What Makes Them Dangerous: Yandere Jotaro Kujo

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Do I even need to explain what's dangerous about yandere Jotaro? The man exudes violence from his very skin! While he is yet another yandere that will never show you his dark side (if he can help it), he has no trouble showing anyone else just how crazy he is for you. He tries to stay nonviolent most of the time, but he knows from experience that some people just can't take the hint without getting a few of their teeth knocked out. Anyone that crosses you or gets in the way of his relationship with you will find themselves in his crosshairs. And they will quickly learn that this is a very, very bad place to be. Jotaro will try to reason with them first. He won't bother to sugar coat things though. Gentle persuasion isn't exactly his thing. If they keep messing with you or trying to separate you from him, he will put them in the ICU without hesitation (and that's if they're lucky). If they're unlucky, well....

Jotaro doesn't like the idea of taking a life, but that doesn't mean that he won't. He's done it before and he'll do it again if he feels he has to. Some people are just too stupid. Some people just don't learn their lesson the first time. Some people don't realize that Jotaro was being merciful when he only broke both of their legs. Some people simply don't deserve to keep living. That guy that keeps flirting with you even after Jotaro nearly beat him to a pulp? He's about to disappear. Jotaro only gives people one warning. If they can't listen to reason then whatever happens next is completely their fault. Jotaro's patience is limited, especially when it comes to you.

The worst part is that you can't tell when he's giving someone death glares or just being Jotaro. You feel like he's giving your friend dirty looks, but it's hard to tell because he tends to look at everybody like that. Dude's got a fatal case of resting bitch face. It starts to bother you after a while and you finally decide to just come out and ask him why he keeps glaring at your friend, all he says is:

"He's annoying."

You sigh and shake your head. You don't know what you expected. There aren't many people around that Jotaro doesn't find annoying so you aren't really surprised by his response. You start to see less and less of that friend though. After a week or so of not seeing him at all, you start to get worried. He isn't answering your calls, either. You decide to go to his house to find out what's going on. You meet him just as he's getting ready to go into town. He jumps when he hears your voice and visibly turns pale. You go to hug him and he just backs away from you, practically climbing over his car to get away from you, acting as if your arms just turned into venomous snakes. When you ask him what's wrong he bluntly tells you that he doesn't want to be friends with you anymore. You ask him why, but he offers no explanation. He just tells you that he wants nothing to do with you anymore and tells you not to call him or come to his house ever again. The whole time he's saying this, he's nervously glancing around and looking over his shoulder. It makes the situation all the more confusing. The whole thing upsets you pretty badly.

You go up to your favorite spot, a place off the highway that is pretty secluded and overlooks the town. Hardly anyone goes up there, so it's a good place to go to be alone. You aren't alone for long, though, because the next thing you know Jotaro's standing next to you. You have no idea how he snuck up on you so silently and it gives you a start when you turn your head and suddenly see him there, leaning on the railing next to you. He doesn't say anything, just gives you a nod in greeting. You respond with a very glum sounding, "Hey."

There's a moment of silence that lasts a little too long, before Jotaro breaks it.

"What the hell's wrong with you?" he asks, tone a little harsher than he meant for it to be.

You stifle a sob, all of your emotions threatening to burst forth. You don't want to cry in front of anyone, especially not Jotaro. You're afraid he'd tell you to stop sniveling like a baby, because he sounds like he's in a bad mood. After a moment though, you finally tell him about what happened between you and your friend. Jotaro listens intently, but doesn't say anything. He offers no words of sympathy or encouragement. He just stands there and listens in silence.

"I don't know what I did to make him hate me and he wouldn't tell me anything! He just pushed me out of his life like we hadn't been friends since middle school!" You explain. "What's so bad about it is that this isn't the first time something like this has happened. It seems like all my old friends are all ditching me, too, and I don't know why! I'm starting to think that there's something wrong with me..."

Another wave of emotion comes over you and you do your best to hold back the tears, but they start flowing in spite of your efforts.

If Jotaro noticed, he didn't say anything. Something cold nudges the back of your hand and you jump. You look down to see that Jotaro is offering you a can of beer. Whether you're a drinker or not, you decide that tonight you could use something to take the edge off. You take the beer from him and open it. You take a few sips, not really liking the taste of it, but you're not about to complain. Jotaro rarely does stuff like this for anyone, so you were going to take advantage of his rare display of kindness. It briefly occurs to you how weird it is that Jotaro managed to procure an ice cold beer way up there on the overlook, but that kind of stuff always seems to happen around him for some reason. You don't question it. You look to see that Jotaro is already sipping on his own beer. He pulls the can away from his lips and stares at you with a serious look.

"There's nothing wrong with you." he says. "They're just shitty friends."

You looked away from him, staring out at the lights of the town. You weren't too sure about that. If so many people were pulling away from you, surely it was because of something you did, right? Why else would they suddenly decide they didn't want to be friends with you anymore? (If you only knew, Reader. If you only knew.)

"Stop worrying about it." Jotaro's irritated voice interrupted your brooding. "People that would cut ties with you and not even tell you why are not worth getting upset about. They're just assholes and you're better off without all of them."

His tone was a bit harsher than usual. He sounded legitimately pissed off. You didn't say anything. You just took another sip of beer and stared up at him. He was looking out over the town, actively avoiding eye contact with you. He didn't want you to see the murderous gleam in his eye. All he wanted was for you to forget about those losers and focus on him. You didn't need them when you had him.

"Besides... I'm still here aren't I?" he muttered under his breath. The moment he said it he tugged the brim of his hat down over his eyes, feeling ashamed for saying something so sappy.

It was just loud enough for you to hear and it caught you off guard. Jotaro was being awfully soft with you tonight. Well, as soft as he managed to be for anyone, but still this was unusual. Besides that, he was right. Of all of your friends, Jotaro was the only one that still hung around. He was the only one that hadn't distanced himself from you. It was a miracle that he was even your friend to begin with, seeing how he seemed to hate the very idea of social interactions to begin with. If a guy like Jotaro was still willing to hang around you, and actually enjoyed doing so, then you must be doing something right. Fine. If your old friends didn't want anything to do with you anymore, then you didn't want to be around them anyway. Why stick around where you aren't wanted? JoJo was a better friend than all of them combined!

"Yeah, you know what? Screw 'em." you said, suddenly feeling elated and free.

You put the beer can to your lips and chugged the rest of it down, throwing your head back as you did so. Jotaro watched you with a small smile on his lips (which he hid by taking another sip of his beer). You finished off the beer with a satisfied sigh. It didn't taste that great, but you didn't care. You were celebrating a new beginning. From now on, you would only hang around people that actually cared about you. No more fake friends. If that meant that you only hung around JoJo, then so be it. At least you knew he wouldn't bail on you for no reason at all.

Jotaro allowed himself a brief smug smile before finishing off his own beer. While he was elated over the fact that he managed to make you forget about your former friends, he couldn't ignore how depressed you were earlier. Even in the darkness, he managed to see your tears. He told your friend to stay away from you, but he didn't tell the shithead to make you cry. Jotaro felt that he needed to teach that lowlife another lesson. Maybe a more permanent one this time?

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