JJBA Yandere Scenario: Escape (Jotaro, Giorno, Johnny)

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Scenario: Yanderes come home to find that the Reader has escaped.

Reader Beware: Yandere stuff, horror themes, abusive behavior, and very uncomfortable situations ahead. Remember that you alone are responsible for what you choose to read.

Jotaro (part 4): Jotaro knows you're gone from the moment he opens the door. The house has a strange, empty vibe. It's a feeling he became familiar with every time he came home after his first wife left him, taking his only child with her. As much of an introvert as Jotaro is, he actually despises living alone. You were supposed to fill that void, dammit. He gives the house only a cursory look over before confirming that you are indeed gone. It looks like you didn't even bother to pack anything. You were so desperate to get away from him that you just left with nothing but the clothes on your back. He sighs heavily and steps outside. He summons Star Platinum and gives the Stand the mental order to use his enhanced vision to search for signs of what direction you may have run in.

Star finds numerous clues: a few footprints, broken branches on some bushes, disturbed tree roots that you most likely tripped over in your haste to escape, and so on. In moments, Jotaro already knows where you're heading.

"Good grief." He mutters, shaking his head.

You had no plan at all. You were just running in a random direction and hoping that you would eventually come across civilization.

You stupid bitch.

You had no had no idea that you were just running deeper into the wilderness. Eventually you would come across the lake, realize that it was far too big to try to swim across and it would take forever to walk around it. You had no supplies and he knew you had no survival training to speak of. It would take almost a month before you reached anything that resembled civilization. That's exactly why he chose to bring you to his property way out in the middle of nowhere. Aside from making it harder for enemy Stand users to find the two of you, there were also no nosey neighbors to butt into his business. He was the only other person you would ever see or ever need to see. He made sure of that. He brought you here because he knew that even if you managed to get out of the house, there wasn't anywhere for you to go. You were stuck with him, like it or not.

He finds you standing on the bank of the lake, sobbing into your hands. Maybe now you finally realize that you can NEVER get away from him. Maybe now you'll stop this foolishness and accept that you belong to him and no one else. He stands behind you watching you have your little meltdown with zero sympathy. You brought this on yourself, so he feels no guilt at all. If anything he's furious. You won't see it though. If he actually shows you just how angry he is with you... it's doubtful that you would survive it.

Jotaro stands there silently watching you cry. After a while you wipe your tears, look up, and fall flat on your ass from the shock of seeing him standing there.

"JOTARO!" You scream, your voice shrill and hitched with shock and terror.

You know you're in for it now.

Jotaro doesn't move. He just stands there giving you his trademark glare, looking at you like you were less than shit. After a moment, his lips curl into a slight snarl and he turns away from you in disgust. You shakily climb to your feet staring at his back as he moves away from you.

"You really are an idiot." he growls.

He glances back at you over his shoulder.

"Let's go." he commands and walks away.

You fall into line behind him, staring at the ground and not saying a word.

Giorno (Don): Giorno's men have already informed him the very moment you disappear. By the time he arrives the whole island is in an uproar. Security is rushing around frantically searching for any sign of you, Mista is doing his best to remain calm but failing, Trish is sitting on the sofa in the parlor looking extremely worried. It was her that discovered that you were missing. She had dropped by to pay you a visit and you didn't greet her like you usually did. She and Mista tried to look for you but couldn't find you. They thought you might have been with Polnareff but he said he hadn't seen you all day.

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