Blind Love, Blind Obsession: Yandere N'Doul x Reader

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Another Picker Wheel prompt story.

Yandere: N'Doul

Prompt: "Yandere and their darling are good friends until Darling accidentally finds something in their room that reveals what the yandere's intentions really are."

**Note: I was working on the Jealous Yandere Doppio/Diavolo story but I'm struggling with it. I'm not sure, but I may end up rewriting it all together. I'm taking a break from it for now. So here's a little something to tide you over until I finish it. I took some liberties with N'Doul's character in this story. Not much is revealed to us about him (at least not in the anime, I haven't gotten that far in the manga just yet), so I just got creative with him in this. Hopefully it's not to the point that he's out of character. I also didn't realize it until I was already finished with the story that N'Doul went the whole way without ever once using his Stand. Sorry, Geb. Maybe next time.**

N'Doul had developed a strange friendship with you ever since you'd come to Cairo to study Egyptian Mythology. You ran into each other by chance and found that the mysterious blind man knew quite a lot about the subject. You would even go so far as to say that he was almost an expert. From there, you had developed a fondness for him. As for N'Doul himself, well, he never expected to make any kind of friendship with anyone.

His duty to Lord DIO had been his one and only concern for so long that the notion of friendship or any sort of attachment to anyone other than his master was a foreign concept. But as he held onto your sleeve as the two of you traveled from landmark to landmark, he felt an intense emotion beginning to swell up in his heart. He noticed that it was beginning to happen nearly every time he was in your presence. Your excited laugh, your kindness and consideration towards him, your occasionally brazen touches, it all nearly drove him insane. You had a strange habit of tapping against his earrings to get his attention instead of merely speaking to him. He knew you were only doing it out of playfulness, but... you had no idea what sensations such a simple act sent through him. The vibrations of your fingertips coupled with the warmth radiating from your hands nearly made him drunk with the ever growing affection for you.

But it wasn't just affection anymore. He knew that what he felt for you had broadened well past what was normal. Even Lord DIO had become aware of it and commented on it.

"If you're going to make your move, N'Doul, you had better do so soon. In the meantime I don't want your pining over this commoner to get in the way of your responsibilities to me." the vampire warned him.

"Of course not, my Lord. Nothing will deter me from serving you." N'Doul was quick to assure him, dropping to one knee upon hearing the voice of his master.

"See that it doesn't." Dio said with a derisive sniff.

He was silent for a moment before adding, "However, it would be painfully cruel of me to deny one of my most loyal and competent followers the simple happiness of being with the one they love..."

There was a sinister tone in DIO's voice that made N'Doul uneasy. If his vision had been intact, he would be disturbed by the look of wicked mischief that painted his master's expression. He could hear some rustling sounds as DIO moved about. After a moment, he could hear the sound of something being put into what he assumed was a glass container of some kind followed by the sound of Lord DIO's footsteps approaching him.

"Hold out your hands, N'Doul. I have a gift for you."

N'Doul did as he was told while balancing his cane against his shoulder. He felt a jar being placed into his hands and was confused until he felt the vibrations of something moving in the jar. It squirmed and writhed in a worm-like fashion and when N'Doul realized just what his master had gifted him with, his lips formed into a menacing smile.

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