I'm Gonna Make You Love Me (Yandere Oingo x Reader)

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Another Picker Wheel Prompt with a character I haven't written for yet.

**Note: This was a hard one for me because for the life of me, I can't see the Oingo Boingo brothers as anything but joke villains. I love them, don't get me wrong, but they are canonically comedy relief characters. Boingo's attempt at an evil laugh is the goofiest thing I've ever heard. And Oingo as a yandere? Can't picture it. If anything I see him as being really shy around someone he was crushing on. I tried to make it creepy, but it just came across as kinda sad.**

Prompt: Yandere surprises their darling by cooking a nice meal or at least attempts to.

Reader beware: Yandere content ahead! Though it's pretty lightweight compared to some of my other stuff.

Oingo put the finishing touches on the meal he'd prepared for you, glancing back at the recipe book to make absolutely sure that he did everything correctly. Cooking wasn't Oingo's strongest point, but since being abandoned by their parents, he'd had to make do for both his and his younger brother's sake. Boingo never complained about his cooking so it must at least be passable.

"How does it look?" he asked Boingo, who sat at the table with his half eaten meal and a coloring book.

Boingo looked up from his coloring and glanced at the meal his brother had been preparing. He smiled encouragingly and nodded his head.

"It looks great, brother! Yes! It will work out, just as Thoth showed. You have nothing to worry about." Boingo said.

Oingo sighed.

"Then why am I so nervous?" he asked.

Boingo resisted the urge to roll his eyes. What his big brother needed right now was reassurance, not derision.

"Don't be. It will be fine. Yes. You saw the pages? There's no need to be nervous. Fate has already decided what will come to pass. Just play your part and everything will be okay."

Oingo sighed again, steadied his shaking hands, then picked up the plate of food.

Boingo watched his brother leave the room before taking another bite out of his food and returning his attention to his coloring book.

Oingo walked down the hallway of their current hideout and made his way to your room. He kept repeating to himself that everything was fine. His brother's Stand had said that this was the way to earn your heart. It seemed wrong and twisted, but if it would make you love him, then he would do anything.

When he reached your door. He paused before knocking, waiting to hear you say something. When you didn't respond he opened the door and peeked inside. You were still in the same spot you were in when he left you the last time. You didn't even look up at him when he came in.

Guilt rose in Oingo's gut when he saw you like this. You hadn't spoken or shown any signs of awareness in days. You stopped eating a day or so ago and Oingo was at his wits end. Boingo just kept nodding sagely and saying that everything was going as it should. But you looked so weak and sick. How could Oingo not worry?

He entered the room and walked over to you, sitting on the ground next to you. He held the plate of food out for you to look at, but you made no motion to do so.

"I made this for you. You said it was your favorite, right?" he asked, pausing to see if you would respond.

You didn't, you just stared at the floor, eyes lifeless as always.

Oingo's heart clenched at your lack of response. Balancing the plate of food on one palm, he waved a hand in front of your face. You didn't even blink. Oingo huffed, looking down at the food in despair. He picked up the spoon and scooped up some of the food, blowing on it to make sure it wasn't too hot for you. He held it up to your mouth, gently touching it to your lips. You made no move to eat or do anything else.

Oingo gritted his teeth, fighting against that ever growing feeling of hopelessness.

"Will you at least eat this time? Please, it's been days. You'll die if you don't eat something soon."

No response. Not a single movement. Not even the slightest sound.

Oingo glanced at your wrists.

"What if I took the chains off? Would you eat then?"

No answer.

Oingo set the plate aside and pulled out the key for your shackles. He unlocked them and took them off of your wrists. Your arms went limp by your sides and you slumped against the wall, but that was all. You did nothing and said nothing. Oingo picked up the plate and scooped up another spoonful of food and placed it to your lips. Still nothing.

Oingo felt a lump working its way into his throat.

"Please, you can't... you can't just let yourself die like this! Me and Boingo... our parents are long gone. They bailed on us when I was just a kid. Boingo hardly knew how to walk then. We had to struggle to survive. You wouldn't believe the things we had to do to stay alive! And now... Lord DIO's gone... we don't have anything else! Me and Boingo were right back to square one before we met you. Do you remember that? The day you found Boingo by himself? I was trying to find a place to stay and Boingo had to wait outside... you came up to him asking if he was lost. I thought you were gonna be just like everyone else, but you weren't. You didn't bully him for being shy or try to take advantage of him because he was a kid. You actually wanted to make sure he was okay. When I came up to you, you didn't say anything about my scars. I don't think you even looked at them. I didn't know what to think. You didn't seem real. Nobody's that nice unless they want something from you. When you found out we didn't have anything to give, you wanted to help us anyway. You paid for our medical bills, dammit! Who does that for complete strangers?! That's when I knew... you were just too good for this world. It eats up people like you. I had to protect you, just like with Boingo. I had to make sure that no one took advantage of that kind nature of yours."

Tears flowed freely down Oingo's face as he spoke. He wiped his face on his sleeve and sniffed.

"That's why... that's why you're here now. Boingo said that if I let you get on that plane, we'd never see you again. I didn't mean to take things this far... I just..." he glanced at the chains. "I just couldn't let you slip away. Aside from Boingo, you're the only good thing in my life. I know you don't understand all that stuff I told you about Stands, but Boingo's can tell the future. It said that we would be together if I did this. It may seem scary right now, but this is how it's supposed to go. If you just..."

Oingo stopped talking when you opened your mouth. His own mouth dropped open in shock before he straightened up and gently pushed the spoon into your mouth. You accepted the now cold food, chewed and swallowed. Frantically, Oingo got another spoonful of food and held it to your mouth. Your lips parted and Oingo thought he would scream with joy.

"Thank you..." he sobbed. "Thank you so much."

He didn't say anything else, just quietly fed you as tears of relief streamed down his face.

On a whim, Boingo looked up from his finished meal and summoned Tohth into his hands. He flipped open the book to the latest page and smiled at the image that formed there.

"Yes. Just as I thought. We finally have our happy ending, big brother." he said with a devious grin. 

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