and frustrated that he yells at you. Somehow he blames you for everything that happened to him and leaves you to walk home by yourself. Your eyes are blurred with tears so you don't see who it is that you bump into while attempting the long walk home. You flinch, expecting to be yelled at again only to discover that it's good ol' JoJo. He always seems to be there when you need him. You're so glad to see a friendly face that you don't even question what he's doing on this side of town. You tell him all about your terrible date and he decides to cheer you up by taking you on a date to his favorite Italian restaurant. Have you ever had squid ink spaghetti? No? Yeah, it sounds gross, but trust him, it's the best thing you'll ever eat!

He'll wine and dine you and you'll have so much fun with him that you'll forget all about how badly your date went. Before long, you won't even think of dating anyone other than JoJo. And that's the dangerous thing about Joseph. You may think you have him all figured out, but no matter what, he'll always be two steps ahead of you. 

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